This is my first one shot and my first song fic. Starts Kouga/Kagome ends InuYasha/Kagome. Hope you like it the song is Take a Bow by Rihanna.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or the song Take a Bow.... I can dream though

Kagome walked in the door.

It was their anaversery. She was going to surprise him. She closed the door behind her unaware of what was going on. She turned aroud and the smile dropped from her face.

"Ooh.. Kouga." a girl with short red hair moaned.

He was on the couch in a tangle of limbs with another girl trailing sweet kisses down her neck as his hands wandered down her pants to her core.

"K-Kouga...." Kagome whispered shocked her choclate brown eyes brimming with tears.

"Huh?" Kouga asked as he turned around,"Kagz? W-What are you doing here?"


How bout a round of applause

"It's our anaversery." Kagome said sadly.


Standin' Ovation?

Kouga looked surprised.

"Were over." Kagome whispered turning around and running back home.

Ooh, Oh Yeah

Yeah Y-Yeah Yeah

Kagome cried as she pressed her back against the door. Where had she gone wrong. He's been cheating on me this whole time.she thought sadly. There was a banging on the door.

"Kagome!" Kouga called through the door.

You look so dumb right now

Standin outside my house...

"Please I'm Sorry!" he said.

Tryin to apologize

You're so ugly

When you cry

"Come on Kagz!" he begged.

Please, Just cut it out

"Please I'm sorry!" He begged again.

"No Your Not!" Kagome sobbed.

Don't tell me you're sorry

Cause you're not

The sound of foot steps thudding on the ground.

And baby

When I know you're only sorry

You got caught

"Yes I am! It was a mistake!" He lied.

But you put on quite a show

Really had me goin'

"I thought you loved me." She screamed.

The foot steps got louder.

But now it's time to go

Curtains finally closin

I'm Done With You And Your Lies!" Kagome's small frame shook with her constant sobs.

That was quite a show

Very entertaining

But it's over now

(But it's over now)

Go on and take a bow

"Just Leave." She begged him.

"No" He said simply.


Grab your clothes and get gone

(get gone)

"Just take your Shit and go." She screamed throwing all his clothes and the things he bought her out a window.

You better hurry up

Before the sprinklers come on

(come on)

"Please Kagome I do love you!" He said.

Talkin bout

Girl I love you

Your the one

This just looks like a re-run

"Stop lying to me!" She screamed.


What else is on

(Ooh Oh Oh)

"Please I'm Sorry!" He begged once more.

And don't tell me you're sorry

Cause you're not

"Just Go Away and stop lying to me." She sobbed.

And baby

When I know you're only sorry

You got caught

But you put on quite a show

Really had me goin'

But now it's time to go

Curtains finally closin

"We're Over!" She said forcefully.

The foot steps ceased.

That was quite a show

Very entertaining

"She said it's over. So leave now before I kick your ass." the famillar gruff voice stated.

Kagome's heart beat faster. InuYasha. She thought.

But it's over now

(But it's over now)

Go on and take a bow

"NO!" Kougas furious yell hit her ears."Kagomes Mine!"

"Just leave!" InuYasha Shouted.

He had lied the whole time it was never over between them. Kouga had cheated on her the whole time.

And the award for the best liar

Goes to you

(Goes to you)

He had never been faithful she was just a quick fuck. It wasn't love.

For makin me believe

That you could be

Faithful to me

Let's hear your speech out

The sounds of a long drawn out fight raged for what seemed like hous but was only momentes.

How bout a round of applause

Standin' Ovation?

But you put on quite a show

Really had me goin

Is he gone. It had gotten quiet.

Now it's time to go

Curtains finally closin

That was quite a show

Very entertainin

But it's over now

(But it's over now)

There was a soft knock at the door.

Go on and take a bow

Kagome bit her lip.

But it's over now

"Kagome?" came the soft call through the door. There was the click of the door opening.

Hot tears streamed down her cheeks as the previous events flashed before her eyes.

Soft foot steps. She let out a strangled sob as she slowly slid to the ground her back pressed against the wall.

"Kagome..." the soft whisper reached her ears. "What happened to you?" he asked.

There was a soft thump as he sat next to her.

"H-He was ch-cheating on me t-the whole t-time." She cried softly. Two warm arms wrapped around her. She burried her face in his chest crying loudly.

"It'll be okay Kagome. Do you want me to call Sango or Rin?" Kagome shook her head."Kikyou?" he tried. She shook her head again,"Ayame?" Kagome sobbed loudly.

"Kouga was with her wasn't he?" InuYasha asked. Kagome nodded.

"Damn that bastard. I'm gonna go skin em' both wait here." InuYasha growled.

"Please don't leave me." Kagome whispered. InuYasha calmed at once and nodded.

"Thank you."

Okay that was my first did you like it could have been better what I'd like to know what you think thanks and later.