Dear my beloved readers and followers

I come as the harbinger of bad news. As of today, "Boarding Schools Never Been So Fun" is over. I'd like to say Hiatus, but saying such may give you hope that I cannot stick too. I have many reasons, I suppose none of them very good, but they are my reasons none the less. I apologize to everyone who has kept watching, encouraging me, and to you who even offered to be my Beta (and the one who I accepted as such) as all I did was let you down.

The reasons for this unexpected but needed ending is this: I no longer like Hetalia. In fact, I am border-line hating it at the moment. Why is not the anime it self's fault, but the fans and people around it. Not you, dear readers, but those who are here in my home state. I have tried many times just to let it pass, but everytime I watch, read, or think of Hetalia I am struck with sadness. I cannot roleplay it anymore, I told my friends I'd cosplay it with them but I am beginning to rethink the decision. I just cannot do it. I thank Hetalia for bringing me my Girlfriend and a Best Friend, but now I must say goodbye.

Two is one you can outright laugh at me for. I lost the chapter and my notebook all together. If I find it and no longer want to kill - than I may or may not continue. Will that time come soon? Probably not, I am sad to say. I had looked forward to this story, had so many dreams and ideas for it and for them all to come crashing down because Hetalia makes me sick is a saddening fact.

Really, this isn't the way I do things. I don't give in to people, I try to prove them wrong. But, as I said before, I cannot look at Hetalia without growing physically ill. Many, not all, but many of the fans here have corrupted what was once something that I found enjoyable and a way to escape reality. I enjoyed Hetalia, like I hadn't really enjoyed anything in a long time. But I'm sorry. Turning 14 year old girls into sluts because that's how the character would act isn't right. Being a whore at a con and making out with anything that walks because Prussia is a slut isn't right. Do not assume a character to be a way they are not. England and Prussia are not whores. They do sluttish things, but all the characters do. The only character that can by cannon get away with whorish things is France, and even the France here knows their place. I'm sorry, I can't do it.

I will be writing more, but not Hetalia. I have started a Roleplay with my Girlfriend about Historical figures in a different setting, based of the Mary Calmes book "Change of Heart" which I had originally also planned to do in a Hetalia-like setting. As of now that and the beginning of a Original piece of work are my only writing plans. Again, I am so sorry.

Maybe some day we'll meet again.
