Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of the characters used in the story.
Summary: When Ryou commits suicide Yami gives Bakura the chance to go to the moment in time when Ryou takes his life. Will Bakura succeed or will he be condemned to watch Ryou die again?
Warnings: Yaoi, character death, and a slightly alternate universe.
"To all of us! May you continue on as friends and keep each other alive in our thoughts and memories."
"Ra damn it. I'm too late," thought Bakura as he watched Ryou raise his glass, "I can't watch him die again."
"To all of us," the group repeated before taking a drink from their glasses.
Bakura's heart pounded as Ryou took his first drink of the poisoned liquid.
"I won't let him die," was his internal battle cry as he knocked over his chair, grabbed Ryou by the waist, and crushed his lips against those of his other half.
Ryou shocked by the sudden assault tried to swallow and back away but Bakura forced his chin down keeping him from swallowing. With a deft tongue run over Ryou's lips he made the boy moan into his kiss. With Ryou's mouth open he seized the opportunity to drain it of the cyanide laced beverage into his own. With a proud smile he swallowed it.
Panic overrode the pleasure Ryou felt as he realized that Bakura had just unknowingly poisoned himself. As fear raced down his spine he struggled against Bakura's grip. Bakura in response tightened his hold on the boy's waist. With a quick hand he stole Ryou's glass and quickly downed the rest of the drink.
"Bakura, no," Ryou cried, "someone call an ambulance."
"No," Bakura barked to the rest of the guests, "I forbid it."
"You'll die. Let me call for help" Ryou begged.
"I know," he replied as his grip began to loosen and breathing became harder, "I just couldn't watch you die again."
"You knew? Again? I don't understand," Ryou sobbed.
"I didn't understand at first either," Bakura explained as he met Ryou's concerned gaze and ran a gentle hand through Ryou's hair, "but I guess I love you."
"You love me," Ryou questioned receiving a weak nod in response, "Gods damn it. Don't just stand there like a bunch of idiots. Somebody call an ambulance," Ryou shouted at his friends.
Tristan was the first to respond grabbing a phone but as he began to dial Bakura collapsed to the ground.
"Don't die," Ryou pleaded as he fell to his knees beside Bakura, "that poison was meant for me not you. I just didn't want to live anymore. I don't want you to die."
Bakura managed one last weak smile before his last breath escaped him.
"No, I won't allow this," Ryou proclaimed as he began performing CPR.
"Ryou, he's gone," Yami said as he placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.
"I refuse to believe that. I can bring him back. I will bring him back," Ryou yelled even as the cord that held the millennium ring snapped causing the item to fall to the floor.