Chapter Six 'Lost And Found'

I find myself in a dark, dusty street, surrounded by high walls. I can't see the stars or the moon. Not even clouds. It feels like I'm under the ground, it's cold. A sudden scream pulls my attention and then I see him standing. A little boy, with big, innocent eyes. His skin is pale and his eyes seem cold, empty. Fear fills my heart, I'm too late. "Aiden?" It's not more then a whisper, but he hears me. He smiles a devilish smile at me, it sends cold shivers down my spine. "Hello aunt J. Why don't you join us?" He raises his arm at me, wanting me to accept it. Behind him a group of people appears, they all have pale skin and empty, cold eyes. My gut turns cold when I recognize the faces behind Aiden. Melinda, Sam, Ned, Eli, even Delia, they all stare at me, expectantly. "Yeah, why don't you join us?" Cold hands touch my shoulders and slowly I turn to face once again the man with the black hat…

Gasping for air Jamie found herself in the car, a little disoriented. Through the front window of the car she saw Melida's house, the car was parked on the ramp. "What did you see, J?" Melinda's voice startled her and she turned to face Melinda's worried expression. "I was somewhere in a street, it felt like I was under the ground. I saw Aiden and saw that I was too late, that guy…" She hesitated, trying to remember his name. "Romano," Melinda helped her and her eyes turned dark of rage. "Yes, he. He took Aiden's soul, and yours, Ned, Eli, Sam and Delia's." Fear slid over Melinda's face. "Romano has Aiden," she said and searched for Jamie's eyes. "I think so. He's luring us to him." Quickly they got out of the car and ran to the house. They found a stressing Jim in the kitchen, Ned, Eli and Delia were already with him. The moment Jim saw his wife, he took her in his arms. "I'm so sorry, babe," he whispered in her hair. "The police is on his way," Ned informed them, briefly he glanced at Jamie and felt his stomach twitch. Melinda freed herself and turned to face her friends. "There's no need to." Her voice sounded remarkable calm, Jamie wondered how she did it. "I know where Aiden is and with who. He's down in the tunnels, with Romano." Silence set in, every one watched in shock at Melinda. "How do you know?" Delia stammered. "I saw it," Jamie said and stepped forward, her face serious. "We have to hurry."

"Where are we?" Aiden's childish voice echoed through the high hall. "My home, my friend." Aiden looked up at the man next to him, the man wore a black coat and hat, his voice sounded husky. Aiden knew this man was a ghost, he sensed it. His mum had taught him not to be afraid, but help those spirits. So he went along with this man, in an attempt to help him cross over. Now he was walking aside this ghost and he was starting to be scared. Behind the windows and walls he's starting to see more and more ghosts, some scare him, others were looking friendly at him. But all of them had a glance of fear over them, like they're afraid he's going to hurt them. "Don't be afraid. We're not used to guests," the man next to him said and led him to a huge church. A little hesitating Aiden followed the man inside and saw all the faces he saw outside. The man turned to Aiden and smiled at him. Something in him, told Aiden to run and never look back or return.

Melinda walked down the street to her shop. The entrance to the tunnels was in her basement. Behind her walked Jamie, Sam, Eli, Delia en Ned. A little shaky she took the keys and opened the shop. Through the darkness they went down the basement, Sam light up the basement. Melinda walked straight to the back. The hole in the wall was covered with wood and nails. Melinda started to take of the wood to open the entrance again. "I once swore never to go back," she whispered softly. Jamie heard and laid an hand on Melinda's shoulder. "You're not alone this time," she said and helped to break down the wood. Then a huge dark hole was visible. Melinda handed Jamie a flashlight and looked into her eyes, to find insurance. "Let's go," Jamie said and wanted to step into the hole. "I'm coming with you." Sam suddenly stepped forward, convinced to go with his wife, to not let her go alone. "No, J..Sam, it's to dangerous." Melinda stopped him and glanced up. "And it's not dangerous to you?" Sam protested. "You don't see them. Jamie and I do. We'll be back, with Aiden," she promised and stepped back. "You be careful?" Jamie startled and found Ned behind her. She glanced up at him and was once again shocked about his beautiful eyes. "Yes, I'll be careful." Suddenly he embraced her with his strong arms. In a reflex she wrapped her arms around his waist, they're eyes met each other. "Come back save, please. I have something to tell you," he whispered. "I'll be back." She freed herself and gave him one last glance before she disappeared in the hole.

The flashlights flashed through the hall. "What is this place? It gives me the creeps," Jamie said and her eye fell on a face, but before she looked twice, it was gone. "It's a city under the city, I believe it's build in the 18th century. And it gives me the creeps too." She turned around the corner into another dark and creepy hall. "How did Aiden get here? I mean, the entrance in the basement was still closed," Jamie wondered and saw again faces behind the windows. Now her eyes were adjusted to the darkness she saw there were complete houses here. "I think there may be more ways to get in," Melinda answered, trying to remember how to get too the church. "Melinda! What are you doing here?" Carl appeared in front of them, out of nowhere. Jamie startled and almost screamed, but could stop it. Melinda on the other hand was completely calm. "I'm looking for Aiden. Have you seen him?" Carl turns around, with his back to Melinda and Jamie. "Carl?" Suddenly furious Carl turns around to face Melinda. "How could you? How could you let him go? You didn't pay attention. It's your kid and you know what he can. Now he's in danger, a great danger." Now it was Melinda who startled and looked at Carl with big eyes. "Have you seen him?" Jamie asked again, she just knew they were running out of time. "Yes. In the church. Hurry, there is not much time." Carl disappeared and Jamie took Melinda's arm. "Come on." Together they run through the old, dusty streets to the church on the plaza. The church looked even creepier then the streets and houses they just passed. The Catholic church rose high in the air, the roof disappeared in the ground above them. "Come on!" Melinda grabbed Jamie's arm and ran to the entrance. "Wait. What are we going to do?" Jamie asked and tried to make a quick plan. "I don't know. But we have to save Aiden." Melinda panicked at the thought of losing her only son. "We will." Jamie grabbed her hand and squeezed softly. Next to her she heard her sister taking a deep breath. Then they entered the church, the doors croaked and slowly the inside of the church appeared. Both Jamie and Melinda held their breath, before the aisle stood Aiden, his head hung down. Right in front of him stood Romano, with a wicked grin on his face. His head shot up when he heard them enter. "Let him go!" Melinda screamed terrified. The grin grew wider, his eyes grew brighter and brighter. Jamie saw he was sucking up Aiden's soul. Suddenly she let go of Melinda and started to run towards Aiden. She felt she ran through a numbers of ghosts, but all she could think of was Aiden. As soon as she reached him, she wrapped him in her arms and pushed him away from Romano. Behind her she heard him groan. "No!" She looked up and saw Romano coming to her. She felt his hands on her face and her soul got sucked out. She closed her eyes, this was it. This was the end of her live, now she could join her foster parents. Out of the blue the ice hands disappeared, her soul was still in her. She opened her eyes, expected to be in heaven. But still she held Aiden in her arms. Had they both died? "I'll protect you." The voice sounded next to her and she saw the man of the accident, her ghost. "Help the boy." She turned her attention to the young boy, his eyes were closed and his breath was faint. For a second she was frozen. What could she do? Then her body took over and she started to give him mouth to mouth, in the hope he would be able to breath on his own. "I can't hold him for much longer, hurry up," she heard the man saying. Finally, Aiden opened his eyes. He looked at Jamie and smiled. "Aunt J." His voice was weak. "I'm here. You're safe." Suddenly the shield was gone and she felt Romano's breath. She stood up, Aiden stood behind her. "Look, you're not getting him. Over my dead body," she said, glancing in his ice cold eyes. A grin crept over his face. "I'll be happy to take yours," he grinned. A sudden bright light beamed through the church, Jamie saw Melinda was crossing over the ghosts who were trapped here. "There's a place for you too, you know." Romano laughed out loud. "Yeah? You really think it's all happy and good?" His face grew angry, his eyes shot fire at Jamie. "Yes, I do. You belong there too." She still tried to convince him to cross over. "Think again. Don't think you and your nephew can get rid of me that easily." With a sickening scream Romano disappeared into the ground and disappeared. Jamie took a breath of relief and took Aiden's hand. "Come, let's go help mommy." Together they walked to Melinda, who just crossed over a couple of ghosts. "Mummy!" Aiden ran to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Smiling, Melinda took her son in her arms. Thankfully she looked up at Jamie, who just winked at her. She got the message. "You think there's a place for me too?" The voice made Jamie look up and saw the man of the accident standing next to her, he was looking at the bright light. "Yes. I know for sure." He glanced aside and Jamie noticed his injuries were gone. "Thanks for your help," she added. "Anytime. I'm Bert, by the way." He smiled at her and then walked into the light. The light disappeared and it came dark again. "I think we're done here," Melinda said and Jamie nodded, staring at the ceiling. Aiden grabbed her hand and with the three of them they left the underground city.

A loud applause and cheers rose up when Aiden, Melinda and Jamie came out the hole. "Dad!" Aiden ran to Sam, who lifted the boy up. Melinda also walked to them and wrapped her arms around Sam and Aiden. A little lost Jamie watched them, they got surrounded by Delia and Eli. "I'm glad you're back." The soft, male voice came from behind her and made her spin. "Ned." A smile appeared on her face as he laid his arm around her waist. With his other hand he wiped a bit of dirt of her face. "I thought you would never return," he whispered, despair was visible in his eyes. "I'll always return," she promised him and looked him in the eyes. Their eyes were glued to each other and slowly, way to slow for Jamie, their faces came closer together. Finally his lips touched hers and she leaned into the soft, tender kiss. Ned pulled back a little and found her eyes again. "I love you," he whispered. Jamie smiled and kissed him again in answer. Loud applause broke their trance and grinning they faced the others. "Finally! I was getting tired of all those questions," Eli joked. Ned just grinned and grabbed Jamie tighter around her waist. "Let's go home to celebrate, okay?" Melinda suggested and they walked up the stairs. Ned stopped Jamie before they followed the others. "Was that a yes?" he asked, his eyes were beaming. "What do you think? Of course it was a yes." She grabbed his hand and they walked up the stairs…

A/N: I've decided to end the story here. I don't know if there will be a series 2 or a sequel. I kind of run out of ideas for this story, but you never know. I want to thank all my readers and reviewers, they kept the story alive!