This story was inspired by an article I saw while I was logging in to AOL. I'm sure some of you have heard about the earthquake in Chile. A man and his daughter fell thirteen floors and made it out alive. However, this is a story written by a girl with a crazy mind. Who knows if they're going to make it out alive. Edgey is sooo OoC in this. But... I'm not really sure if that's a good or bad thing...

Disclaimer: I do not own Phoenix Wright.

Rain fell lightly on the window pane of Miles Edgeworth's apartment window. He lay quietly on his side on his couch in his living room longing to feel the warm embrace of his lover's arms. Miles was wrapped in a blanket he had "borrowed" from Phoenix's home, smelling the intoxicating scent of his lover.

"Edgeworth?" a voice called quietly. He heard the door to his apartment open then close quietly. Miles tried as hard as he could to pretend he was asleep. Phoenix walked over to the seemingly sleeping prosecutor and smiled. Putting one arm underneath his neck and another beneath his knees, Phoenix carried Miles to his bed. Tucking him in underneath the covers, Phoenix was about to leave when a hand grabbed his sleeve.

"Wait... stay here," Miles said, his voice barely above a whisper. Phoenix smiled crookedly and loosened his tie. He crawled under the quilt having already taken his shoes off at the door and wrapped his arms around his prosecutor. Miles took in Phoenix's smell not wanting to forget it.

"Why did you take my blanket?" Phoenix asked suddenly breaking the comfortable silence hanging in the air. Miles blushed and pressed his face into Phoenix's chest.

"Because... you're not always here... to hold me..." Miles muttered turning more red with every passing second. Phoenix chuckled. The sound was music to Miles's ears. Miles had never shown this side of him to anyone ever since his father was murdered. Phoenix kissed Miles's forehead resting his lips there for a moment.

"Get some sleep. You've had a long day," Phoenix said gently. Truth be told, Phoenix was doing most of the work that day. Franciscka von Karma had been the prosecutor for most of the recent cases, so Miles had some time off. Miles was going to object, but before he could, he heard his lover's steady breathing signaling he was asleep. Before long, Miles was nodding off laying his dear Phoenix's arms.

Miles was awoken by a loud rumbling noise. He tried to ignore it, but soon the bed began to shake violently. He thought it might've been Phoenix playing a trick on him, but he cracked his eyes open and the lawyer was nowhere in sight. He shot up and glanced around.

"Phoenix?" Miles shouted. The rumbling and shaking wouldn't stop so he jumped out of bed. Bad choice. Miles fell to the floor before he even took a step. He crawled across the shaking floor shouting Phoenix's name. Phoenix suddenly appeared from the front hallway and grabbed Miles in his arms.

"What's going on?" Miles shouted. He didn't need an answer though. He knew it was an earthquake. Miles suddenly heard a loud crack sound around him. Before he knew it, he was falling thirteen floors in his lover's arms. The sky was dark without a star in sight and no hint of the moon. Rain was falling steadily, like the sky was weeping, anticipating their death. Miles clung desperately to Phoenix as they fell to their doom. Most of the building had already collapsed. Plummeting faster and faster towards the rubble, Miles squeezed his eyes shut.

"I love you..." he whispered to Phoenix before they crashed to the ground.

All done. Hope you enjoyed :) Well, not enjoyed, but you know, I hope you liked it. R&R! :D