I don't own FMA or HP

Twenty years later:

Harry looked around in nostalgia as he entered Kings Cross, the scarlet steam engine standing as unchanged as ever. In front of him James seemed to bounce in excitement, ready to start Hogwarts. The school he had heard so much about.

"I was wondering at what point I'd be seeing you here." a voice said in amusement.

Startled Harry turned, seeing Edward Elric standing there, looking amused.

Harry blinked at that "Ed? What are you doing here? I haven't seen you since...well fifth year." he said.

Edward grinned "Isn't it obvious? They do need an alchemy teacher after all." he said.

He then glanced over as a blond walked over to stand next to Edward, smiling brightly "Harry! It is nice to see you again. Is your son just starting Hogwarts? I know there wasn't a Potter last year." she said.

Harry gave a wry smirk at that "And exactly how long have you been the alchemy teacher?" he asked.

Edward waved his hand "Last ten years. Needed something to do with my life." he said.

He then knelt down, looking at James seriously "But I will have you know, I know your father and I know exactly how much mischief he got in to. So I will be watching." he warned, though his eyes twinkled to show the mischief lying within.

James gave a grin at that "Challenge accepted." he said.

"Now you've done it." a voice said.

Edward grinned brightly as Ginny walked up, the other two children following "Why, if it isn't one of the advance class." he commented.

Ginny grinned "And hoping at least one of my children can follow in my footsteps." she said.

Her smile then softened "How is your father doing?" she asked.

Edward rolled his eyes "A workaholic as always. He's still slowly rebuilding the country. But he's succeeding so he must be doing something right." he said.

Ginny nodded at that "Next time you see him can you tell him thanks? His alchemy teachings...they saved a lot of us at the end. Because of him we were able to save a lot of lives." she said.

Edward nodded at that "I'll pass on the message. Thank you." he said.

He then put his arm around Winry "Anyways it was nice talking to you. But we need to get a seat. We'll be seeing you around." he said, waving before directing Winry to the train.

Harry couldn't help but glance at Ginny who looked at the retreating pair in amusement. After just moments she began chuckling before it turned to laughter.

Harry raised an eyebrow "Care to fill me in on the joke?" he asked.

Ginny just gave him a look "With Roy as teacher he tried to barbecue the class. Edward may not be his biological son but...i feel bad for who ever he teaches." she explained.

The green eyed wizard cringed, patting his son on the shoulder "It was nice knowing you son." he said sympathetically, earning an alarmed look.

This however just brought on more laughter from the parents. It was true after all.

It seems Hogwarts would never be boring after all.