The school bell rang loudly (and rather annoyingly), and the students from the distinguished Academy came, piling through the Gothic building's long corridors. Innovative, modern, and sleek lockers clicked to life under advanced voice control technology. Though the drawback is, on the interior design point of view, the futuristic lockers contradicted the elegant, layered arches terribly.
The buzz of the students ended as the school bell was rung again.
Now, let's start with young Yu, who would be graduating high school (if he could pass the SATs; or, perhaps better known by his last name, Kanda, as he was very secretive regarding his first name. Heck, he was secretive about everything. His family, the tattoo on the left of his chest (which was only visible under the P.E. uniform), why he wears a silver dog tag with a black lotus engraved into it, and why did he take the hardest lessons (which he's currently failing). But everyone knows how he blackmailed his teachers into letting him take the lessons.
And everyone agrees that Kanda is a genius when it comes to blackmail.
Kanda is one of the prefects in the Academy, and he blackmailed his way into the position, as no one in the right mind will let a foul-mouthed delinquent into the organization. As why some antisocial like him would want the position, it remains a secret; even though last year a there was a rumor about him wanting the position to get popular. As if. Kanda was an antisocial guy, alright, but his true desire was to stay one. Kanda's also the president of the Kendo Club.
Kanda has a cold, eerie personality. Everything around him has a near-freezing feeling about it. His jet-black hair and eyes sometimes reflects the color of indigo blue; his pale skin had a slight hint of light cerulean; and his voice was always like a blade of ice. The aura around him was like that of a refrigerator.
Somehow, this made him popular with the female students, whose requests (of any kind) he declined coldly, mercilessly.
Kanda did not respect the school dress code, and no one was brave enough to tell on him. His shirt was always ruffled, not ironed properly, with his sleeves rolled up; he wore black necktie slightly askew; he wore a bracelet of black beads, for no apparent reason; and most strangely, he has his katana, Mugen, strapped to his belt at all times. His asymmetrical style gave a rebellious atmosphere to his uniform.
This is another reason why he is popular with girls.
Ah, and there is one more thing I haven't told you guys. Kanda absolutely hates girls.
Next up is Lavi, who's in the same grade as Kanda. However, if Kanda was black, then Lavi would be white; these two 17-year-olds were exact opposites. Lavi was outgoing, intelligent, and bursting with an aura similar to solar energy. Lavi lives with his grandfather, a mysterious historian, and possesses no last name. He also explains that his current name is a mere alias. As a student who just moved here two years ago, he adapted unusually fast. He took all the AP classes and the CP classes, which he aced effortlessly. Well, that was putting it lightly. Let's try he passed without even trying. Yup, that's right. Many of Lavi's teachers urged him to go to university early, but Lavi merely smiled and told them that he couldn't leave his friends.
All his teachers thought that this was a waste of talent.
Lavi's also a prefect. He was nice, friendly, handsome, and very interested in girls. Lavi possession of this position was a result of phenomenal grades and positive attitude. The teachers just him position without asking. His performances in this position further assured the fact that he was absolutely perfect for this job. Of course, his other job in the school is the president of the Judo Club.
Lavi has a friendly, passionate personality. An atmosphere like the summer wind flowed about him. Lavi was like the fire. His hair was a fiery red; his skin had the sheen of sunshine; his single, emerald eye (his right eye always had an eye patch over it) shone with friendliness; his voice always a welcoming warmth.
The girls were attracted to him like the planets to the sun, and he gladly let them orbit him.
Lavi was extremely sloppy about his uniform. He cropped his shirt sleeves (he also sewed his button holes and buttons back on later); his tie was always untied; he wore earrings; sometimes scarves and gloves indoors, maybe a bandanna too; he had a miniature hammer fastened to his pants; and his blazer was sometimes slung lazily over his shoulder. Of course, this violated many rules of the dress code, but Lavi couldn't care less. Besides, the teachers were so blinded by his dazzling, perfect scores, they wouldn't notice.
Lavi was extremely successful at just about anything.
Lenalee's the third student we'll talk about today. Usually, she's friendly and outgoing, but she can be pretty scary when angered. Her strong punches are rumored to knock a full-grown man unconscious with one blow. Lenalee's brother, Komui, is the principal of the school, who is incredibly infamous for his sister-complex. Lenalee, as a 10th grader, is incredibly gifted in science and math, and she's doing pretty well in her other classes, too.
Lenalee's the president of the Science Club, and planned many large-scale science projects, which were almost always involved in famous science magazines. Lenalee was thus known to the world as a "Scientific Prodigy".
This made her brother, a former scientist at Harvard, extremely proud.
Lenalee was probably what you would call a pretty girl. She had shoulder length black hair, with a slight hint of green. Her hair had just started growing in the summer, as a dangerous experiment she performed in her 9th grade year exploded, the force cutting her long, flowing hair short. Lenalee also had unusual, deep violet eyes. It is rumored that those are the color of Lenalee's infrared contact lenses.
Lenalee's uniform dress was abnormally short. Lenalee had no idea why her dress was so short. No one knew why. Lenalee didn't complain, though. The short length made it easy for her to move in. Almost all the boys in the Academy were interested in her dress. Kanda was quite obviously not interested.
Lastly, we have Allen Walker. Allen wears a glove on his left hand to cover its unnatural color. It is because of that hand that his birth parents abandoned him. He takes easier courses, and as a 9th grader, he passes them with an okay grade. It is known that several years ago, Allen's adoptive father passed away, and the charity put him in the Academy (which, by the way, is a boarding school).
Allen has a friendly personality. He's a polite child, and almost perfectly normal. What's not normal about him is his tragic past, white hair (caused by the shock of seeing his adoptive father die), and a scar running through his silvery-gray left eye, which is said to be acquired at the death of his adoptive father.
Allen wore his uniform correctly like a good child, thus making him a perfect model for the dress code. He has also been called "cute" frequently.
And that is precisely all we know about Allen Walker, so far.
The classrooms were gradually filled, and the day was about to begin.
To be continued