Sister Complex

Well, due to, dare I say, popular demand, haha, here is another chapter of Sister Complex. ^^ I hope you enjoy it.

Dedication: To everyone who reviewed chapter one, forcing me to keep paying attention to this story when my mind started started to wander away from it. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I do not own Skip Beat! or any of its characters, but I sure as hell own Megumi. ^^

Chapter 2

"Nii-chan, hurry up! I won't let you be late, even if it kills you!" Megumi chirped, practically dragging Cain along at breakneck speed as they walked towards the studio.

Flinging open the door a moment later, a cheerful smile of relief blinded the male staff nearby as Megumi cried happily, "We made it!"

Cain nodded silently. Scanning the lovestruck faces around the room, Cain slipped his hand out of Megumi's grasp, choosing instead to grab her wrist as he pulled her closer to his side.

Spotting Cain by the door, the director's face lit up as he called him over.

Maintaining his hold on Megumi's wrist, Cain slowly walked over to the director's side.

The director glanced questioningly at Megumi. "This is…"

Megumi stepped forward, a business smile now pasted on, matching her serene expression. "Good morning, my name is Megan Heel. I will be acting as my brother's temporary manager for the duration of his stay in Japan." Bowing respectfully to the director, Megumi murmured, "We look forward to working with you."

The director glanced nervously at Cain before turning back to Megumi. "Um, Megan chan, how old are you this year?"

Megumi smiled confidently at the director. "I will be turning 20 in a few months."

The director's gaze turned disapproving. "Pardon my rudeness, but are you sure you will be able to handle managing Cain san's schedule?"

Cain glared harshly at the director, his eyes turning ice cold with anger. "Megumi chan has been my manager unofficially since she was a freshman in high school." He bit out."

The director visibly started. Cain's lack of physical violence forcing the director to concentrate on the meaning behind his words. "If Megan chan has been working as your manager for so long, why does she still refer to herself as only your temporary manager?"" The director asked curiously, though his bones were still shaking from the chill Cain's voice had sent through him.

Cain opened his mouth to speak, when Megumi put a hand on his arm to stop him. "I'll answer this one, nii-chan." Megumi said softly.

Turning her attention back to the director, Megumi straightened her spine, holding her head high. "Although I have been offered a full-time job as nii-chan's manager, I wish to pursue a profession in politics, and as such, will only be serving as nii-chan's manager until we find a suitable replacement." Megumi explained smoothly, secretly happy that her little speech seemed to have gone over well.

The director paused for a moment, then nodded in understanding. "Alright, I'm sorry for doubting you, Megan chan, or is it, Megumi chan?"

Megumi's eyes widened imperceptibly, immediately grabbing her brother's arm to stop him from acting rashly. " 'Megumi' is actually nii-chan's nickname for me." Megumi explained calmly, her grip on Cain's arm causing his eyelid to twitch slightly in pain. "I allow it since he is my brother, but I do prefer being called Megan above all other names."

Noticing the sudden tension between Megumi and Cain, the director quickly agreed to Megumi's request. "Megan chan it is then. We need to start filming BJ's scenes in about half an hour, so if you could make sure he's ready by then…"

Megumi smiled graciously. "Of course. Thank you for your time, Director." Taking the next few minutes to have Cain greet the other cast members, Megumi quickly established a rapport with the women that were to be murdered by BJ. Promising to chat with them later on, Megumi swiftly withdrew from the conversation and took Cain to his dressing room.

Closing the door behind them, Megumi closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, that was fun, wasn't it, nii-chan?" Megumi asked sweetly, her earlier professionalism disappearing into thin air.

"Hn." Cain grunted, not really paying attention to his little sister's antics as he took off his jacket. "Leave."

Megumi pouted cutely. "You're no fun." Nevertheless, she obediently stepped outside. "Well, since you were on your best behavior earlier, I guess I'll do the same, for now."

A/N: Yes, I know, in the manga Kyoko is specifically told that she will not be Cain's manager, but hey, since I made the sister different, might as well make the plot a bit different as well.

Hope you guys like it. ^^