I don't own a thing, if I did I'd be freaking loaded, and please don't slam the grammar, it's just a fan fiction, not a nominee for the New York's best seller's list.
Chapter 3, Clash in the Land of Snow Part 1
After Naruto joined the Team 10, his new teammates came together to help give his look a complete overhaul, the first thing Ino did was get rid of all the orange jumpsuits and instead got him a black sleeveless coat with orange interior lining. Choji had helped him out by getting him some special pants that would grow along with him in case he ever hulked out so he wouldn't have to worry about always getting replacements. Shikamaru had taught Naruto a few emotional control techniques to keep himself under control. Asuma had given him a bo staff made out of the same chakra metal as his signature trench knives that could extend and retract and was teaching Naruto how to propel his wind chakra through it. Haku meanwhile was getting use to Zabuza's sword and getting a few lessons from Konoha's resident sword masters Gekko Hayate and Uzuki Yugao.
"So, when do you think we'll get on a mission?" Haku asked as his team sat around.
"It's been a week since we came together and started training." Shikamaru said. "It'll be sooner or later, preferably later." He said with a yawn.
"Sorry Shikamaru, but we're on the clock now." Asuma said approaching them. Almost as one all five of them stood up. "We're going to escort an actress to the land of snow so that she can shoot her next movie."
"Seriously?" Naruto asked both skeptical and excited.
"Yeah," Asuma said before holding out 5 tickets. "These are tickets to her latest movie. I want you 5 to go watch it before the mission." Taking the tickets, Naruto glanced at his teammates who all shrugged. The group made their way to the local movie theater and took in the show, each one having different reactions: Haku thought that the plot was all right, Naruto was thinking the acting was maybe a little over done but the effects were pretty cool, Choji didn't have much of an opinion, he just thought the popcorn was good, Shikamaru thought there was too much going on at a time like they were trying to rush the movie along, and Ino actually thought it was pretty good. As the group left the theater and found Asuma sitting waiting for them.
"What'd you guys think?" He asked. Before anyone could answer, a woman on horseback flew over their heads and several armored people followed her.
"Wasn't that the princess from the movie?" Choji asked. Everyone looked at each other before they took off after hoard.
"Shikamaru, how good is your Shadow Possession jutsu on horses?" Haku asked.
"Good enough." Shikamaru said, sending the jutsu towards the crowd of horses. He caught all of them except the one the princess was riding.
"You three deal with those guys, we'll get the princess." Naruto called as he and Haku took off. When they caught up with the princess/actress, they found her blowing off some kids who wanted her autograph. Seeing this made both of the orphan's bloods boil.
"What a bitch." Growled Haku as he reached for his sword.
"Easy Haku," whispered Naruto placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. Eventually, the pair tracked her to a bar where she proceeded to get drunk.
"I'll go get the others." Said Haku taking off to find the rest of their team. Sighing, Naruto walked into the bar and took a seat at the opposite end of the bar and motioned to the bartender.
"Cut of her alcohol," he said tapping his forehead protector, "my mission's to watch out for her. If she asks for anything else, give her water." The bartender nodded. 10 minutes later, Team 10 walked into the bar. Ino sat down next to him.
"We were hired because where we're taking Yukie Fujikaze over there to the Land of Snow." She explained.
"I'm guessing it's not exactly a tourist hot spot." Naruto replied.
"Hardly," Ino said. Naruto smirked at the idea of going to a place that not a lot of people went to. After Yukie passed out, Asuma took her and carried her to the boat.
"I kind of wish Kakashi hadn't screwed up so badly." Asuma said the next day, leaning against the railing. "He's actually had some experience in the Land of Snow."
"Never been there huh?" asked Naruto.
"No, and they're a land that specializes in Ice jutsus." Asuma said.
"Well then it's a good thing we've got Haku." Choji said.
"True, but it wouldn't be so bad having someone who knows the area." Asuma persisted taking a puff on his cigarette. Suddenly the door to the cabin burst open and Yukie burst out.
"You got to be kidding me!" She screamed. Naruto and the others just looked in her direction and waved.
"How you doing?" Asuma asked. "I'm Saritobi Asuma, the leader of this section; this is my Chunin assistant Haku, and my genin students Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akamichi, and Naruto Uzumaki."
"Hey," Haku said with a wave.
"Hi there, loved your movies." Ino gushed.
"Yo," Shikamaru said with a lazy wave.
"How's it going?" Choji said smiling.
"Sup?" Naruto said with a jerk of his head.
"What are you all doing here?" Yukie demanded.
"We were hired to escort you to the Land of Snow while you shoot your next Princess Gale movie." Asuma explained.
"Fine," Yukie muttered grumbling to herself. As the cast worked on the boat to try to help with production, Team 10 was pretty much kicking back. Naruto was using his shadow clones to help with the set while Ino was helping with make-up and costume, Choji was helping himself to the buffet while Asuma and Shikamaru were playing Shogi, and Haku was looking out at the sea.
"Hey you!" the director shouted pointing at Haku. "You got any acting experience."
"Nothing in the movies but," he trailed off shooting a look at a Naruto who was smirking.
"Well we were planning on killing off Shishemaru in this one and wanted to include a new character but we never found anyone to fight the bill." The director said looking Haku up and down. "You however might just fit the bill."
"You want to put me in a movie?" Haku asked.
"Sure how about it?" The director asked. Haku thought for a minute and then shrugged.
"Sure what the hell." He said.
"Great!" The director shouted and in a split second Haku was surrounded by wardrobe and makeup.
"I can't believe they're going to be putting Haku in this movie." Ino said.
"This is definitely going to be good." Naruto said with a snigger. When the wardrobe people moved away, Haku was dressed in a black kimono with a wide straw hat that covered his eyes. His sword was still strapped to his back
"Wow, not bad." Ino said her eyes roving over Haku. Naruto saw this and his eyebrow started to twitch. As soon as his vision started to go red he closed his eyes and started to take deep calming breaths to keep his other half at bay. He didn't need the Hulk coming out here on the ship and risk sinking the thing. But why was he getting so worked up, so Ino had been eyeballing Haku, it's not like he was jealous or anything…was he?
"Come on Naruto we need to get out of the way while they're shooting." Ino said snapping Naruto from his thoughts.
"What?" he asked. "Oh, yeah right." He walked over to join Shikamaru and Choji.
"Any idea why you were about to hulk out there?" Shikamaru asked. Naruto looked at him before looking away.
"Not sure." Naruto admitted. "I've got it under control though."
"Good to hear." Shikamaru said.
"All right!" The director shouted. "I want to get this on the first take!"
"Right!" His crew responded. As soon as the camera started rolling and everyone started watching Yukie act they were stunned, it was like she was a completely different person.
"That's Yukie for you," her manager Sandaiu said proudly. "When the camera starts rolling she comes alive." However, it quickly became apparent that she couldn't cry on cue when she stopped the scene so she could have her eye drops put in.
On the second take, Haku walked up behind her, his face appearing cold and emotionless.
"He is gone now Princess Gale." Haku said. "But the question what will you do now, will you let his death mean nothing or you going to continue on."
"What do you know?" Princess Gale snapped. "What do you know of pain and loss?"
"I watched my father as he was murdered by a greedy coward." Haku said. "And now I carry his sword in his memory." The Princess looked at him stunned.
"Hey that wasn't in the script." The Director's assistant whispered.
"Who cares, it's good. Keep it in." The Director whispered back.
"It's more than that." Asuma said, whispered behind them. "It's his life."
"I'll stand by you and help you Princess Gale, in Shishimaru's place." Haku said back on the set. "I know of Shihimaru's history and someone needs to make sure that you don't loose your way." He turned around to walk away. "To make sure his death was not in vain."
"And cut!" the Director shouted. "Nice job guys!"
"Not bad Haku." Ino said walking up to him. "If the ninja thing doesn't work out you could always be an actor."
"I don't know about that." Haku said with a smile. Ino laughed and for some reason it made Naruto clench his teeth. What was going on with him, why was he getting so worked up about Ino talking to Haku? Shaking his head to clear it Naruto looked out over sea and sighed.
The next day everyone woke up to find a giant ice burg blocking the ships path.
"What are we going to do about this sir?" the Director's assistant asked.
"Don't you see?" the Director asked. "It's perfect! It's practically begging us to shoot here!" Many of the people on the ship starred at the man like he'd just gone crazy. "This is a sign from the film gods!" and so everyone got out and got ready for filming. Those who weren't helping were huddled around heaters yawning.
"All right, let's get started!" the director shouted. The scene they began shooting was the scene was when the group of heroes met with the main villain of the series. But just as the shooting began, Asuma jumped into the scene and threw an exploding kuni up to the mountain top.
"Hey what the heck are you doing?" one of the actors demanded.
"Haku, all of you, get the actors and crew back on the ship." Asuma ordered. Slowly the smoke from Asuma's attack cleared and a man in some strange armor rose up.
"Welcome friends to the Land of Snow." He greeted. An instant later a woman in similar armor appeared standing atop a pillar of ice.
"Greeting," she said, "Princess Koyuyki. I do hope you're still carrying around the hex crystal."
"Princess Koyuyki?" Asuma said glancing at Yukie. Sandaiu also looked stunned at the declaration. Quickly his eyes darted over to a snow bank where a large man with some kind of mechanical arm rose up.
"Not bad Asuma Sarotobi, but not good enough." He sniggered.
"Haku you're with me," Asuma ordered. "Naruto, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, you 4 protect Yukie, the rest of you back to the ship now!" Haku jumped up and stood next to Asuma, his sword in hand.
"What are we up against?" Haku asked.
"Kakashi gave me a rundown before we came out here." Asuma said. "That armor they're wearing makes them immune to Ninjutsu and Genjutsu and of course acts like standard armor to protect them from taijutsu."
"So how do you want to do this?" Haku asked.
"I'll take the tall guy, you take the girl." Asuma ordered.
"What about the guy with the arm?" Haku asked.
"Leave him to the others." Asuma said. Haku nodded and took off towards the woman.
Ino and Shikamaru were helping people trying to get back onto the ship, the director demanded that they keep rolling, while Choji and Naruto were standing by Yukie who for some reason seemed to have gone into a state of shock.
"Come on lady, let's go." Naruto shouted looking around at the other's fights. Asuma's opponent was blasting him with Ice-Jutsu after Ice-Jutsu but Asuma was able to counter them with combinations of Fire and Wind Ninjutsus. Haku meanwhile was using his own ice as well as that woman's to bounce around and was trying to slash at her with his sword.
"I won't," Yukie whispered. "I won't go back. I won't go back to the Land of Snow!"
"What?" Choji demanded. Before anyone could register what was going on, the big guys giant metal fist came flying and nailed Choji.
"Choji!" Naruto shouted turning to the lager attacker who was riding on a snowboard. He shot out some kind of wires that ensnared Yukie. Ino jumped in between them and cut the wires.
"You little bitch." The large ninja growled and jerked on the ropes pulling Ino off her feet and punched her in the stomach.
"Ino!" Naruto screamed. His vision started to go red and this time he didn't stop it. With his last conscious though he had was throwing his coat off. After that as his mind started to blur his body began to grow and darken into the red shade of the Hulk. Throwing its head back it let out an inhuman, beastly roar that got everyone's attention.
"What in the world is that?" the director's assistant asked.
"The Hulk," Shikamaru said.
"Everyone get on the ship now!" Asuma shouted disengaging from his fight and helping everyone off the island of ice. The ice ninja wasn't so impressed by the giant red monster and throws a punch with his metal arm. The Hulk simply caught the punch and growled.
"Snow-man hurt Ino. Hulk smash Snow-man!" The Hulk roared, shocking the leaf ninja at the first sign of speech from the monster. The Hulk crushed the ninja's arm and then threw him away. The other two tried to double team him, but it was a pair of insects buzzing around an elephant. A really pissed off elephant that just get stronger the madder it got. The Hulk jumped up and grabbed the one in the flying harness by her legs and slammed her into the ground kicking up snow and burying her it.
"All right you monster," the final ice ninja said going though a series of hand seals. "Ice style: One Horned White Whale Justu!" out of the water exploded a giant narwhale made entirely of ice. As it began to fall on the Hulk, the red monster raised its hands and caught the ice construct. "No way!" the ninja shouted. The Hulk roared and threw the jutsu back at its creator. Although the ninja dodged the attack, the narwhale did manage to destroy the iceberg.
Back on the ship everyone was starring stunned at the fight that had transpired.
"Tell me you got all of that." The director said to the camera man who nodded with his jaw close to falling off his face.
"After something like that that island is going to be very unstable." Haku said. "If the Hulk changed back into Naruto there he may end up drowning and freezing." Ino's eyes widened.
"Naruto!" she screeched. Back on the island the Hulk heard Ino's shout and looked back.
"Ino," it said softly. Suddenly the ice it was standing on began to shake. Looking over to where it heard Ino's voice, the Hulk crouched down and launched itself off the island towards the ship.
"Wow that thing can jump!" Choji shouted.
"If the Hulk lands on the ship like that it'll go right through and sink it." Shikamaru said. Asuma quickly held his hands out as the Hulk came closer; pushing his wind chakra through it to slow down the monster's decent. The Hulk, surprised by the wind started thrashing around.
"Naru…Hulk!" Ino shouted getting the creatures attention. "You need to calm down, it's ok, Asuma-sensei isn't going to hurt you." The Hulk significantly calmed down and allowed itself to be lowered onto the ship. Carefully, Ino walked forward and placed her hand on the Hulk's arm. "It's ok; you can calm down now Hulk. Do you think you can change back into Naruto?" The Hulk actually snorted and looked away.
"Stupid, puny Uzumaki." It muttered again shocking the ninja with its use of speech.
"It's got a point, Naruto is kind of small." Haku pointed out with a chuckle. The Hulk turned to him and growled.
"Hulk not like Ice Boy." The Hulk growled standing up and moving between him and Ino. Haku gulped and took a step back, his hands open.
"Hey come on Hulk, buddy, it's me remember, Haku." He said quickly hoping to ease whatever negative feelings the Hulk was having for him.
"Hulk, please." Ino said reclaiming the red creature's attention. "I know you don't want to go back, but please, you can't really stay like this, we don't know what it could do to you. Please Hulk," Ino said, "please calm down." Ino looked into its eyes and it looked back and slowly he started to shrink back down and regain his original skin and hair color. Before long the Hulk disappeared and an exhausted Naruto stood in its place, falling into Ino's arms.
"I've got you Whiskers, it's all right." She said stroking the other blond's hair.
"And cut!" the director shouted startling Ino. "That was amazing!"
And I think I'll end it on that comical note hope you all like how this one turned out, and sorry it took so long, I don't know the movie as well as I know the series. And I also don't know those snow ninja's names so if anyone does a little help would be nice.