Hey! Okay, so I wrote this way back when as a Valentine's Day gift to my friend, but Valentine's Day came around and her fic to me wasn't done, so this was held hostage. Her request had been for a cute sibling moment between Parker and Eliot. Enjoy! Reviews are love (and crack)!

Disclaimer: Leverage doesn't belong to me. This is purely fanmade and I am not making any profit off of this.

Can't Forget

Parker was shaking.

Eliot was bleeding.

"Too much," she murmured, "too much."

Her hands pressed against Eliot's stomach, wet and slippery as she held her jacket to the wound. It used to be white, but there wasn't a thread left untainted by the warm red...

She wanted to throw up, wanted to cry, but tears didn't come to her eyes. She didn't look at Eliot's face, couldn't; not when this was her fault. Too slow. If she'd just moved faster, they never would have grabbed her. Eliot never would have had to go in and save her.

The vents had been too damn small.

Eliot had stopped moving long ago and she was too scared to check for a pulse, too scared to touch his skin, because she was sure if she did, it would be cold.

He was going to die if he hadn't already and it was her fault.

She bit her lip, hard enough that she knew she'd bit through skin. She tasted blood in her mouth, barely a drop when she looked at her jacket. She closed her eyes when her hands slipped and her body jerked hard enough that she caught a glimpse of Eliot's bare arm.

Too pale.

Too pale to still be alive.

A tearless sob escaped her and she shook her head, hard. "No. No."

"Darlin', darlin'."

Parker's eyes snapped open, body jumping up off the couch. Arms wrapped around her from behind, pulling her against a muscled chest. Her own chest heaved, unable to catch or hold a breath as she heard a slow Southern drawl in her ear.

"It's alright, darlin'. Breathe."

Slowly, she sagged against him, breath gradually calming as she felt the steady thrum of his heart against her back.

He was alive. Eliot was alive. She knew that, but that dream still...it had been her fault that he almost died to save her. She'd be faster next time, quicker. She wouldn't let them catch her, never again. She wasn't going to let Eliot be put in that position again. He protected them, but who was supposed to protect him?

She turned in his grasp, arms wrapped tightly around his waist as she pressed an ear to his chest, right at his heart. Her eyes fell closed, letting herself feel the rhythm.

"I don't like guns."

She heard Eliot chuckle at that, body vibrating as his chin rested atop her head.

"I know."

The End