These characters belong to Stephenie Meyer, not me. Just making that clear.


"You Could Put an Eye Out for $100."

"Traditionally in Japan, these implements are used by suicidal samurai, but not at the table"

"What are forks?"

I turned the knob of the shower on, nearly as far to the red H as it could go. Waiting for my water to get perfect, I looked at my reflection. Rosalie Brandon: blonde hair, blue eyes, and almost too tall to see comfortably into the bathroom mirror. My dad died two years ago. Things are going to be okay.

I sighed, stripped off my clothes, and stepped into the shower. The steam instantly made me feel better, engrossing me in a relaxing heat. Well, the relaxing quickly went away as Alice came barreling through the door.

"Rose! No more long showers, you know my morning routine takes a lot longer and is more important than yours. Now get out!", my lovely sister said as I heard her opening and closing drawers. The perks of having a twin were great... or not. Alice was, in a word : bitchy. She was so into herself, and she was selfish all the time. Well, this is how she came off to me anyways, other people seemed to adore her.

"Why don't you just pretend like you're in a sauna instead, and get ready while I take my shower?" I yelled over the water.
"Ugh! You know the humidity makes my hair frizz! Seriously, get out!" she said with much intended dramatization.

"Seriously... no. Now get the fuck out and let me finish my damn shower. I'm older by two minutes. Respect your elders, dammit. And I'll be out in a minute."

I heard the door slam about three seconds after that. She was so sensitive. I finished up my shower, brushed my hair, and then threw a headband on, barely making it out of Alice's way as she ran into the bathroom and shut the door. The lock made a click sound. I guarantee that she won't be as excited when she turns on the shower and realizes I used all the hot water.

I snuggled up on the couch with my wolf/husky hybrid, Jake. He was black, with some gray fur mixed in, and he was the most beautiful dog I had ever seen. He definitely looked more wolf-like than husky-like. That was perfectly fine with me, kept the burglars away. My dad gave him to me as a birthday present a few months before he died. Jake truly is my best friend. Well, it's hard to have a person for a best friend when studying is about the only thing I have time to do. Studying is crucial though, because my mom can't pay for two girls to go to college on one income. Most of her income goes to the rent in this California apartment as it is. We do have quite a bit of money left from our dad, but I wouldn't want her to spend it all on that. We already got vehicles from the deal (Mom got a Prius, Alice got a Mercedes, and I received Dad's BMW). It was a pretty good deal, I would say, besides the losing our dad factor.

My mom walked into the room, as glamorous as always. Esme Brandon was nothing short of beautiful. I think that beauty itself was probably jealous of her. It was amazing how she could be wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans and still look like a super model.

"Rosalie?" she asked.

"Where's Alice?" she said.
"Oh, she's in there." I said, pointing to the bathroom.
"I should've known," she said, rolling her eyes, and went to knock on the door, "Alice, come in the living room please. I have something to tell you girls."

Mom and Alice came back into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Girls. I don't know how to say this really... but, we're moving."
"Moving? To a beach-front house?!" Alice said, excitedly.
"Um. Not quite. To Forks, Washington." She said.
"Washington? Ew. Why?" Alice said.
"Well, honey, the economy is better there, and I got offered the opportunity to rent out a space for really cheap. I'm going to open a diner."

"That sounds really cool, Mom," I said, "I wanted to attend Washington University anyways, this will open up more scholarships!" I had to hold back my happy dance. I hated California.
"I'm glad one of you approves, then." She said.
"Well, I just hope there are nice looking guys there." Alice said, walking off.
"Hm. I bet there are some. Now go pack, we leave in a week."

Packing was boring and monotonous to most people, but I loved it because it gave me an extra excuse to organize. I carefully arranged things in the boxes my mom gave me. There were multiple academic trophies, a wooden Tiki man from our last family vacation (and Dad was even there), a picture of Alice and I when we were younger and actually liked each other, my Washington University t-shirt (I have always wanted to go there, and it's only semi-related to their mascot, the Huskies), and the Holy Bible (which didn't get opened much, research had changed my mind on religion).

Being a minimalist, I didn't have very many possessions. I had what I needed, and then a few knick-knacks here and there. I had about 7 boxes, compared to Alice's 50. I bet most of hers were full of beauty products too. Alice was really pretty, but it was in an "I work my ass off to look like this" kind of way. I had been told I had a natural beauty, but I couldn't really comment on that without seeming over-confident in myself. Sure, I had ridiculously long legs. Sure, I had really great hair. And okay, maybe my eyes are a rare shade of blue (Cerulean, if I had to put it in Crayola terms). Alice, however, had short brown hair, and she was short herself. She also had Emerald eyes that matched our

The sky was overcast and it was raining really hard in Forks when I arrived. I expected it, because it is one of the rainiest towns in the country, but I wasn't really prepared for it. Going from California to a place where rain was the norm was a little awkward.

Forks, Washington did not look like the most exciting place in the world. It certainly wasn't the worst place in the world, though (ever visited Oklahoma?). Since we had to take three vehicles and a U-Haul, Jake and I made the trip by ourselves; and my mom and Alice decided to make two trips while I unpacked. Jake held his head out the window and let his tongue whip around crazily as I drove through on the main road of town.

As I surveyed the town, there actually seemed to be a little bit to offer. I saw the place where my mom would start her diner (She decided to call it "Forks & Knives" – that was my idea), a veterinarian's office, a bookstore, and an airport. Off in the distance, I saw the lights of a baseball field. There were also a lot of places that seemed to cater to the outdoorsy type. I loved that, since I am an avid birdwatcher. The only downside was, it was raining like crazy. I mean, I kind of expected it since it is on the Olympic Peninsula, but it still seemed to be pretty depressing.

As I went out of town a little more, I pulled up to the new address of our house, which was 217 Calawah Way. A log cabin was not really what I had in mind, but I actually liked it better than a regular cookie-cutter house. The outside did look like it needed to be stripped and re-lacquered, but other than that, I thought it was perfect. Except for the dirty windows, those would have to be cleaned. The cabin had an L-shaped porch with a swing and a few pots with no plants in them. In the yard there were several different species of arnica and a couple hawthorn trees. A chain-link fence made its way around the house, with dwarf bramble weaving its way through the links, spicing it up a bit. As soon as the fence cut off, there were trees everywhere. We were, literally, smack dab in the middle of the woods. It was quaint, definitely, but also nothing short of amazing. I unlocked the door, and went inside.

I already loved this place and I had been here all of two minutes. The inside was a lot bigger than it looked on the outside. The kitchen was older, but it had pretty decent appliances. The living room was spacious, and the house had crown molding throughout. There were also two bathrooms, which Alice would appreciate. There was a loft above the living room, and I quickly decided it would be my room. It was made for me, Alice could not argue against that when she arrived. She wouldn't want to carry her 50 boxes up the stairs. There also was a built-in desk, which I could do homework at. Alice probably didn't even know what homework was. Last but not least, the loft was tiny. Alice would definitely insist on a bigger room. There wasn't a window, so my privacy wouldn't be interrupted, and there were stairs that allowed Jake to climb up there too. I unpacked cleaning supplies and started sanitizing everything, giving me a head start before mom and Alice made it back.

My mom and Alice arrived at the same time, about 45 minutes into my cleaning spree. Mom and Alice had decided to make the second trip the next morning, and Mom quickly retreated to go work on her diner. She asked me if I would come down and clean sometime. I quickly agreed, since I never turn down a cleaning opportunity.

I think I already enjoyed Forks more than California, even with the dreary rain.


"Whatcha Got Cookin' for $800."

"Often using vinegar, it's a mixture in which foods are soaked for seasoning prior to barbecuing"

"What is a marinade?"

I rushed around, trying to fill the dog bowls as fast as I could. The faster I finished this, the quicker I got to go home and relax. I have no idea why I agreed to my Dad's idea of working for him for extra cash. Not that I didn't love animals, I did. But hearing them bark and meow over and over again can make someone insane. Why couldn't Dad be a plastic surgeon instead of a veterinarian? I wouldn't mind taking care of those patients.

I clocked out a lot faster than my younger brother, Edward, did. He was generally more slow than I was, taking his time to finish things, but he made sure they were done perfectly. We were 17 months apart, which I think was an accident on our parent's part. I think we were more alike then we were different. He was tall, I was tall. We both had brown hair, although his was lighter. We both loved sports, and we both worked for Carlisle, our dad.

We did have our differences, though. He had our mom's green eyes, and I got lucky by getting Carlisle's blue eyes. I had a stockier build and he had a lanky build. He kept his hair short, I liked mine a little shaggy. I watched Jeopardy!, and he watched... well, I don't know what he watched because we both had our own televisions and our own rooms. I would almost bet my life on him watching a lot of porn, though.

I drove myself home, not bothering to wait for Edward. He had legs, so he could walk his slow ass back. I took a shower, threw on some sweat pants, and turned on ESPN. One of the things I loved most about Forks was the ability to relax. Nothing much goes on in a small town, right? I could just sit in my recliner for hours and hours, and no one would really care. Well, this is all assuming I didn't have to go to work. I wonder how long a guy could sit on a couch before he started to wither away, anyways.

It took a while for me to get off my lazy ass, but when I did, I put on a shirt and went into the kitchen to start marinading the steaks. They would hopefully make it on the grill tonight, if Edward ever came home to fire up the grill, that is. Damn pyromaniac. I started prodding the steaks with my fork, making enough holes for my secret marinade to seep into.

"You put the Worcestershire sauce on first, then the Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper..." I mumbled the ingredients as I went along.

"Whoa. You're actually speaking of your secret recipe out loud?" Edward said, walking up behind me.

"Didn't know you were here." I said.

"Yup. The one and only, in the flesh!" He said. "I started the grill, so those can go on as soon as Carlisle gets home."
"Mmhmm." I mumbled.

I put the finishing touches on them and Edward grilled them to perfection, as always. Carlisle, Edward and I had a nice meal, we always did. Three men in an overly large house, no women to disturb us. Just how we liked it.

Our home situation was quite lovely, seeing as my mom left us right after Edward was born. Carlisle said she was just stressed out to the point of insanity, but we were both too young to remember anything about it. Edward and I get Christmas cards every year from her, but she never sends a picture so we still don't know what she looks like. Of course Carlisle had pictures, but he said he had a little bonfire a few months after she left him. Well, I guess we know where Edward gets his fire obsession from.

A/N – This is my first attempt at a Fan Fic, and I am already loving it, so I hope it turned out good. Also, much thanks to Erica, Gina, Diana, thecornergirl, and my mom for countless readings and suggestions.