Disclaimer: I do not own Junjou Romantica.

Pair: Miyagi & Shinobu

Warning: Lemon, fluff. If you don't like this kind of thing, get off my fanfic! Oh, and lots of OOCness! XD

Miyagi rubs his temples as he looks down at the pile of paperwork on his desk. He'd just spent the past two hours picking them up off the floor and putting them back in order. He can thank his lover for the extra overtime.

Shinobu had come bursting through the door into Miyagi's office, shoving Miyagi against his desk, knocking all the papers to the floor, as Shinobu shyly, but roughly rams his lips into the professor's, and then things just kept getting hotter, until three hours later when Shinobu leaves, sweaty and limping.

'That brat is so pushy when he wants sex, but I guess that's one of the reasons I love him..' Miyagi takes a drag of his cigarette, placing the papers on his desk. "I just don't want to know what the Dean would think if he knew..."

"If I knew what exactly Miyagi?"

Miyagi freezes then slowly turns around to face his boss.

"N-nothing sir! I was just thinking out loud."

The Dean nods and looks over to the couch in Miyagi's office. "Was Shinobu here?" He asks picks up his son's school bag.

"Huh..? Oh.. uh, yeah. He asked me for some help with his literature homework."

"How long ago did he leave?"

"About two hours ago."

"Alright then. Thank you for helping him with his school work. He must have a girlfriend or something, because he just can't seem to concentrate on his homework anymore. I'll take his bag to him. Thanks again Miyagi." The Dean smiles and leaves down the hall.

'I wish you knew why he really asks me for "help" and who his "girlfriend" really is...' Miyagi sighs glancing at the clock. "It's 11:37 already? I better get going too. Knowing that brat he'll be at my place as soon as his father is asleep." He puts out his cigarette and stands from his chair. 'I'm getting to old for all this teenage drama.'

Shinobu is fast asleep on the couch at home when his father gets home.

The Dean looks at his son. 'What are you keeping from me? Miyagi seems to know what it is too, but why don't either of you trust me enough to tell me?' He puts his son's school bag on the floor beside the couch.

At the sound of his school bag hitting the floor, Shinobu wakes up some, but doesn't move so his father will continue to think he's asleep.

"Shinobu... why do you feel you have to keep secrets from me? I just want you to be happy.." The older man brushes some hair off of his son's forehead, thinking out loud.

After his father exits the room, Shinobu quietly gets up, grabbing his school bag, and sneaks out the door. 'I can't tell you why father. You'll be so ashamed of me, plus you may never let me see him again..' He dashes to to his lover's home, trying to shake what his father said.

When he reaches Miyagi's place, he's out of breath, and his eyes are red from crying. Wiping away the tears, he timidly knocks on the door. After waiting a few minutes, he takes out the key Miyagi gave him on the way back from visiting his sensei's grave and unlocks the door.

Throwing his school bag onto the couch, he gets a glass from the cabinets and fills it with grape juice. 'Miyagi, you old bastard, you better get your ass here soon.' Sitting down on the couch, Shinobu flips on the T.V. while sipping his juice. After about twenty minutes, he falls asleep, after taking one of Miyagi's shirts from the closet, and using it as a blanket.

About an hour later, Miyagi enters his house. 'Heh, Shinobu's already here.' Walking into the living room, he picks up his sleeping young lover, turning off the T.V., and carries him to their shared bedroom.

Placing Shinobu on the bed, Miyagi changes into a night shirt and a pair of solid black boxers. Then he climbs into the bed and softly hugs the sleeping boy next to him.

"Daisuki, Shinobu." He kisses the boy's forehead still holding him close, and falls asleep.

The next morning, Miyagi gets up quietly, so that Shinobu can sleep a little longer, and goes into the kitchen to make some coffee.

After about thirty minutes, a very groggy Shinobu enters the kitchen.

"It's good to see you up Shinobu-chin."

"Yeah yeah, good morning to you too."

Miyagi points to a plate with eggs and toast on it. "I made breakfast for you."

"T-thanks." Shinobu blushes some getting a glass of orange juice, then sits at the table to eat, watching Miyagi read the paper.

"You sleep okay Shinobu?" Miyagi asks, his worried eyes hidden behind the paper.

"O-oh.. y-yeah. I slept just fine. No need to worry about me old man, worry about yourself." Shinobu spits out.

"You slept just fine, huh?" Miyagi lowers the paper and stares hard at the teen across the table. "Is that why I found you curled up on the couch clinging to my shirt for dear life?"

"Hmph, shut up, I don't need to explain to you." Shinobu huffs.

"I believe you do." Miyagi stands, putting the paper down, and walks over to his young lover. "Now tell me."

Blushing, Shinobu turns away. "Just something my father said to me, though he thought I was asleep." Tears starting to form in teen's gray eyes.

Miyagi feels a sharp stab in his chest. "Your father was talking to me before I left the office yesterday too. I'll guess he's wondering what you're hiding from him." He puts a hand on the teen's trembling shoulder.

Shinobu looks up at his lover, tears slowly trickling down his flushed cheeks. "That's what he asked, what I'm hiding from him, why I can't trust him with it." He buries his face in his hands, tears leaking out more quickly. "But we both know I can't tell him. I don't want to risk not being able to see you again! If he finds out, you could even get fired." Shinobu's chokes out between sobs.

Miyagi grabs Shinobu's chin, forcing the teen to look at him. "Shinobu, I may love my job, but I wouldn't mind losing it if it meant I could be with you. If your father ever does find out, let me deal with it, I wont let you burden yourself with the thought." He leans down and kisses the shocked teen gently. "I'll deal with it, if the need ever arises."

Shinobu breaks away from Miyagi grasp and looks at the clock. "It's 6:55, we better get going." Miyagi nods and grabs his work bag, tossing Shinobu's school bag to him.

Once they get to the school, Miyagi lets Shinobu out, and goes to park his car. Once his car is parked, he gets out and almost runs face first into the Dean.

"Sorry sir, I wasn't paying attention." Miyagi mutters.

"That's quite alright Miyagi. Shinobu must of left early this morning to go to your house to study before school. I saw him getting out of your car. I hope it doesn't bother you he shows up at your doorstep that early in the morning, if it ever does, tell me, and I'll make sure he gets your permission first." The Dean grins. "I'm glad there's someone in the world he trusts."

"Yeah, kids his age are hard to deal with." Miyagi forces a smile. "Well, I better be getting to work, Hiroki will have my head if I'm late."

The Dean laughs. "Yeah, you don't want the wrath of The Devil Kamijo upon you."

Miyagi laughs too. "Yeah. Well, I'll talk to you later sir." With that, he walks off to get to work.

Wandering dazed into his office, Miyagi walks right into Hiroki, or better known to the students' as 'The Devil Kamijo'.

"What's wrong with you this morning Professor?" Hiroki scoffs, then his face contorts into a look of concern and shock. "Why do you look so out of it today?"

"It's nothing Hiroki, no need to worry about it!" Miyagi fakes a smile, breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Alright then." Hiro shrugs, sitting at his desk.

Miyagi sighs, also sitting at his desk. 'How am I to tell the Dean that I'm dating his 18 year old son?'

"If you're worried about telling the Dean you're dating Shinobu, then don't." Hiro says typing up his lesson for the day.

"I hate how you can read my mind Hiroki." Miyagi laughs.

"It's not that hard when you're suck in a room with that person most of the day most everyday." Hiro sighs.

Miyagi laughs harder. "You're probably right about that Hiroki! Thanks." Miyagi smiles at his co-worker.

"Mhmm." Hiro hums thinking.

The day passes quickly, and when the final bell rings Miyagi smiles waiting for Shinobu to come to his office.

After the school clears out some, Shinobu sneaks into his lover's office and tackles him out of his chair.

Miyagi laughs and holds Shinobu close kissing his forehead, making the teen blush.

"Well, what do you want to "study" today Shinobu-chin?"

"Stop it old man!" Shinobu blushes even deeper. "You damn well know what..."

Miyagi chuckles and kisses his lover hungrily.

Shinobu fists Miyagi's shirt while Miyagi breaks the kiss to remove the teen's blazer and shirt. Shinobu whimpers while Miyagi's hands roam his chest.

Miyagi teases his lovers nipples, smirking at the noises the teen makes every time he pinches, twists, and pulls on the hard pink nubs.

Moving his hands lower, Miyagi unbuttons the caramel haired teen's pants, whispering into the teen's ear. "I hope you're ready for me." Miyagi chuckles as Shinobu gulps.

He slips the teen's pants down to his ankles, and rolls his hips into his young lover, causing the teen to whimper and squirm even more.

Opening a drawer, Miyagi pulls out a tube of strawberry scented lube, and pours it onto his fingers, sliding Shinobu's boxers down with his other hand.

Shinobu clutches tightly onto Miyagi's shirt. "H-hurry up old man." He pants out in frustration.

Miyagi chuckles. "As you wish Shinobu-chin." He forces all three fingers into his young lover, making him yelp and whimper. He starts thrusting his fingers in and out, as Shinobu rocks his hips in time with each thrust.

After 15 or so minutes of preparation, Miyagi pulls out his fingers, and unbuttons his pants, unable to look at his flushed, panting, whimpering lover without wanting to just fuck him for his own pleasure.

"Here." He hands Shinobu the bottle of lube, and the teen nods.

Once Shinobu has smeared the scented goo like substance onto Miyagi's cock, he lays back on the desk spreading his legs as wide as he can, biting his lip in anticipation.

Gasping Shinobu tries to relax as his lover forces himself as deep as possible. Once Miyagi is buried to the hilt inside him, the office door opens, and in steps his father.

All three of them freeze, too shocked to move or talk.

The Dean stands there, analyzing the situation. ' My daughters ex-husband, and my 18 year old son. Having sex. On a desk. In my school.' He smiles. "Well, now I know who Shinobu's "girlfriend" is." He laughs.

Shinobu blushes bright red, burying his face into Miyagi's chest shaking his head violently.

Miyagi smiles down at his lover understandingly, and runs his fingers through the teen's auburn hair.

"Umm.. dad can you leave long enough for us to dress please?" Shinobu asks flustered.

Still laughing his father replies. "Oh, sure sure! I want to talk to you two after wards though." His gaze becomes very serious. Making Miyagi and Shinobu very nervous to leave the room once they've dressed.