This chapter is shorter than most. I stopped writing where I wanted to end it.

This chapter is un-beta'd for now



"Can you zip me up, Ashley?" Amy asked with frustration in her tone as she holds her hair over her shoulder. Her fingers were trying to hold the zipper that doesn't want to zip up.

"It's stuck," Ashley complained as she fumbled with the zipper that was caught on the pink silk material.

"Then make it un-stuck."

"Easier said than done," Ashley spat back. She is slowly becoming aggravated with everyone's stressed attitude at the moment.

"We're running behind schedule, you think you girls could hurry up?" Anne yelled from behind the door.

"We're almost finished!" Amy shouted back in a masked tone of happiness.

"Ya know," Ashley began. "You shouldn't have to pretend to be happy on a day like this."

"I know that Ashley," Amy turned to face her sister. "I'll be happy again…once I put this dress on. Just, pull the material or something!" Amy pleaded.

"Fine," Ashley grumbled and pulled on the material that is stuck in the zipper.

"AHA!" Ashley exclaimed when the material set free and the zipper now can move. She pulled up the zipper up Amy's slender, tanned back and sighed, "Finally."

"Thanks, Ash." Amy's face turned content and she twisted to the makeup mirror and patted away the sweat that appeared when she tried to pull up the zipper for a long period of time.

Both girls finished their makeup and take a look in the full length mirror that was put in the hotel suite.

They smile with satisfaction, and run their fingers down the soft, silky material that is covering their bodies. Ashley's magenta dress goes to her knee, her soft shoulders are covered by a spaghetti strap and the V-neck gives her cleavage she knew she had, but never bothered to show anymore. Her hair is pulled up into a loose bunch of girls on top of her head, with a few locks that fall down her shoulders. She bits her lip and closes her shimmery eyes and twirls, marinating in the feeling of beauty.

Amy's dress is sexier, with a hint of elegance. Her shoulders are absolutely bare; and the dress hugs her every curve. Her cleavage is more noticeable, but toned down because it's her mom's wedding; not New Year's Eve or something. She runs her fingers to where the dress ends; mid – thigh and smirks into the mirror. She pulls her fingers through her curled hair that is put into a side swept pony tail and giggles.

"I can't believe mom and dad are getting married, again!" Amy smiled is wider now. "We will always be able to remember it, seeing as we weren't even present for the last one!"

"Let's go," Ashley said.

Amy and Ashley slipped on their silver heals and headed to their mom's suite; and where she was getting ready.

"Knock, knock!" Amy says as she walks in. Her mom is in front of the mirror, doing her own makeup and hair. She said she didn't want to spend a fortune on something she could do herself, and something George would love regardless of the quality.

"You look beautiful, Mom!" Amy exclaimed and embraced her mom around her shoulders.

"You girls are absolutely breath-taking. A little much for a garden wedding; but what else would I expect?" Anne laughed.

"This is as important to us as it is you," Ashley remarks and kisses her mom on the cheek.

"You girls sure are amazing," Anne sighs and then smiles into the mirror. In the reflection before her are her two daughters and herself, and just downstairs is the man who she is re-marrying; the same man who she did this almost seventeen years ago with.

"Get ready," Amy urges on and turns back to the white wedding dress that is lying on the couch.

It's simple. It was off-white, it hugged Anne's body and the waist up was accented with sparkles and such. It was absolutely perfect for Anne.

"Alright girls, it's time to put on the dress!" Anne said. Her tone was anxious, but she seemed nervous at the same time.

"You're sure about this?" Ashley asked hesitantly before she grabbed the dress.

"I've never been surer about it," Anne stated firmly.

"Alright then, let's do this!" Amy chuckled.

The girls helped their mom slide on the dress, and step into the heels. They avoided her curled hair, and did up the zipper that was on the side.

"Thank-you girls, I love this." Anne blinked back a tear that was threatening to spill over.

"I love this too," both girls admitted.

Amy stood around the corner of the large tree, waiting till the song began to play that signalled her cue to walk down the aisle. She wasn't the maid of honour; that went to Anne's best friend Christine, but she was still a bride's maid and it was her job not to fall while walking down the aisle.

So that is why she was behind a tree, chanting to herself not to trip.

"Oh c'mon girl, you won't fall." Christine swiped a piece of long blonde hair out of the way of her eyes. "You're not wearing the floor gown dress; I am."

Amy chuckled. "Yeah, but I am wearing higher heels."

"I can't wear those heels, I already have long legs. Trust me honey, the boys love 'em!" Christine spit out the mint gum that was in her mouth, seeing as it wasn't classy to chew gum during a wedding ceremony and laughed.

Christine was always crazy. Anne never told Amy and Ashley any of the adventures they had together, mainly because she didn't want to inform her kids of the mischief she got herself into back in the day. Christine was also the exact opposite of Anne. She was a blonde with long blonde hair, and she was three years older than Anne. Not only was she older, but she was more sarcastic and upfront. She told it like it is.

Another thing about Christine: she was always single. She always would say how she wasn't ready to settle down and "pull an Anne."

"My turn is in the next few seconds. Just concentrate on getting to the front and you'll be good," she informed Amy. Christine took a deep breath, pulled down the front of her dress a little bit more, and plastered on a smile.

After marching down the aisle, Amy stood at the front with her arms holding the flowers in front of her, Ashley and Christine by her side. After watching her mom come down the aisle, she was in total awe.

"Beautiful…" they all heard George mutter softly when Anne came into sight.

After a few vows later, and a couple of promises to love till death do they part, George pulled Anne close and kissed her lips aggressively. He dipped her backwards, earning catcalls from everyone.

"Gross," Ashley muttered.

"Finally!" George raised his arms in the air and smiled triumphantly.

Anne blushed and grasped his hand, and they walked back down the aisle.

As everyone began to clear out and give their congratulations to Anne and George before the dance, Amy sat down with John amongst the abandoned chairs.

"Is this seat taken?" A familiar melodic voice asked.

"Yup, my imaginary boyfriend and our son are having a private moment." Amy looked up at Ricky and smiled jokingly.

"Oh. In that case I guess I better get going then," he said in mock hurt.

"Sit down, Underwood," Amy demanded with a smile playing at her lips.

Ricky smirked and sat down beside Amy.

"Why aren't you out there with everyone else?" Ricky grabbed a lock of Amy's hair and twirled it in his fingers.

"It's been a long day. I just needed a breather I guess." Amy ran her fingers down Ricky's chest, feeling the soft material of his white dress shirt.

"Are you happy Amy?" Ricky asked after a moment of silence between the two.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Amy raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I meant with you and I. Are you happy in our relationship?"

"More than ever," she responded simply.

"Do you see this going somewhere?"

"Yes. Of course I can never be for certain, but I truly hope it does." Amy leaned into his side. She ran her fingers through John's soft blonde hair as she felt him slowly doze off.

"I want it to. I want it all with you, Amy." Ricky confessed.

"Wow," Amy breathed.

"I know you still have trust issues, and I do too and we are working on them, but I need you to know I'm in this." Ricky moved out of his seat and on the ground in front of Amy.

He dug around in his pocket until he pulled out a long, rectangular velvet box.

"This is a promise, Amy. Something to show you that I-I-I won't try to screw this up," he reached up to wipe away a little bit of sweat on his forehead. "I'm not good at this whole relationship stuff, and I might not get it right; but I'm trying. Damn, I suck at these things. I just want you to know that no matter how much of a jerk I am, I love you, OK? Just…stick with me. I want to stick with you."

Amy felt the hot tears fall down her cheeks. "I love you," she breathed.

He opened the box to reveal a silver chain with a pink charm. It glittered in the sunlight, and she was absolutely stunned.

"It's beautiful," Amy whispered. Ricky smiled and took it out of the box. Amy turned her body to the side so Ricky could put it on her. He moved her curls that were at the base of her neck out of the way, and fastened the necklace around her neck gently. He kissed her neck, and she felt his hot breath against her skin.

"I love you too," he murmured.

Amy bit her lip and turned to face him. She grabbed his tie and kissed him passionately but gently because John was sleeping in her lap.

"Let's go join the party, shall we?" Ricky stood up and offered her his hand.

"We shall," she said in a fake British accent.

He smirked and led Amy and a sleeping John towards the guests who were currently dancing and eating in the garden.

"What are we going to do about the sleeping boy here?" Amy inquired and began rubbing southing circles on John's back.

"I'll take him," Margret said out of nowhere. Amy turned around to find a smiling Margret and Shakur standing there. "We were just going to the car for a second to grab my other shoes, and his sleeper is in there, so we could watch him for a bit."

"Wow, thank you!" Amy said with appreciation in her voice.

"We'll let you kids say hi and dance for a bit, then you can have him back. By then he should be awake!" Shakur laughed.

Ricky touched Shakur's arm affectionately and Amy put John into Margret's arms.

"May I have a dance?" George asked from behind Amy. Amy nodded and smiled. She grabbed her dad's hand and followed her dad out onto the dance floor.

"So is my little girl enjoying the wedding?" George asked as they began swaying from side to side.

"She is," Amy laughed at the fact she just talked about herself in third person.

"Hey," George began. "I've never seen you wear that necklace before."

"Ricky," Amy said simply and looked down in attempts to hide the blush that was stained to her cheeks.

"I'm starting to like the guy more and more. He makes you happy, Ames. Just don't forget what I said before; if he hurts you I hurt him." George warned.

"Got it!" Amy chuckled.

"Look over there," George nodded to his left. Amy followed where he wanted her to look, only to find Ricky and Anne dancing together. He had on his charming smile and she seemed to be laughing.

"I guess I'm not the only one he's winning over," George scoffed.

When the song ended, George let go of Amy and sought out Ashley to ask her to dance, while Anne grabbed Robbie and danced with him. It was adorable to everyone.

"May I have this dance?" Ricky wrapped his arms around Amy's waist from behind and pulled her against his chest.

"Like you even have to ask," she moaned as his hands danced along her sides. Abruptly, he turned her around to face him and placed his hands on her waist. She put her arms around his neck and rested her head against his shoulder.

The image was perfect. Family and friends were dancing around the, but it was as if they were the only ones there. The sun was setting, creating the perfect lighting for the garden wedding. Twinkle lights were placed above everyone, giving it a romantic feel. Laughs and clinking wine glasses were heard, and the soft melody of classical music gave everyone a rhythm to sway to.

"This is perfect," Ricky whispered against Amy's neck.

"Mmmmmm," was all Amy could muster up.

"You want to know the truth?"

"Mmmmm?" Amy moaned in question.

"I never thought I ever deserved this. I'm not sure I still do, but I know you deserve someone great for you, and I'm confident that I am that person. Not saying you couldn't do better, but—"

Before he could continue, Amy silenced him with her lips. "Shh," she touched his lips after their kiss with her fingertips.

"Don't think, just feel." Amy pulled him tighter against him and he melted into the embrace.

After the song ended, Ricky pulled away. "How about we go get our son?"

Amy smiled and nodded, than intertwined their fingers.

After grabbing John and saying good-bye to everyone, they both headed back to Ricky's apartment to catch up on some cuddling, and just be together.

As Ricky held a sleeping Amy in his arms, who had a sleeping John in hers, he couldn't help but smile.

What did he ever do to deserve this? He didn't know; but he felt blessed. He felt loved, and he felt complete.

Looking back, he was just the badass drummer who didn't care. He didn't believe in love; because he's never felt it. His only main concerns were himself, and just getting by in life. Did he ever think he would be here, holding his child in the arms of his girlfriend, who he is in utter and complete love with? Definitely not.

She taught him that no matter what, whether your father used to abuse you, or you never respected yourself, you can still move past it. You can be better.

She taught him that love does truly exist, but it'll never be easy.

She gave him one of the greatest gifts ever; John.

He could never re-pay her, but he knew he was going to spend the rest of his life trying.

Sure, they will have bumpy spots in their relationship and they'll never be perfect; but they can move past it because life goes on.


Wow. It's over. I can't believe it.

I remember when I first started this story, I was just a girl looking for a review and I could honestly care less about the actual story. Now, this story is my baby I strive for the reviewers. I improve my writing, and I write this for you guys.

I was going to give up on this story, ya know. There was a time where I was just going to delete it, but then I changed my mind because every single one of my reviewers is too nice. You guys stuck with me and the characters for quite the ride.

Thank you guys for reading, reviewing, favouriting, and alerting this story. I would also like to thank my beta who's helped me out since chapter 17! You are awesome, BetweenTheTreesXx.

I'm not gone; hell no. I love you guys too much. I have more stories up my sleeve, so put me on author alert because you never know what I'm up to next. Keep your eyes open for me!
