The clock seemed to insist on moving slower when the teacher was boring. Sighing I leaned back in my chair, as a note hit my foot. Dropping my pencil I picked it up.

Seychelles, would you like to join me for a tour around the campus after class perhaps? I would be very happy to have the honor.-France

I sighed again. This was the third time the Frenchman had asked me that! It`s not that I don't want to, I do, it`s just that every time we`re alone together he tries to pull something. Plus I have to meet with England in the student council lounge after class he should know that! Peeking up and making sure the teacher wasn`t looking I wrote a quick reply,

France, I wish I could but I can`t. I have to meet with England after class you know that…-Seychelles

And sent it back to France . Two minutes later it came back, with yet another irritated sigh I picked it up.

Yes, but I was hoping you would skip out on him for me…

I looked back at the Frenchman and he gave me a pleading look that I almost fell for. But didn`t.

No means no Francis. He will be SO mad at me if I skip again! Maybe another time…- Seychelles

I watched him open and read the note with a pouty expression, then look at me and mouth,

"Why?" I groaned and mouthed,

"BECAUSE" . That's when I heard my name being called from in front of me. I turned around in my seat and came face to face with the teacher.

"Miss Seychelles, I am interested to hear what is so interesting between you and Mr. Bonnefoy." She said tapping her foot clearly irritated. Giggles and whispers were hear throughout the room and she didn`t seem to hear them. I blushed, thinking that I was lucky I hadn`t been caught with a note and forced to read it aloud. "Well? I`m waiting." I heard someone whisper,

" He`s probably asking to screw her again." I blushed several times harder at that. The teacher held out her hand and I looked at it wondering what the hell she wanted this time.

" Hand it over." She commanded. I just gave her an utterly baffled look, and she sighed at me. " The note." She hissed. I looked at her guiltily.

" I don`t have it." I could feel her eyes on me as she slowly made her way past my desk over to France's.

" Mr. Bonnefoy if you would be so kind." She said as she extended her palm out to him. He chanced a glance at me then slowly reach inside his desk and pull out the note. She came back over to my desk. "Would you like to read it? Or shall i?" I resisted a glare at her as I took the note from her hand muttering that I would, then slowly walked to the front of the class room.

" Seychelles," I took a deep breath and could feel myself blushing already and I heard snickers in the room. " do you…know what the science homework is?" Now I was utterly confused, so I chanced a glance at France who winked at her letting her know he swapped the notes. I smiled in spite of myself and read on. " Yeah, pages 124 through 133 worksheets and review." Then I handed the note to the teacher and went happily to my seat, smiling gratefully back at France before facing the front of the classroom only for the bell to ring.

I quickly packed up my stuff not wanting to be late to meet with England for two reasons, one he would be furious at me and…two, I couldn`t wait to see him again. Every day he was cruel and mean to me yet I returned every day to him. Just so I could see those emerald green eyes once again. On my way down the hallways trying to avoid a coaxing France I tugged at the collar around my neck loving it yet hating it at the same time. On one hand it assured me I would see him at least once a day almost always more, yet it held me captive, bound by more than the material collar, by emotions, by love. Swept up in emotions I wasn`t looking where I was going and ran straight into Hungary.

" Oh my gosh I`m so sorry Elizabeta! I wasn`t paying attention!" I freaked at my close older friend. She smirked and replied,

" Thinking about one of them again?" I blushed.

"NO!...maybe." She laughed at that.

" Going to meet up with England I assume?"

"Yeah." I blushed harder. Hungary was one of the few people who knew of my emotions for both France and England and constantly teased me about it , all in good fun of course. She smirked again and said in a sing song voice,

"Have fun!"

"What is THAT supposed to mean?!?!" I called after her but she didn`t respond only continued to walk towards the dorms. I shook my head and ran towards the student council room realizing the little chat had made me five minutes late. Five minutes that I would have to kill myself to make up.

When I ran into the room he was waiting there for me arms crossed, and glaring. I apologized over and over melting at the sight of him. But it was no use I was in trouble big time, because this was the latest in a long chain of tardies . He sighed,

" Go make my tea, and this time, do it right." Oh, how I hate him. Wait wasn`t I JUST saying how much I loved him? Wow, I am seriously emotionally confused. I tender glance as I passed by him which quickly turned into a glare as soon as he looked my way as I stalked off to make the Britt some tea.

A/N: the first chapter in what i hope will get better...its okay but certainly NOT my best work anyway plz r/r