Gone but Not Forgotten

Chapter 1

So here it is, the much awaited sequel, I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer- like pretty much everyone else in the world, I don't own Naruto.

Sakura and Kakashi ran as fast as they could, this was a battle they were terrified to fight. Their friends and their comrades on the other side of that invisible line, it seemed impossible. Right now they had Shikamaru, Naruto, Genma, Ino, and Yamato trailing them. These were some of the people they least wanted chasing them.

Kakashi knew they'd have to turn around and make a stand soon, he just didn't want to. Sakura looked over at him and nodded, it had been three months and leaf had finally caught up with them. They stopped and Sakura grabbed Kakashi's hand.

They wouldn't hide their relationship anymore; finally they would see their friends again, even if not on friendly terms. And their friends would finally figure out why they left so suddenly, maybe they would understand. But both strongly suspected they wouldn't, how could they, they'd never been in this position.

The five masked anbu came to stand still in front of Kakashi and Sakura and they stood closer together. No one moved, no one talked, it almost seemed like they were statues. Shikamaru stepped forward and removed his mask as did the others behind him.

"You have to come back with us." Was all he said and Kakashi tensed up, he knew this was going to result in a fight.

"We can't do that." Sakura answered him; they all turned their heads to look at her. "Kakashi we have to show them." Kakashi looked at her and nodded. They both pulled off one their gloves and put out their hands. Each had a silver band wrapped around their ring finger, a wedding band. All the anbu gasped, this was the last thing they had been expecting.

"You two are married!" Naruto practically screamed. "How could you?! This is completely taboo; you walked away from your village for this?"

"Naruto you don't understand, I'm going to spend the rest of my life with Sakura even if it means we're on the run the whole time. We love each other more then anything else in this world, even Konoha. We're not going back with you no matter what you do." Kakashi told Naruto as calmly as he could, but inside he wanted to grab Sakura and run.

"Then we're going to have to fight you." Yamato said calmly.

"Then let's get this over with, I hate putting off the inevitable." Sakura said as she replaced her glove and drew the katana she carried across her back. Kakashi lifted his headband and opened his eye. The anbu dropped their masks back into place and took their fighting stances.

This fight was one no one wanted to fight, but it had to be fought at some point. And they all knew that some one had to win, and some one had to lose.

Naruto stood in front of Tsunade's desk and waited for her to speak. He was bruised, bandaged, and seemingly hopeless. "Report." She said without even looking up.

"We chased them through a forest near Waterfall; eventually they stopped and turned to face us. They made it clear the reason they left the village was because they're in love. Also since they've left the village they've eloped and plan to continue on the run for as long as they possibly can. Sakura is now carrying not only a long katana but all so a whole new slue of jutsu. Kakashi's staying constant with his attacks, but is using his sharingun more then normal. They fought us; three members of our five man team are in the hospital, none in critical condition though. I don't think they wanted to hurt us; they seemed to be trying to do as little damage as possible actually. Sakura had the perfect chance to kill Ino, but she didn't. After Ino, Yamato, and Genma were down they took off. I tried to follow them, but they were already gone. I don't know how they got away so fast, but I sent shadow clones out in all directions but nothing was found that showed which way they went." Naruto finished looking down; it wasn't heard for the fifth to see the toll this was having on him.

"Were either Kakashi or Sakura hurt during your fight?" Tsunade asked.

"Kakashi took a hit to his one side and was clutching it while fighting for a few minutes, then him and Sakura touched hands and something passed between them. It was weird because I don't think you can heal someone like that, especially that fast." Naruto said as fast as he was able to get it out. He'd wanted to ask a question about it, but had forgotten until it was brought up.

"You're right Naruto, I don't think it's possible, but you have to remember Sakura's my apprentice, she's got more potential as a healer then I've ever seen. I'm sure she's taking this as a chance to find out everything she can abut medical jutsu from everywhere." Tsunade stood up and walked around her desk to lay a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "Don't worry, I know you did everything you could, we're going to bring them back sooner or later." He nodded and turned to leave and go visit his teammates in the hospital.

Kakashi unlocked the door and walked in, Sakura right behind him. He made sure the curtains were all drawn, and dropped his henge. Sakura dropped hers and followed him into the kitchen to sit at the table.

"That was close." Was all Kakashi said, and Sakura thought about what had just happened.

They both knew that they hadn't had a choice, they had to act like they were still on the run, and it would look odd if they both just dropped completely off the map. Even though they did have a nice little thing going in this village, here where no one would ever guess there true identities. The people believed that Sakura was a healer who had been raised in sand then chosen to move away. And that Kakashi was her business man husband.

They explained their absence by saying that Kakashi went on a lot of business trips and that Sakura accompanied him. All and all they'd built themselves a nice life. They were married and happy, Sakura had never quite expected to get to this place; she had thought they would always be on the run. But now they were only pretending to so that they could protect their home.

Sakura reached out and grabbed Kakashi's hand across the table, "How's your side hun?"

He smiled up at her, "It's feeling pretty good thanks to your new jutsu. That's pretty neat, the way you send the healing chakra through my network till it reaches where I need it. I don't think I'd still be alive with out you."

Sakura got up and walked around over to where he was sitting and sat on his lap. "Kakashi, you'd better stay alive because I need to tell you something." He looked up at her as she pulled down his mask. "We're having a baby." Kakashi looked up into her eyes, and the happiness was evident on both their faces. Sakura leaned down and kissed him and Kakashi kissed her back harder.

He was going to show her just how much he loved her, he was going to protect her and this baby if it killed him. Picking her up he started towards their bedroom, maybe they should do it again, for luck, he thought.

So there's the first chapter, I feel my creative juices flowing! I hope you like it, I'm not a hundred percent sure where I'm going with this yet, but any input is welcome. Please review!
