Hallo again! A oneshot; all for you! Will post more on Happy Lie soon!

Edward pulled out his textbook and frowned. There was a red heart stuck to it. A card, by the shadows around it. He wondered if he should just throw it in the bin, so as not to make Jake angry, or worse, upset. But then frowned harder when he wondered if his boyfriend would be mad if he didn't read the letter, and reject the sender politely. Curiosity finally got the better of him, and he flipped open the card. In black texta, the card said:


Je t'aime,
Te amo,
! 1()/3 _`|()()
1 3 U

Jake (^=3=^)/ ~ 333

Edward smiled, easily translating the Japanese, French and Spanish. He frowned and squinted at the one below. Slowly, he decoded the writing. I love you. He beamed and mentally congratulated himself at translating the net-speak. He remembered Alice saying something about '3' meaning a heart, so he easily read the next one. Rawr? What does that mean? Edward spent the next lesson puzzling over the one word.

Edward was still reading the card with his brow furrowed that afternoon, on his barely-used bed and waiting for Jake. The wolf walked in and grinned.

"Got the card? I used every once of ninja in me so you wouldn't notice too soon!" The tanned boy grinned and flopped next to Edward. After not getting a response for a while, Jake frowned. "What? Don't I get a kiss? Or do you hate the card?" He asked, Edward blinked quickly and instantly pressed his lips onto Jake's. But soon he broke apart and pulled at Jacob's arm. Jake smiled at the signal and rolled on top of Edward, pressing there bodies together and propping himself on his elbows, so his forearms were at either side of the other boy's head.

"I love the card, and I love you too …." Edward rolled his eyes and turned them back to Jacob, gold boring into chocolate brown. "But what does 'rawr' mean?" Jake ducked his head, shaking slightly. It took Edward a while to realise he was laughing. "What's so funny? Jake! Please answer my question!" Jake's shaking grew stranger and he erupted into giggles, slipping his arms around Edward's neck and burying his head in the other's chest. Edward waited, embarrassed, for the other to calm down. Finally Jake propped his chin up, smiling.

"Is that why you were trying to burn a hole in my card with your laser-vision?" The boy asked. Edward sighed.

"I'm a vampire, Jacob, I don't have laser-vision."

"Well you could, you read minds instead."

"I doubt any vampire could. What about you wolves?"

"What about us?"

"Do you have laser-vision?"

"No! Of course not!"

"There! See? No such thing."

"Then someone bursts in saying 'Oh my god guys! I have laser-vision!'."

"Like who? Emmett?"


"That would be creepy."

"So anyway, you wanna know what rawr means?" Jake asked, getting back on subject cheekily. Edward nodded. "Kiss first." Edward ducked down and planted his lips firmly on Jacob's. Both of them sat up, sitting between each other's legs, not breaking contact. Jake licked at Edward's bottom lip, asking for entrance, but Edward pulled back.

"The meaning of rawr now." He chided. Jake pouted then smiled, leaning close to whisper in the other's ear.

"Rawr means I love you in dinosaur."

Edward smiled.

Teh end! R&R! (^3^)/~3