"A Cool Friend"


"Wow, you're so cool, Sonic!" A male black and yellow bee squealed, grinning from ear to ear (or antenass).

It was a beautiful sunny afternoon. Puffy, white clouds were hovering up in the sky, the wind blew through the trees gently, and the temperature outside was comfortable. Charmy the Bee was hanging out with Sonic the Hedgehog, his friend. The young bee watched in awe as Sonic was running around, doing his daily running to stretch the azure hedgehog's legs.

Sonic flashed him with a smile, "Thanks Charmy, but I'm not that cool."

Charmy couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sonic was one of the coolest friends he knows. Why was he denying it?

"Sure you are, Sonic. You're the coolest hedgehog I know!" Charmy explained honestly, it was the truth. He meant every word. Sonic blushed a bit.

"Me? Nah..." Sonic denied, playfully. He knew he was cool, but not that cool.

Besides it was sort of cute how Charmy thinks he's cool. Charmy immediatly nodded his head.

"Okay," Sonic stopped jogging, which turned into a walk, and stared at Charmy. "How am I cool?" He tested, smirking.

Charmy stopped flying after Sonic.

"Well, you're cool because..." Charmy paused, watching as Sonic's smirk transformed into a grin.

"Am I cool because of my ability to run in super sonic speed?" Charmy gradually shook his head.

"Really? Am I cool because I can kick Eggman's butt?" Sonic asked, waiting for Charmy's reply.

But, yet again, Charmy shook his head. Sonic stopped walking and stopped completely. Charmy mimicked his actions. Sonic was actually stumped at this. How is he cool to Charmy then?

"Wow, this is tough Charmy. How am I cool to you then?" Sonic questioned, waiting for the young bee's reply. Charmy paused a moment before he replied.

"You're cool to me, because you're my best friend!"

Charmy quickly flew up to Sonic's chest and gave him a heart-warming hug. Sonic smiled; it was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to him.

The End!