Hey guys! I'm not sure if the order of events in this story is correct, but if its not, just ignore that fact and go with it. Please, for me. *Gives puppy dog eyes* Lol! Okay, anyway I hope you guys love the story! Reviews are amazing and flames are welcomed, though not happilly accepted. : )
"Marry me Bella?" I looked into the eyes of my Edward. My love. But I didn't see what I normally saw. I didn't see my beautiful Adonis. I didn't see the love of my life, the core of my existence. I saw something else.
"You hurt me Edward."
His surprised face searched my eyes, but I had my mask on. He had no chance of knowing what was going through my mind, and he had no chance of marrying me.
"I didn't mean to Bella, you know that."
"I do know that. But you did. You still did."
"Bella please…" I cut off the beginning of his rant and took his face in my hand. His cheek was cold to me, colder than it normally was. And I didn't like it.
"I gave you my heart, my love, and you left. I told you I would stand by your side forever, and you left me."
"But I came back…" He had hope in his eyes, but I could also see the pain. The pain that I was causing…I didn't care though. My Edward needed to hear this.
"And I took you back. But at a price. I got you, but I gave up Jacob. I got my family back, but I gave up the pack, who's also family to me. If I stay with you, I'll get immortality, but I'll lose the life I've always known. My human life."
"You said that's what you wanted." His packed eyes were still searching mine, but he couldn't find anything. His hand reached up to hold mine that still on his cheek, but is touch no longer comforted me. It disgusted me.
"I did. But I was wrong."
"Bella…" Again I cut him off.
"Rosalie was right Edward. My humanity is too much of a price to pay for the love you give me. Maybe if you had never left, I never would have realized it, but you did leave, and I did realize it."
"Bella if you don't want to marry me I understand, but please don't do this…" Edward's panicked voice reached my ears, but I ignored the words.
Rosalie was right.