hey guys! ok, so i 4got 2 put the disclaimer on my other story [Confession] but I think you people know I don't own Vampire Knight. any who, please enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: no. I don't. Didn't I just say that up there?!?!?

Summer Vacation

Yuuki Cross sat at the dining table in the Chairman's kitchen, chewing her pencil. It was the last week of school at Cross Academy, and she was studying hard so she could pass her finals. She ran a pale hand through her shoulder length, dark brown hair while she stared at the complicated algebra equation. She had even more trouble concentrating than usual because a certain silver haired boy named Zero Kiryu was watching TV in the next room over.

Yuuki groaned in frustration as she heard Zero's laughter flutter into the kitchen. "Would you keep it down in there?! Unlike some people I actually want to pass my finals!!!" she screamed, getting angrier and angrier as she was staring at the same equation for ten minutes now. All the numbers and letters together looked like a foreign language. She briefly heard Zero turn off the TV and walk into the kitchen, pulling up a chair beside Yuuki. Zero rested his chin on his hand and stared at Yuuki with his piercing lilac eyes.

"You need help?" He asked, though he seemed bored. Yuuki pouted. "No. I'm perfectly fine, thank you." Then she looked back at the unfinished worksheet before her. She was trying to work it out in her head, but she couldn't concentrate, as she was well aware of Zero staring at her intently. She looked up.

"What do you want?" She said, and then sighed exasperatedly. "You looked like you needed help, so I came to help you. You know math isn't one of your strongest suits." He said matter-of-factly. "Shut up!" she said, though quite touched that he would help her. "I-I told you I was fine, ok? Now please, I need to finish this problem..."

"OH MY BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN! I have GLORIOUS news!!!!!!" Chairman Cross said as he burst in, running towards them. Yuuki threw down her pencil in frustration. 'I'm never going to get this stupid thing done.' she thought. "What?" both Yuuki and Zero said at the same time. The chairman's face was red, and he was literally bouncing with joy.

"We, yes, all three of us, are going on vacation this summer!! Ooh, but its not just ANY vacation, oh no." The chairman was just about bursting with pleasure. Yuuki looked at Zero, and he looked back. Then they both looked at the chairman. Yuuki, her school work all but forgotten, was intrigued. She got up and headed towards the chairman, curiosity showing on her face. "Where are we going, chairman?" she asked.

He squealed in delight. "We're going to the United States of America!!! THE USA!!!!!" Yuuki's chocolate brown eyes widened, and she looked back at Zero, whose eyes were equally wide.

"Where in America?" Zero said as he got up. "We're going to Florida!!! To Miami, Florida! I rented a beach house and everything! Isn't it wonderful?" the chairman said, twirling around in a circle.

"We're going...to Florida..." Yuuki murmured. Then she smiled a giant smile, showing all of her pearly white teeth. "Well, I'd better start packing!!!"

Tee hee. Hope ya liked it. Don't worry; this is certainly not the end. Its just the beginning of Yuuki and Zero's summer vacation!!!!! (whoa. did I just sound like the chairman? O.O) Please review, even though its not much. I kinda wanted to leave you readers wanting more, ya know?;) And no worries! their will definitely be some Zeki romance n the future! :P