DISCLAIMER: I neither own Glee nor the characters. They are the property of Ryan Murphy and FOX. This is purely for fun. Enjoy :)

A/N: Voila! Family Ties is over! Enjoy the Epilogue. Be on the lookout for my next story. Please review. It makes The Minsk happy. :)

And a happy Minsk writes awesome Finchel fanfiction.

Family Ties


December 2010

"Son of a . . ." Finn grumbled while he tried to fix the bow-tie that would not lie straight on his neck. He was standing in front of a full length mirror, and no matter how many times he tried to retie it, he couldn't get it right.

"C'mere, son, let me help. . ." Burt came over to Finn and fixed his bow-tie the right way. Finn was surprised at how well he could tie one of these things. He looked up at his soon-to-be stepfather. He actually looked pretty decent when you wiped all the dirt and grease off of him. He looked good in a tux.

Finn looked down at Burt tying his bow-tie. The past nine months had been like a blur. He couldn't believe that exactly a year ago, he and his mom were still living in his old house across town. Now he couldn't imagine life without the Hummels. Things had moved so fast in the beginning, he'd been glad that they had decided to wait until they had been together for almost a year to officially tie the knot. Compared to last December, it seemed like he was living a different life. He had a girlfriend, a step-father, a step-brother. . .

And New Directions was on their way to the State Championships.

"Do you have the rings?" Finn placed his hand on his lapel pocket for what seemed like the millionth time that morning. He was not going to be the one to ruin his mother's wedding and forget the rings. He felt the little bulge in his jacket pocket and staved off the feeling of panic that would seize him whenever he thought of the rings.

"Yeah. They're right here." Burt nodded and Jesse poked his head in the room.

"Five minutes, guys!" Jesse came in and started to fuss over Finn's hair.

"Back off, Jesse. I told you that you weren't allowed to put stuff in my hair!" Jesse scoffed.

"Well I'm not facing my boyfriend's wrath when he complains that you ruined the photos with your flyaway hair. Bend down, Andre the Giant!" Burt stepped away from Finn after he tied the bowtie and Finn allowed Jesse to put some product in his hair. Sometimes he thought if Burt wasn't around, he would be the only person in their little "family" with an ounce of testosterone.

"Where's Kurt?"

Jesse laughed. "Where do you think? Doing your Mother's hair and makeup. He just finished Rachel's." His heart skipped at the mention of his girlfriend's name. His hand automatically reached for his right pants pocket. The wedding rings weren't the only pieces of jewelry he had on him today.

He felt the little box he'd been hiding all morning. It was Rachel's Christmas present, but he wanted to give it to her today. He was nervous about the whole prospect of giving her this gift. Kurt and Jesse said giving jewelry to a girl was a big deal, and he was worried about her reaction. It was more than just a Christmas present, though. That's why he wanted to give it to her today. It was special. It meant something more.

After Jesse fixed his hair, he looked at himself in the mirror again. He had to smile. He didn't look half bad in a tux! He pulled out the little box and looked at Rachel's present. It was a white gold locket, with the initials "F&R" inscribed on the front. Inside the heart-shaped pendant was a picture of Finn and another of Rachel. He had used the Glee club yearbook picture from last year and cut out both of their faces. They were the only ones small enough to fit.

This present had him feeling like a total chick. He had gotten the original idea from Kurt and Jesse, but he'd become obsessed with the gift once he'd bought it. He wanted it to be perfect for Rachel. She deserved perfection. He had spent more money on this one gift than he had ever spent on anything else in his life. Thank God Burt had made him an official part-timer at the garage. He'd been earning good money since the spring, and he was really starting to think cars were his calling. Rachel called him her giant grease monkey.

"You ready, Finn?" He looked up at Burt and noticed that he and Jesse were ready to go. He could hear organ music in the background. This was it. Time for the big show.

He followed the other guys out of the room and stood in line to enter the church. He saw Kurt and didn't know whether to laugh or cry of embarrassment. Kurt was asked to be his mother's Maid of Honor, and Finn was asked to be Best Man. Jesse and Rachel were also in the wedding party, but Carole and Burt had wanted their sons to fill the most important roles. Kurt was on cloud nine because he got to be called a maid all day. And he had free reign on all the makeup and fashion of the wedding. He had picked out the dresses, the color schemes, even the floral arrangements. He had remarked that wedding planning made him even happier than shopping, and he and Jesse joked that they were going to open a Wedding Planning business.

He stood next to Kurt in the line. They had to walk down the aisle together. He was wearing a tux, thank god, but he had his own bouquet. He tried to suppress his embarrassment that he was the only guy who had to walk down the aisle with another dude. He would rather be with Rachel, but as he looked around the line, he couldn't see her. She had to walk with Jesse, a fact that he tried not to let get to him. Yeah, they were practically brother and sister these days, but it still bothered him. The music became louder and louder and Kurt elbowed him in the side.

"Do you have the rings?" Finn nodded and felt his lapel pocket for the final time. The doors opened, and he and Kurt entered the church.

It wasn't the biggest church, but it was filled with practically the whole town. All of Burt's clients, all of Carole's friends, and even the entire glee club had showed up for the ceremony. Finn took his place next to Burt and turned around to see the rest of the wedding party and his mom come down the aisle.

He finally noticed Rachel and wanted to jump out of his position and kiss her senseless. She looked stunningly beautiful. She was the only bridesmaid, and she wore the strapless crimson dress like it was painted on her. It hugged her figure and accentuated her long legs in her high-heels. He didn't know what Kurt had done to her hair, but she looked amazing. It was pinned up in an elegant twist, with wispy strands of hair framing her face. She had small red flowers and baby's breath in her hair, like a crown. She held the small red bridesmaid's bouquet, and when she made eye contact with Finn, she beamed at him.

All of a sudden, his mind had wandered a million miles away. Instead of a red dress, she was suddenly wearing white. Instead of a crown of flowers, she had a veil. And instead of Burt waiting at the end of the aisle, it was him. The image stayed in his mind for a split second before he was pulled back to the present, with Rachel walking towards her position on the podium.

His heart started to pound. This wedding was really getting to him.

She walked up onto the bride's side of the podium and got in place while Jesse did the same next to him. The guests stood up in wait for the bride. He looked up and was filled with happiness when he saw his mother. She had never looked more happy or more beautiful in his entire life. He was grateful that Burt was in her life to make her this happy. She walked down the aisle and he felt his chest tighten with emotion.

This wedding was turning him into a girl.

His mother joined Burt in the front of the church and the priest started to begin the ceremony. He was filled with emotion. He noticed that Kurt, Rachel and Jesse all had tears in their eyes.

He stared at Rachel for the better part of the ceremony. He couldn't get that image from before out of his head. It was bugging him and making him think very girly things. He was pulled out of his fantasy by the Priest.

"Do you have the rings?" He pulled the rings out of his lapel pocket and it felt like the weight of the world was lifted off of his shoulders. Burt placed a ring on Carole's finger.

"Do you Burt, take Carole, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He saw Burt say yes, but in his mind, he heard; "Do you Finn, take Rachel. . ." He shook his head and tried to clear the idea out of his mind.

He looked up at Rachel again and realized what his subconscious was trying to tell him.

He wanted to marry her.

The epiphany left him feeling dizzy at the podium.

He thought about it some more. Did he really think he could marry Rachel? Not now. Definitely not now. But after high school, far, far, FAR in the future. . .yeah . .he could totally see himself marrying her.

He grinned like an idiot throughout the rest of the ceremony.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride!" The entire church clapped when Burt and Carole kissed, and Finn pulled Rachel to the side when the guests followed them out to their limo. They still had to go to the reception, but Finn hoped he had a few minutes to spare.

"What's up, Finn? We're going to miss them leave in the limo!"

He shook his head. "I know, but I can't wait any longer. I have something for you." He reached into his pocket and she looked at him with wide eyes. He pulled out the little velvet box and he thought her eyes couldn't get any wider.

"Rachel. This was supposed to be your Christmas present, but this wedding is turning me into a straight-up chick. I love you. And I want you to always know how much I care." He opened the box and she stared at the heart shaped locket with her mouth wide open. "It's a locket." He picked up the jewelry out of the box and opened up the pendant to show her the pictures. She touched the inscription on the front when he passed it to her. She was smiling, but tears were falling down her face. "Do you not like it?"

She shook her head violently. "NO! I love it! I'm just still emotional from the wedding and this is too beautiful. I love you, Finn. So much." He smiled and bent down to kiss her. His lips lingered on hers and he wished there wasn't a caravan of people waiting outside for them.

Kurt ran back into the church. "C'mon guys, the family is waiting!" Finn pulled Rachel's hair back and put the locket around her neck. They shared another too-short kiss and Finn took Rachel's hand. Kurt tapped his foot impatiently and rushed them out of the church.

"All right you two lovebirds, the next wedding will be yours! I can see it now, the colors will be silver and deep blue! I predict a winter wedding and I'll have to get the flowers shipped in from South America. . ." Kurt continued his imaginary planning, while Finn and Rachel shared a loving look.

They joined their family and drove off to the reception, with Kurt and Jesse planning their future wedding the entire time.


Salut Mes Amis!

I loved this story. I loved the characters, and I loved exploring the idea of acceptance and family. Yeah, Kurt might be a bitch, but he is one of the most complex characters on the show. And I might love Finn and Rachel, but they're not the only characters on the show either. I enjoyed my first characterization of Kurt and I would like to write more of him in the future.

I've already started writing my New Story. Be on the lookout. It will be another Finn fic. I adore him.

Until Next Time. . . *sings* Don't Stop. . . Reveiwing!

Merci Mille Fois

The Minsk