The Overnight trip Chapter 4

Yoh shuddered as Haruna's fingers wandered over a ticklish spot. He squirmed in disbelief as naughty fingers returned to the same spot and lingered teasingly. Yoh looked down into Haruna's upturned face and caught the mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"You don't strike me as the ticklish sort..." Haruna giggled as she began her assault in earnest, running her nimble fingers down his sides to chase his shudders.

Yoh bit his lip and resisted the urge to squirm as he feigned nonchalance under attack.

"That's 'cause I'm not." He gasped in a vain, last ditch attempt to save himself.

"You're not fooling me!" Haruna declared as Yoh finally dropped the pretense, batted her hands away and lurched to the side in self preservation. Haruna dived after him. It was rare to see Yoh flustered and she wasn't about to let this opportunity go. He was just so... cute like this.

Yoh planned to roll away from the invading forces but Haruna was having none of that. She leapt onto and straddled his thighs, pinning him securely with the trap of her legs. Yoh's arms, however, proved one last daunting and effective counter as they blocked her attacks.

"Let me tickle you!" Haruna squealed in frustration as her hands darted hither and thither, trying to find a gap in his defence.

"No. Stop.. Why..."

"Because it's fun. Let me!"

"No." Yoh grabbed her wrists and sat up suddenly. In one swift motion, he flipped Haruna onto her back, reversing their positions. Haruna stared back at Yoh with wide disbelieving eyes as he smiled wickedly.

"Now that you know I'm ticklish, i think it's only fair for me to find out if you are..." Yoh transferred the hold on both her wrists to his right hand, a far too easy task he mused, as her wrists were slender and felt so breakable. Yoh's heart went tender at that thought.

Haruna wasn't going down without a fight though. With her famous strength, she thrashed and writhed in an attempt to avoid Yoh's advance. She wondered briefly why she seemed to be railing against an opponent with such insurmountable strength when before she had bested him at arm wrestling. She could only conclude that he had either grown stronger since or he had let her win then.

And all was lost as Yoh's fingers descended on her sides in torment. She could barely breathe, such was the torture, and she pleaded for mercy. Yoh was not unkind. He relented, withdrawing his left hand and loosening the restraining grip of his right.

Tickles were a decidedly tiring activity, Yoh concluded, as he stared at Haruna sprawled on the bed. Her panting mirrored his own. But thoroughly enjoyable, his mind continued, as he admired the indignant flush on her cheeks, the tousled hair and the bare skin that was exposed. During the struggle, the hem of Haruna's tank top had migrated upwards and now, a tiny bit of black lace peeked out shyly.

The mood grew serious as his gaze turned dark. Haruna bit her bottom lip in nervousness as she followed the line of his gaze and realised what he was looking at. A flicker of hesitation came and went and Haruna's gaze grew resolute.

Her hands reached for the hem of her top. "No, don't ..." Yoh's protests died in his throat as Haruna lifted herself slightly off the bed and pulled the garment over her head. Yoh's mouth went dry.

oh be still my heart! evil evil laughter..