Full Summary: Luke Skywalker has, not only wanted to know his father, but he has also wanted to leave his abusive uncle and Tatooine all together. Doing the only thing he can to escape the pain, he retreats deep within himself; he then finds himself onboard a large ship where no one can see or hear him, except for one person. As Obi-Wan Kenobi and friends struggle to bring Luke out of his comatose state, Luke gets the one wish he has wanted above all else granted...though not in the way anyone would think.

Author's Note: This is the first chapter of a new story that I had thought up, it is loosely based on the one-shot known as Silent Apparition but I don't remember who that was by. It is also based on any story where Luke was abused by Owen. I don't remember the story titles or who they were by but that idea belongs to them. Other than this story I have a lot of stories but I just wanted to post this story and besides one of those stories is already finished. I just love starting new stories. Ahem, oh and the title of the prologue is not necessarily shown in this chapter but it is implied. I hope that you like it and reviews are much appreciated.

Disclaimer- Me no own Star War and me only saying this once

Imaginary Reality


Letting Go

"He is nothing more than a worthless piece of scum, why are we keeping him here?"

"He needs a home, we can't very well leave him in the middle of the desert to die."

"I don't care what happens to him!"

"Have you been drinking Owen?"

"Of course I've been drinking, you idiot."

They were fighting again, this was the way it had been for the last several years since the boy was brought into their care. The boy was known as Luke Skywalker and he did not like it when his guardians fought as they were doing now. The eight-year-old boy hated fighting, hated his uncle and hated Tatooine all together. The only reason that he was on this planet was because he did not have anywhere else to go.

But the boy always thought that life would be better away from his alcoholic uncle. He always wished that he could get away from the abuse that his uncle often gave him. He didn't know what he had done to cause his uncle to become so angry at him and every time he so much as tried to apologized, Owen would just get angrier.

Luke knelt down behind the thin door that separated his room from the living area of the homestead. Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru have been fighting for the past few hours and Luke knew that they were fighting about him. Owen was drunk again; Luke could hear the slur in his voice that told him that his uncle was drunk.

"The boy needs a family, someone that can care for him and help him when he needs it the most. He doesn't have a mother, his father is long gone, he only has us and what do you do about it? You treat him as though he was nothing more than scum," Beru cried.

"I don't care about that boy. That old hermit was the reason the boy came into our lives, we would have been able to live a peaceful life without this damn boy. The boy has been nothing but trouble since he was giving to us eight years ago," Owen retorted.

"He has only been trouble because he did not have a father figure to guide him, you were supposed to be that father figure but you turned your back on him. If it wasn't for the fact that I agreed to take care of Luke, you would have left him in the middle of the desert for the Tuskens to take care of," Beru cried.

Owen snorted. "He would have been better off with the Tuskens," he snapped.

"I think you should go outside and sober up," Beru snapped.

"I don't need to sober up," Owen snapped and Luke gazed through the small crack in his door as Owen took a long drink of the bottle of alcohol in his hands. Beru looked disgusted at the sight of her husband drinking.

"You disgust me," she said angrily. "I should never have married you."

"You married me because no one else would marry you, you little witch," Owen yelled and a loud slap heard as Beru slapped Owen sharply across the face.

"How dare you call me a witch?" Beru snapped angrily.

Owen snarled and Luke watched horrified as his uncle slapped Beru sharply across the face and causing her to stumble back a few steps. "How dare you hit me?" he slurred.

Beru glared at Owen. "Why don't you go to sleep? Maybe it will help you to sober up," she said.

Owen snorted before turning around and gazing at the door where Luke was crouching. "What is that boy doing?" he snarled angrily and Luke, realizing his uncle had caught him eavesdropping, quickly scrambled backwards as Owen stalked to the door and it slide open rapidly.

"What were you doing, boy?" Owen said angrily.

"N…Nothing," Luke stammered out.

Owen sneered angrily, he stretched out a hand before slapping Luke sharply across the face. "Don't lie to me!" he hissed.

"Stop it Owen," Beru cried rushing into the room as Luke quickly scrambled away from his uncle. His uncle pushed Beru off when his wife tried to stop him and he hit Luke hard in the side of the face. Luke was sent sprawling to the ground and he moaned in pain; though he has been receiving beatings ever since he was three years old, he still wasn't used to it. Many of his bones were tender enough from having been broken so many times by Owen.

Though people say that bones heal twice as strong when its' broken but when the bones are broken more than twice, they become so tender that they can break easily. His body was covered with bruises and scars from the many cuts that came from shards of broken glass when his uncle had tossed a beer bottle at Luke when he was four, five, and six years old.

"You worthless piece of scum," Owen yelled angrily kicking Luke hard in the ribs and Luke whimpered in pain before clutching his tender and bruised ribs before struggling away from his uncle.

"Stop it, Owen, you're hurting him!" Beru cried.

"No, he deserves it, he deserves it for being the son of that bastard," Owen snarled in reply before he delivered a sharp kick to Luke's side.

Luke whimpered. Why is Uncle Owen being so mean to me? I didn't do anything, he thought. He knew that the only person in this homestead that actually liked him was his aunt Beru but he couldn't help but selfishly believe that it wasn't enough. He didn't have a father figure to guide him through his years and onto adulthood and Owen was never going to be that to him.

Luke whimpered before curling up into a ball as Owen raised his hand to strike Luke again but Beru grabbed Owen's arm and restrained him from hitting Luke again. "Stop it, Owen, stop it," Beru cried.

"Let go of me, woman," Owen slurred before he took another drink of his alcohol before tossing the bottle and Luke and Luke cried out as several shards of glass stabbed his skin as the bottle shattered above his head. Luke moved away from Owen before whimpering as Beru pushed Owen away before hurrying to Luke's side.

"We need to get you to a medical facility, luckily there's one in Mos Eisley," Beru murmured gazing at Luke with fear in her eyes. Luke whimpered before gazing fearfully at Owen who was snarling in fury.

"Get out of the way, Beru," Owen yelled.

"No, if you want to hurt the boy, you're going to have to go through me," Beru declared turning around and keeping herself in front of Owen.

Luke whimpered. I don't want to get Auntie Beru into any more trouble, he told himself silently. "Why are you doing this?" he added out loud gazing up at his uncle with fear in his eyes.

"Because you deserve it," Owen snarled. He grabbed Beru roughly on the shoulders before tossing her to the other side of the room. Then he picked Luke up before tossing him across the room and Luke whimpered as his head crashed into the wall of his room and black dots began to flash in front of his face.

"How could you? I would be in my right mind if I called the Stormtroopers that are stationed at Anchorhead and Mos Eisley here," Beru cried rushing forward as Luke collapsed limply on the ground though he was semi-conscious.

"For what? So that they would arrest me? I don't care and I doubt they will care about some measly farm boy," Owen snarled.

Beru glared at Owen. "I hate you," she yelled before she gently picked up Luke's semi-conscious body, turned around and fled from the room. She hurried out of the homestead and Luke gazed up at her with glazed eyes before his eyes closed and he slowly fell unconscious.


"No, Luke, stay with me," Beru whimpered when her nephew's body went motionless in her arms. There was blood on the back of his head and his body was covered with many bruises and scars. "Please wake up, Owen's not here anymore, please wake up," Beru whispered.

She gazed around and noticed she was on the border of the perimeter around the homestead. She knew, now, that the only way she could get help for Luke would be to go to Mos Eisley or Anchorhead but she didn't want to face the questions the people were no doubt going to ask him. She frowned realizing there was another option.

Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The old hermit was once a Jedi after all and Beru knew that Obi-Wan would help the boy. She gazed out toward the Jundland Wastes before glancing up as the two suns made their way into the sky. Good, it's still early, I should be able to reach the Jundland Wastes before its' dark, she thought.

She jogged off of the perimeter before hurrying toward the Jundland Wastes. What she didn't expect was for Obi-Wan Kenobi to be heading toward the homestead at this time and she very nearly missed the speeder that was flying toward him

She stopped when the speeder came to a stop and Obi-Wan leapt out of it. "What happened?" he demanded, his eyes going wide with shock as he gazed at Luke's motionless body.

"Owen," Beru whispered. "He tossed Luke against the wall and it broke his skull."

Obi-Wan gently took Luke from Beru. "Come on, there's a medical facility at Mos Eisley," he said softly.

"But they are bound to ask questions and what happens if they take a blood sample, won't they be able to figure out who Luke's father is through that?" Beru asked.

Obi-Wan nodded somberly. "We need to do this, Beru, if Luke dies, I will never forgive myself. I will handle all the questions and the medics cannot take blood samples unless a parent or guardian approves and you can always deny it," he replied.

Beru nodded. "Let's go," she whispered


The medical facility that they had found was a small one but Obi-Wan knew that it would work. They got to see the medic right away when they reported that it was a life or death emergency and Obi-Wan began to hope that Luke would be all right. He could hardly feel the boy's presence in the Force and that was beginning to worry him above all else.

"We are going to bind his wound right now and check his body for any other wounds," the medic said walking out of the room after she had placed Luke on the medical bed.

"Thank you," Obi-Wan replied. He glanced at Beru who was pacing nearby with a worried expression on her face before glancing back at the medic. "Will he be all right?" he asked.

"I honestly do not know," the medic replied. "Are you his guardian?"

Obi-Wan shook his head. "Beru is," he replied gesturing to the young woman that was pacing in front of them.

"I see, I will inform you of any changes," the medic said and Obi-Wan nodded his thanks before watching as the medic walked back into the medical room and Beru made her way over to him.

"I fear for Luke's safety, if word of his full name gets out, the Empire is bound to hear it. Not to mention if Owen continues to get drunk, he is bound to let loose the information about you as well as Luke," Beru whispered.

Obi-Wan nodded solemnly. "We need to get off of Tatooine once Luke is well enough to leave before the Empire discovers my existence as well as Luke's existence," he said softly.

"But where should we go?" Beru asked.

"I don't know, there aren't that many places where we can go," Obi-Wan replied. He paused for a moment before adding, "I have an idea. I am going to go to visit an old friend and I want you and Luke to head to Alderaan."

"Alderaan?" Beru echoed. "But that's an imperial planet, what if the Empire decides to come to Alderaan and finds out Luke is there?"

"Bail will keep Luke safe, even if it means hiding Luke whenever the Empire comes," Obi-Wan replied. "And it will only be temporary until I can figure out what to do to help Luke and you."

"But surely Vader will recognize me if he, himself, comes to Alderaan, what do I do then?" Beru asked in a quiet voice.

"Tell him the truth but do not tell him about Luke," Obi-Wan replied.

Beru bit her lip before nodding. "Let's hope Luke will be all right," she murmured.

"I'm sure he will," Obi-Wan replied. I hope, he added silently.

An hour passed by and the medic came back out, Obi-Wan noticed a worried look in her eyes and she jerked her head in the direction of the medical room. Obi-Wan and Beru followed her as she led the way into the room before closing the door quietly behind them.

"I have checked all of his vitals after I checked for any other wounds and they are all right, his heart beat and his breathing is stable and normal and his wounds aren't serious but something happened," the medic said.

"What happened? Is he all right? Is he going to die?" Beru asked the fear and worry was clear in her voice.

The medic blinked her eyes before gazing at them with sadness and sympathy in their eyes. "I'm sorry but for some odd reason, your nephew has fallen into a comatose state of mind," she said softly.

"What does that mean?" Beru asked.

"It means he is in a state of mind where there is only a ten percent chance that he will wake up at all," the medic replied softly.

A/n what do you think?

Blaze: what do you think?

Darth: you have already said that

Blaze: oh

Darth: I liked this first chapter

Blaze: it's the prologue

Darth: the first chapter is the prologue for some stories

Blaze: oh shut up

Darth: ah bleh

Blaze: (picks up Darth and tosses him into a huge blueberry pie)

Darth: mmmm, where's the whipped cream?

Blaze: Palpypie stole it!

Darth: where's my lightsaber? Where's my bazooka?

Blaze: Palpypie bought your bazooka off of eBay and Luke bought your lightsaber off of Amazon

Darth: okay, wait a minute, I have my tank in the back, I'll be right back (walks to the back of the room)

Anakin: how the hell did he fit a tank in your computer room?

Blaze: who knows, please review I'll post the next chapter as soon as I possibly can