Sorry I haven't updated in a long time! I hope you like it! The 2nd chapter of The Lost Truth! Please review and give me ideas!

All PJTO characters belong to Rick Riordan. All non-PJTO character belongs to me! ~ Wolfy

Chiron gave me a cup of cool tea and I sat down on the old couch. Nico sat beside me and Percy sat on the arm of the couch. I looked down into my cup and saw my reflection. I looked awful. My hair was standing on ends and I had dark circles under my eyes. And I felt sick to my stomach.

"Leah," Chiron started. "Do you know why you are here?" I gulped and shook my head. My jaw clenched and so did my hand around my cup. "No, sir." Chiron smiled gently at me. "Your adoptive father has been taken. By an unknown creature. And, your real father is a Greek God." My throat went dry and I gulped another lung-full of air. Bill was really taken?

"He's b-been taken?" I asked in a shaky voice. Chiron nodded sadly at me. I sit my cup on the table before I dropped it, and put my head in hands. I wasn't crying, surprisingly. I just needed to keep myself calm.

The door burst open, and a tall blond girl with gray eyes, and a tall guy with a beard and curly came inside and closed the door. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and the blond girl was smiling at me. "I'm Annabeth. And you're Opal, right?" I nodded and Nico said, "It's Leah, really." Annabeth looked at him and said, "Thank you, Nico." She sat beside me. "Anyway, Leah, you're completely welcome here. And this is Grover. He's….different." Grover, the kind guy with the beard, waved at me. Then I saw his legs. They were goat legs. I leaned back against the couch and tried to smile at him. "Grover, can you please take her to the Hermes cabin. I need to speak to Percy and Nico."

I buried my head into the soft pillow, and let my well-over-due tears finally come. The night was cold, and the window by the bunk was opened. A light breeze hit me in the face and sent a shiver down my spine. All I could think about was what happened to Bill. And who my real father was. A Greek god? Could all those myths be true? And Grover was a satyr. I must be going crazy. 'Cause, I kind of believe this stuff now.

I sat alone at breakfast. Well, until Nico sat by me. "Cheer up," he said, bumping my shoulder. I ignored him, till he said, "Can we go for a walk? I want to tell you some things."

We walked into the forest. I was about a foot away from him, but he looked like he wanted to be closer. "Leah, we will find Bill. He will be safe." I stared at the leaves crunching beneath our feet. I urged myself to say something. But nothing came out. The sudden wave of depression was taking me over. I felt trapped. And I needed a panic button. Bad.

Nico moved closer to me. "Leah, please talk. You're scaring me." I clutched my necklace, and blue guitar pick that said 'LIVE'. "I'm just scared. I have no idea what is going to happen. Or what's going on. I don't even know who my dad is. And I feel so worthless, because my father didn't even take me when my mother died. He just left me." All this came out in a big gush of emotion. And I felt better.