Disclaimer: I do not own any of the songs that I mention in this story, nor do I own Avenged Sevenfold or any of the band members…
I do however, own myself, Hannah, and also I made up Damien and my grandfather, 'cause my real grandfather lives here in Washington. The plot was also all of my own thinking. (I think a lot.)
"So, Hannah, what are we doing for my birthday this year?" Damien asked sarcastically.
Damien, my best friend for eighteen years now, is turning twenty in two days. I just turned twenty myself almost two weeks ago. We have a tradition that every year, on Damien's birthday, we would go to wherever Avenged Sevenfold is performing to see them, so he knew exactly what we were going to do. He was just being a smartass.
This year, Avenged Sevenfold's show is in Long Beach, California. It is the last concert of the tour that they have currently been on. My grandfather from my mother's side of the family lives in Huntington Beach, so Damien and I are going to be staying with him while we are there.
When I was ten, I promised my grandfather that whenever I went to visit him, I would bring freshly dug clams. Luckily, there was a tide the morning before Damien's birthday.
I had to get up very early, and I wasn't thrilled. I am NOT a morning person. Anyone could tell. And on top of me hating mornings, I couldn't get to sleep last night, so I had about an hour and a half of sleep, but I guess it is kinda my fault. I'm the one who drank all the coffee.
"Don't be a smartass, Dame." I said crankily. He should know better than to mess with me this early in the morning. He just chuckled at my crankiness.
We were headed over to Roosevelt Beach, a little bit south of Pacific Beach. It only took us about an hour to get there from Damien's house at the rate that I was driving. He lives in Aberdeen, Washington. I pretty much do too, but I don't. I live in a small town called Cosmopolis, but ever since seventh grade I have gone to Aberdeen. Cosi only has an elementary school.
We got there and parked. We then changed into our boots and got our shovels out. I was hoping we would both get our limits by 6:30 am.
As we walked along the beach, we hit our shovels on the ground every now and then, looking for a small hole that indicates a clam being there. We both got our limit of fifteen clams by 6:45, which wasn't too late. I would just have to clean them fast.
We get to my house forty five minutes later. Damien goes and takes a shower, and while he does I clean and gut the clams. It only took me maybe just over half an hour to finish. I put then in the freezer, making a mental note not to forget them and headed upstairs. I grabbed a clean bra and underwear, a pair of dark gray sweats, and a black tank top, and get in the shower. I get out and blow-dry my hair. I then plugged in my flat iron and went and grabbed my ipod while it heated up. I went to Artists and selected A7X and hit shuffle. The first song to come on was Unholy Confessions, one of my favorites.
After I straightened my hair and had my makeup done the way I liked, I grabbed a pair of my vans and my Vengeance University hoodie and headed downstairs. I found Damien sitting at the kitchen table, chatting with my dad.
"Hey." I said, sitting down in one of the four wooden chairs and putting on my shoes.
"Are you two ready to head to the airport?" My father asked us.
"Yup." Damien said. "How 'bout you Hannah?"
"What? Oh yeah, I just gotta make sure I got all my stuff." I slip on my hoodie and head back upstairs to grab my suitcase and make sure I have the tickets for the concert, tickets for the plane, my phone and it's charger, my ipod, and my laptop and it's cord. Once I have everything together, I head back downstairs.
"Okey dokey. I'm all ready." I tell them, walking over to the freezer grabbing the clams.
Damien and I shoved our things into the trunk and got in the backseat of my dad's car. He drove us to the airport and we said our good-byes. We got to the airport with about an hour before we have to get on the plane. We did everything that we needed to before boarding, then got on.
I took out my ipod, putting it on one of my many play lists, And Down With The Sickness by Disturbed comes on. I lay my head back on the headrest and I'm asleep before the plane even begins it's take off.
I wake up a while later to someone shaking my shoulder and I begin to hear the sound of people shuffling around. I open my eyes and look at my surroundings, putting my ipod in my pocket.
"We're here!" Damien said excitedly. He grabs his backpack and then mine off of the floor at our feet and jumps up, pulling me to my feet. I let out a sigh. Completely exhausted, I squeeze my way through the crowd of people behind Damien. About two hours later we arrive at my grandfather's house. It took us a little while to get a taxi. It was as if we were invisible.
Oh how I love Huntington. I haven't been down here in four years, and it seems even more beautiful than I remember. My grandfather has a beautiful three bedroom, two and a half bath, and three car garage home. It's so much bigger than my little house back in Washington.
It's pretty late when we finally get there, so I show Damien to one of the two guest rooms so he could get situated. After I do that I put my things inside the other room, grab the clams and put them in the freezer downstairs.
My grandpa is asleep, so I just go to bed and decide to leave him alone for now. I'll just wait and say my hellos in the morning. I go back upstairs and get a pair of grey skinny jeans, one of my Vengeance University t-shirts, and a clean bra and underwear, and I put them in the bathroom that is connected to my room for tomorrow. Then I go back to my room and get into bed. I grab my ipod and hit shuffle. It was in artists, under A7X and We Come Out At Night comes on and I slowly fall asleep listening to Matt's voice.
The next morning I get up around ten, still in the clothes that I wore yesterday. I go and take my shower, washing up before meeting the band today. What Damien doesn't know is I didn't only buy tickets to the concert. I also bought us both backstage passes. He is totally gonna flip when I tell him. I'm actually thinking about not telling him until the time comes. Yes, I'm that cruel.
I get out of the shower, wrapping myself in a towel and then drying my hair. I then get out my flat iron, parting my bangs, most of them going over to the left side of my face, then straightening my layered chocolaty brown hair that hangs about a foot down my back. I grab my makeup out of my suitcase and put a layer of black eyeliner around my eye and some black, smoky eye shadow with a touch of black mascara. Once I looked the way I wanted to, I grabbed my pair of black converse that I had packed and put them on, then headed over to Damien's room, hoping he was up. I wanted to leave by 11:00 and it was 10:45.
He wasn't anywhere upstairs, so that must mean he's awake. I walk downstairs and find my grandfather in the living room, stairing at the fireplace with a blank expression.
"Hey Gramps." I say, walking up to him.
"Oh hey Hannah! It's so good to see you! I've missed you so much!" He got up and hugged me. I told him that Damien and I are going to have to head out for the concert soon so we could get there early. I found him sitting outside on the back porch.
"Howdy Dame!" I said, sitting next to him. "Excited for today?"
"Yeah! Of course!" He told me excitedly.
"That's good. You'll be even excited later" I said before really even thinking about it. I mentally scolded my self and quickly got up and went inside to get my grandpa's car keys so we could take off. I grabbed my phone, ipod, and everything we needed to get into the concert.
I give my Grandpa a hug goodbye, and tell him I'll see him in a few days. He's going off on some cruise with some old friends of his from high school so he'll be gone for three days and Dame and I are going to hang out around Huntington until he gets back. We head out to my grandfather's car and get in, turning the music up. We drove up to Long Beach, singing along to Avenged Sevenfold's album, City of Evil, all the way there., and at this moment I feel so alive.
Thank you… :D