Best Man Takes The Bride

By: iBroken

Pairing: SasuNaru

Genre: Romance/Humor

Summary: [SasuNaru] After going on a month long trip, and getting stuck with a dobe the whole time, Sasuke realizes he's in love. But with the dobe going to get married to someone else, what will Sasuke do?

Disclaimer: I'd like to say I own Naruto, but, I really can't. Oh well. I'll just make do with writing these fanfics in it's place. :3 Obsessy's all, happy with that.

Authoress Note: My little kitties! Sorry for the delay in disappearing. Obsessionist and Depressionist are very very busy with school, and just lately got an idea for a fanfic. If anyone recognizes the plotline, please PM and tell us! I, Obsessionist, would also like to apologize to anyone who wants us to continue other stories we started up. In all honesty, for fics like Moment Towards Forever, Redemption, and Itsuka no Kisestsu, it's hard to find a way to continue them. So tell us if you have any ideas!

As for now, we've decided on writing this. It's fluffy, and romantic, with all of the SasuNaru stuff people enjoy the most! Hope it feeds your rabid hunger!

- Obsessionist (Depressionist-Obsessionist)

Chapter 1

The giggling erupting from under the bed was the first thing that alarmed the poor blond that someone was around him. It was the most odd sensation, since he could hear the childlike sound, waking him from his deep sleep. There was little sunshine dropping down on his face from the now opened window; his bright orange sheets illuminated by the bright, yellow light. Naruto was not a morning person, nor was he very happy with the fact that his blankets were being tugged off of his body by the giggling persons under his bed.

"Wake up Naruto-nii-san!"

Opening his eyes groggily, the blue-eyed male looked at the three giggling children, now looking at him with deep, amused eyes. Their little faces would have been so cute; but to Naruto, the giggling of the three menaces only signaled the end of his life. It signaled the entire eruption of his ever peaceful morning.

Pushing his upper body up, Naruto found himself sitting up soon, looking at the three. Moegi, Udon, and Konohamaru were the trio of doom, to Naruto anyway. If they were here so early, their parents must be here too. Although Naruto couldn't figure out why they would be here, he was not pleased with their sudden appearances. If anything, he had every intention of turning, and running for his life. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

Moegi giggled, and reached forward to place a hand on his knee. Her beady eyes widened, as the words she spoke almost made Naruto's poor little heart stop beating.

"Minato-ojii-san says Naruto-nii-san is getting married!"

Throughout the house, a large groan erupted. Naruto scrambled off of bed, still dressed in his overly large Metallica shirt and orange boxers, and rushed downstairs to the living room where he knew his father, mother, and a few others should be. Screeching to a stop at the peaceful sight of Minato, Kushina, Sarutobi, and the rest of the overly-large friend group Minato had, drinking tea. Everything seemed so nice and calm; unlike Naruto who was fuming.


Looking up from his tea, Minato smiled at Naruto. The man seemed so entirely peaceful. Naruto knew that his impending doom had arrived. His father was getting back at him for something he had done wrong. This had to be some deranged joke his mother and father had formulated to make up for how he treated Konohamaru at the fair. He was too young to be married at 22. Minato patted the seat on the couch next to him, the sickly, calm smile still on his tanned features.

Carefully, Naruto walked there and took a seat. Looking at his father uncertainly, he waited for a proper response. Kushina only smiled from where she stood, and took in a heavy gulp, confirming that Naruto would not like this news. "You see, Naruto, when you were a baby, we lived in California, remember?" he asked. Naruto grumbled and remembered everything. He had hated being there. Minato only continued to smile, but Naruto saw he was hiding some detail.

"My old friend, Kasuko Haruno, had once promised me that our oldest children would marry one another," Minato began. At the word Marriage, Naruto let out a growl and stood up. Fisting both hands, he tried to stand still and not punch his father. "It's not a real promise! I'm not marrying some random person!" he shouted.

But Minato only shook his head. In that moment, his father's kind personality melted into the one part of Minato Naruto had feared most as a child. The anger displayed made Naruto drop into his seat and clutch his hands together in nervousness. "It was a matter of my pride, Naruto. And understand this, I meant each word I spoke, then and now," Minato ground out. Everyone was silent, save for Minato now. "Kasuko has a son, Sai Haruno, and I am telling you that you will marry him."

Naruto couldn't do anything but stare forward. He was supposed to marry someone he had never met before? How was this even probable? It was ridiculous! He would have objected, but Minato's eyes promised destruction of Naruto said no. I… can't even say no now. I-I'll have to marry this guy. Finding tears building up in his eyes, he stood up, and rushed back to his bedroom. Locking the door, he sat down there.

Why was this happening? Naruto had just graduated, and he was supposed to spend a few years searching for love. Why was he being thrust into a marriage with some guy he'd never even met before? Especially someone with a last name like that? Naruto Haruno; it sounds so, horrible! There was no going back against what his father was telling him to. He had no choice but to obey like a good child.

But… I'm not going into this without my own time too, he thought. I want to go on a trip around Japan once! I want to see everything, feel everything, before I get married! Dattebayo!

Standing up, he heard the door click open, and knew his father had once more opened the lock on his door using a simple penny. It was such an easy trick, he almost hated it. Minato stepped in, and locked the door when he was inside. Unlike Naruto, Minato Namikaze had a tall body. His muscular build, and very intimidating figure, served to scare people very often. Naruto was more on his mothers side, cute and adorable, but with a bad temper if he gets riled up. Minato stood at the door, his eyes peering down at Naruto.

"You can't say no. I make decisions for you, Naruto."

It was more of a command than a question. Naruto had no say in his own marriage; not while Minato's pride was at stake. "I'll, go through with this marriage thing, but," Naruto began. Minato's eyes softened when Naruto conceded to the marriage concept, but only frowned when Naruto seemed to be paused for more. "But only if you let me go on a trip around Japan, alone, for a month, prior to this marriage," Naruto finished.

He expected explosions, giant trains crashing into the window, the apocalypse even. But what he got was Minato suddenly laughing; one of those full, hearty laughs he was so prone to doing whenever he found something exceedingly humorous. Would Naruto's tiny request be turned down so soon? Minato reached forward to place a hand on his shoulder. Naruto could see the fatherly concern, but the more friend like acceptance in that small gesture. "You have my permission, my boy. I'll arrange a ticket to wherever you would like by Train for tomorrow! You have a month to do anything you'd like," Minato agreed.

Never had Naruto felt both relief, and anxiety. Excitement and angst. He would be free for a month, and then he would be tied down to someone named Sai.

Minato removed his hand, and nodded to Naruto. "Pack your bags. And don't forget your sun lotion. Your skin is tanned enough," he joked around. Naruto attempted a grin, but he still felt so sick. He should have known this morning would turn out this badly.

He was sitting, neatly, in the back of the room. He had been dressed in a black suit, with a standard black tie, and black pants. His clothes were neatly tucked in, and he was one of the most handsome men present in the board meeting room. With almost black hair that was spiked up at the back, and pale, yet very strong appearing skin, the man was what most defined as perfect. Aside of his expressionless face, everything about him screamed perfection.

"As the President of Sharingan Inc., I would like to introduce everyone to our new Vice-President, and my younger brother, Sasuke Uchiha."

As the man at the front, with similar figures, but much longer hair and older features nodded to the male in the back, the crowd clapped loudly. He stood up slowly and began his walk to the front, each step graceful and entirely smoothe. He was naturally this perfect, even at walking. Not a single detail escaped his coal eyes, even the slightest angry grumble from the man who wanted the position but lost it to his much more viable qualifications. Stopping beside his older brother, Sasuke looked out at the crowd.

Itachi clamped Sasuke on the back with a heart smile on his features. "I'm proud of you, otouto. You've become quite the man," he spoke, lowly. Sasuke didn't respond with anything but a small nod of his head. The crowd stood and began clapping, welcoming him as their new Vice-President, but he knew this was just the beginning of his steps to greatness. He had a role, and that whole purpose had yet to be found, but he was certain eventually he could find it.

Eventually, he had been given leave. Walking outside, he pulled out a cigarette, and lit it. Taking a slow drag, he puffed the smoke back out. Although he had enjoyed the ceremony, he highly disliked large gatherings. None of those people were real; they only wanted the money he would be spouting at them from the income of the company itself. No one truly cared who he was, or how he had reached where he was, as long as he gave them money each day. Frowning intently, Sasuke ignored the footsteps behind him, and the reassuring hand of his brother on his shoulder.

"You shouldn't be so distant. Those people work for you too, you know?" Itachi asked. Sasuke grunted and turned to glance away. Itachi was mature, composed, and strong in his own right, but he was purposely being ignorant to how people used them. He felt like he was protecting Sasuke, but he was only exposing him to more of the cruel world around them. It was like sitting in a tub of acid and suffocating slowly. Sasuke would have preferred that to seeing so many people.

Itachi shook his head at the silence he was receiving. "You need a break," he mumbled. When no answer came forth, he spoke up again. "I'm sending you to visit different cities. Alone. As your boss, you will do this, Sasuke."

He frowned and turned to face him, now suddenly not liking the idea. He was just elected Vice-President. Why would he want to go on a break already? Was Itachi losing his mind? But the stern look of concern in his eyes. He couldn't turn him down; not even if he was being asked to jump off of a bridge. He owed Itachi so much, he just had to take his advice now. Nodding in defeat, Sasuke turned to go back inside the building and face the crowd once more. Life is going to be hell.

"Are your bags packed, sweety?"

"Yes mom!"

"Did you take a towel, and soap?"

"Yes mom!"

"Did you make sure to take your underwear—"

"Stop embarrassing me mom! I did!"

Naruto huffed and slung his bag over his shoulder, his suitcase handle held in the other. His parents could be so embarrassing. Why were they so, parent like? Minato smiled kindly at him, one arm slung around Kushina's waist, as he held her close. It was obvious they were hesitant in letting their son go. But Naruto wanted to do this. Waving to them, he turned around and stepped through the terminal, walking down the steps towards his train train. Walking those few steps without hesitation or any sort of fear whatsoever, Naruto almost felt proud.

As the stairs winded downwards, Naruto could see the Train terminals. Each was numbered, and sent in a different direction to a different part of the Tokyo region. Naruto was excited about his small trip, and he knew it would be one he could remember for the rest of his meaningless existence. Nodding, he confidently strode the few more steps down the stairs and stopped to look at the different subs. He had one ticket to Sendai at the moment, where he could relax and do anything he wanted. With the money his father had supplied him, he could also rent a car, and go around having as much fun as he wanted. Maybe I'll even tour the country side, he thought. A bright grin plastered on his tanned face, as he proudly marched down the line of Trains, looking for the Sendai train, which would be numbered Train # 21205.

Walking forward while looking off to the side, he didn't bother glancing forward. His train was his first order of business; and there wasn't much to see in a train station aside of the actual trains. He continued walking without a care in the world, when his upper body struck someone else's with a rough jerk. Letting out a gasp of surprise, he dropped onto his back. His bag had dropped, his ticket dropping with it, and his suitcase was roughly tossed to the side, and under an empty train stop. His face turned a bright shade of red, as his blue eyes widened. Looking down, he felt his heart accelerate. He was already being such a klutz!

He didn't get a moment to think, as the person he had collided into held out a hand to him. Looking up, he had to blink twice at the handsome man he had bumped. The man had pale skin, and smoldering black eyes. His dark hair framed his face, and made him appear so, mature. Naruto only looked like a tiny boy compared to him. It didn't help that the man had much more height when in comparison to Naruto, who was short for his age. Grasping the hand with his own tan one, Naruto felt the man pull him up. Straightening himself, Naruto found he couldn't remove the heavy blush on his face. How did he always manage to embarrass himself?

Sasuke was utterly shocked that the blond male was so, utterly adorable. Never in his life had Sasuke, even once, found anyone attractive beyond the point of a quick glance. He had never seen someone with such an even tan, spread over the body he assumed was tanned all over. The t-shirt he was wearing (which was the dreaded colour of orange), was somewhat loose, but from the looks of it, the boy had a small body. His height was short, and in comparison to Sasuke, he was probably only tall enough that his head reached his shoulder. His blond hair was shaggy, and uncombed, but it looked so soft, more like a baby's hair. But that wasn't what had Sasuke's suddenly undivided attention. His blue eyes, which seemed wide in shock, were a colour of sky blue. He had met many people with blue eyes, many from the US on business transactions that Itachi had over, but those eyes were not like other blues. They were so bright, so clear, he had to think twice about whether this was just a figment of his imagination, or something real.

And what made it all the more better was the red hue tinting his cheeks, as he looked up at Sasuke with embarrassment. Sasuke suddenly knew what he wanted to do on this boring, pointless trip Itachi had forced him on. It had been a genius stroke of luck that the idiotic blond had ran into him. But God, it was exactly what Sasuke needed. A chance to woo this blond and maybe have him around for the month. Noticing the blond's belongings scattered around, he reached down to grab a piece of paper, he assumed to be the ticket, and lifted it up. The blond was heading to Sendai, while Sasuke was supposed to go to Kyoto. Shrugging, he handed the ticket to the blond. Going to Sendai was his change in destination.

When the blond took the ticket, and grabbed his bag, a sudden gust of wind alerted them that a train had arrived. Sasuke's memory suddenly caught that the blond's suitcase went under the train beside them. As the train landed, there was a crunching sound, and the suitcase, Sasuke, assumed, was crushed. The blond faced the suitcase, and his blue eyes widened. Sasuke winced, and found he felt bad for him.

There was a shriek. And Sasuke had to cover his ears as he found the blond shouting and sputtering at his lack of a suitcase full of clothes. I should expect that from someone like that, he thought, almost bitterly. Finding the train door opening, Sasuke moved to walk ahead of the blond and step inside. Although he had no idea where this train was going, he was assured the blond idiot would follow him, and from then on, his plan would set into motion. He would have the blond's attention on himself, one way or another.

As he stepped in, he found the blond rushing after him, his blue eyes showing a new emotion from the embarrassment from earlier. It was anger; an anger Sasuke hadn't seen in anyone in so long. He was so tired of calm and composed; so tired of praises. He just wanted someone who could lash at him, bring him down to anger as well. And this blond was that and more. Sasuke was excited; he had to owe Itachi for sending him on this miracle trip.

"You owe me, teme! I lost my suitcase because of you!"

While the blond was ranting, the subway doors shut, and the blue-eyed victim turned around, eyes wide, as he stared out. All Sasuke could do was let an unholy smirk filter over his face. Bingo.