Disclaimer: I do not own Emergency! Or any rights to it or its characters. I use them for my enjoyment only. I hope you enjoy as well.

Chapter 4

Miss Tucker handed out bags to all the children to collect their apples in. She gave one to Johnny too.


"Ok children. Let's head out this way and I'll show you where the trees are that you can pick your apples from. Do not climb in the trees because you might break the branches. When we are done with that, there is a hay maze that you can climb through for a few minutes before we have lunch and then head back to the school."

The kids took their partners hands again and followed Miss Tucker to the trees.

"These two rows are where we can pick apples. Don't go too far. Go ahead." she said.

Johnny watched the children scatter.

"Uncle Johnny, come with us." said Jenny tugging on his hand.

"Ok cutie. Let's go."

The headed down into the trees. Johnny picked some of the apples on the higher branches and handed them to Jenny and Sally. Jenny and Sally also picked apples off of the lower branches. When their bags were about half full, Johnny heard a yell.


Johnny turned and ran in the direction of the cry. He found a small girl up in one of the trees. At the base of the tree, he found a ladder.

"It's okay, honey. You'll be fine. How did you manage to get up there?"

"I climbed up that ladder (hic) and then the ladder falled down (hic). I didn't know how to (hic) get down."

"Okay sweetheart. I'll get you down. Just a minute." Johnny put the ladder back up against the tree. He climbed up the ladder, put his hands on the little girl's waist and lifted her into his arms. He climbed down the ladder and placed her on the ground. "There you go. Now, where is your apple bag?"

The little girl pointed up into the tree. Johnny hung his head, took a deep breath and climbed back up the ladder. He retrieved the little girl's bag, climbed back down and handed her the bag. "Thanks Uncle Johnny." she said with a sweet smile.

"You're welcome sweetheart." Johnny headed back over to where Jenny and Sally were.

They had finished filling their bags, so they helped Johnny fill his. When that was done, the three of them headed over to where Miss Tucker was with the other children. Miss Tucker did a quick head count, counted 20 and said, "Ok class, let's head over to the hay maze. That should be fun."

The group headed over to where the hay maze was. It was stacks of hay blocks that the children could climb through. The children started to climb through the stacks. Miss Tucker and Johnny found a picnic table nearby and sat down.

"Phew" said Johnny, "How do you do this everyday? I'm exhausted already."

"Well, usually we are just in the classroom so it is a little easier keeping them on task. They are so much fun and are like little sponges. They just want to always make me happy. They get really upset if they can't figure something out." she said.

"Miss Tucker, Uncle Johnny" Jenny came running over to where they sat. "It is Billy. He's not breathing right."

Johnny took off at a run following Jenny. He dove into the hay maze and found Billy. He picked him up and carried him out of the maze. Johnny laid him down and checked him over. Johnny could hear his breathing. It was really raspy and hoarse. Johnny looked up at Miss Tucker, "Does he have any medical issues?"

"Well, he has some allergies. I don't know what they are." she said.

"We need to get him to a hospital. Can you run over to the shack and ask them to call 911?"

Johnny went into paramedic mode. He collected vital signs and kept listening to his breathing. Billy was awake but very distressed. Miss Tucker came running back. "The ambulance is on the way."

Johnny talked to Billy "Hey Billy, it's okay buddy. The ambulance is on the way and we'll get you to the hospital so you can breath better." Billy just looked up at Johnny with tears in his eyes.

Johnny finally heard the sirens. Thank goodness, he thought. I'm going to start carrying my own biophone and drug box when I'm not on duty. Squad 110 pulled into the field. Bellingham and Brice jumped out.

"Hey Johnny. Whatcha got?" Bellingham asked.

"Young boy, age 5, difficulty breathing. History of allergies but specifically unknown. His breathing is really raspy and hoarse sounding. He's going to need 02."

"No problem. We'll take over now." said Brice.

Johnny sat back on his heels and let Bellingham and Brice take over. All the children stood with Miss Tucker and watched. When the paramedics had spoken to Rampart and had Billy calmed down and breathing better, they loaded him into the ambulance that had arrived. The ambulance slowly pulled out of the U-pick with the squad following closely behind.

"Uncle Johnny," asked Jenny "Will Billy be okay?"

"Sure honey. He'll be just fine. You know Brice and Bellingham. They won't let anything happen to Billy."

"Maybe you should have gone with them."

"But then I wouldn't be able to finish the field trip with you." he said and gave her a reassuring hug. "I haven't had this much fun since you, Chris and I went on that hike a few weeks ago. How about we go see what you mom packed us for lunch."

Miss Tucker, Johnny and the class headed over to the picnic area. Johnny looked at his watch. He couldn't believe it was 1200 already.

After their picnic lunch, the children played on the playground for a short time. Johnny pushed children on the swings and even played a game of tag. The game ended when all the children tackled Johnny.

At 1:30 Miss Tucker and Johnny loaded all the children back on the bus for the ride home. The bus ride got very quiet. Johnny looked around to see all the children just staring out the windows. By the time they returned to the school, it was time for them to go home.

Johnny and Jenny got into the Rover and drove back to the Desoto house. Jenny ran into the house yelling "Mommy, mommy guess what happened?" Jenny chatted non-stop about the trials of the day and about squad 110's arrival taking Billy to the hospital. Roy and Joanne just looked at Johnny. He shrugged.

"Jenny" said Joanne "why don't you go change into your play clothes."

"Yes Mommy." Jenny started out of the room, turned around and launched herself into Johnny's arms. "Uncle Johnny, thank you, thank you, thank you for coming on my field trip. I had SOOOO much fun."

"You're welcome sweetie. I had a great time too."

Jenny ran off to change her clothes. Once she had left the room, Johnny told Joanne and Roy about the little boy getting his foot caught in the toilet. "...so he says, my mom told me not to flush with my hand because of germs. She said to use my foot." Joanne and Roy started laughing and Johnny joined in. All three had tears running down their cheeks.

While they were laughing, the phone rang and Roy got up to answer it. Joanne calmed down enough to speak, "Johnny do you want some iced tea."

"Oh, that would be great. Thanks, Jo."

Joanne left the room to get the iced tea. Johnny sat back on the couch and thought about Miss Tucker. She was gorgeous but how the heck did she do that every day. He was exhausted. He thought, I'll just close my eyes for a minute until Joanne comes back.

Joanne found him about 10 minutes later asleep on the couch. She took the throw off the back of the couch and put it over his lap, gave his a kiss on the forehead and thought, you are the best Uncle Johnny there is.


Author's Note: I hope everyone got a chuckle or two. I figured I had to throw in a squad and ambulance for good measure. Stay safe.