A/N Dsiclaimer: None of the Yugioh characters or the show belong to me. Most of the jokes belong to LittleKuriboh. This is purely for entertainment on my part and a friends. (We get bored in class and this is what happens). There will be more on the way.

Friend List

xPharaohsrPhatx: Pharaoh

SpiceWorld: Pegasus

HeadCase: Tristan

CuzImWorthIt: Yugi

S-x_bomb: Duke


FunkyFlorence: Bakura

xEgyptiansrHawtx: Marik

CuzxI'mxaxGummyxBear: Odion

+1000DeadPuppies: Seto

Iluvmy'bro: Mokuba

BrokklynRage: Joey


xPharaohsrPhatx has signed on:

xPharaohsrPhatx: uh…what are we going to do about Yugi's Grandpa? His body is kind of decaying… -_-

Headcase: Burn the Witch!!...wait no that would make it smell even more…


xPharaohsrPhatx: Tristan that won't help.

BFFLAE has signed on:

BFFLAE: Pharaoh is that u? lyke I'm not wearing nething right now…um, I mean poor Yugi :,( -but lyke I bet friendship can help dis! 3

SpiceWorld has just signed on:

SpiceWorld: Ooooo! What ARE we talking about?

HeadCase: Sometimes I get bigger…my mom says it's perfectly natural for a boy my age

SpiceWorld: Indeed it is!

S-x_bomb has signed on:

S-x_bomb: I bet you can't get as big as me…OMG! Is that you Pegasus? I've spent my whole life trying to look as manly as you! 3

xPharaohsrPhatx: **mumble* that explains a lot…

SpiceWorld: What is that lovely music?

CuzImWorthIt has signed on:

CuzImWorthIt: Duke what did we tell you about the theme music?

S-x_bomb: What theme music? O.o

SpiceWorld: Oh leave the boy alone this music is simply Faaaabulous!

FunkyFlorence has signed on:

FunkyFlorence: Well 'ello there young chaps! I love your name Pegasus!

SpiceWorld: Im watching it again and everytime I watch it, it just gets better and better! ^_^

S-x_bomb: Are there any hot chix in it?

SpiceWorld: I don't watch it for them silly boy! I watch it for Richard E. Grant and Alan Cumming!

SpiceWorld: They are simply Faaabulous!!

xEgyptiansrHawtx has just signed on:

CuzxI'mxaxGummyxBear has just signed on:

xEgyptiansrHawtx: What's Spice World?

xPharaohsrPhatx: Thanx for blatantly copying my name Marik!

xEgyptiansrHawtx: DID NOT!! :( Odion kill him!!

CuzxI'mxaxGummyxBear: You can't do that through the internet Master Marik!

xEgyptiansrHawtx: **pout*

SpiceWorld: Everyone stop so I can explain to the poor boy!

SpiceWorld: Thank you!

BBFFALE: Who said you could talk to us!?

xEgyptiansrHawtx: I did! Now I wanna hear about the movie! My midriff compels you to be silent! :(

SpiceWorld: Now…Spice World is a wonderful movie that has the Spice Girls in it and they are trying to put on a show. Their manager is Richard E. Grant **hug* and they are being documented, sort of, by Alan Cumming **hug, kiss*

SpiceWorld: I only watch it for Richard and Alan! ^_^

xEgyptiansrHawtx: Is this Richard and Alan hawt?

SpiceWorld: Well of course they are! What kind of question is that?

+1000DeadPuppies has just signed on:

Iluvmy'bro has just signed on:

+1000DeadPuppies: Oh please. Don't make me sick.

+1000DeadPuppies: No one watches that movie anymore!

xPharaohsrPhatx: **mumble* Pegasus apparently does…

Iluvmy'bro: Don't be such a digital dummy Yami! Seto ALWAYS watches Spice World with me! ^_^ he even said that I'm like Baby Spice, and he is Scary Spice!

+1000DeadPuppies: What did I tell you Mokuba!?!

Iluvmy'bro: Never bring it up in public…

+1000DeadPuppies: You broke that rule!

SpiceWorld: OOOOOH!! That's just wonderful Moki-boy! I call being Posh Spice!

CuzxI'mxaxGummyxBear: ….I think everyone needs to watch this video. 3


xEgyptiansrHawtx: No one cares about your effing gummy bears!!! They are friggin' disgusting! :(

xEgyptiansrHawtx: OH FLOREEEEEENCE!!! :)

FunkyFlorence: How's it hanging dude?

xPharaohsrPhatx: Do we know you?

FunkyFlorence: We go to school together…

xPharaohsrPhatx: ….

FunkyFlorence: It's Bakura…

xPharaohsrPhatx: Never heard of you

BrooklynRage has just singed on:

BrokklynRage: Nyeh what are we arguing about?

xPharaohsrPhatx: Aparently we know someone named Bakura and Gummy Bears can dance and sing…

CuzxI'mxaxGummyxBear: You're actually watching it?!?!

xPharaohsrPhatx:…my mouse accidentally clicked on the link…

CuzxI'mxaxGummyxBear: YOU ARE!! Oh I'm so happy!!


BrooklynRage.: I'd rather watch Spice World then the CGI Gummy Bear!!

CuzxI'mxaxGummyxBear: It took hours to make the Gummy Bear do it right!!

HELP!! has just signed on:

HELP!!: I think I am having a heart attack…

HELP!!: Yup…

HELP!!: Definitely a heart attack…

CuzImWorthIt has just signed off

xPharaohsrPhatx has just signed off

BFFLAE has just signed off

SpiceWorld has just signed off

BrooklynRage has signed off

HeadCase: Where did everyone go? Oh...right…

HeadCase has just signed off

S-x_bomb has just signed off

FunkyFlorence has just signed off

xEgyptiansrHawtx has just signed off

CuzxI'mxaxGummyxBear has just signed off

Iluvmy'bro: Why DID everyone sign off Seto?

+1000DeadPuppies: Shut up Mokuba!

+1000DeadPuppies has just signed off

Iluvmy'bro has just signed off
