A/N: OH MY GOD IT'S BEEN SO LOOONG! :o Since I updated this, I mean. I'm SO SORRY GUYS, I feel like I failed you!
Um, I'm not really sure where the fic is going after this chapter – in all honesty this one sounds pretty conclusive already so I feel tempted to say that the fic is finished…but maybe I can afford one or two more chapters dealing more Minako's mother? Let me know what you think.
Also, a huge thanks to RadiantBeam for restoring my inspiration, which has enabled me to continue this fic.
Anyway, if you're still reading after all this time, THANK YOU! And on with the story!
Chapter 21
The next few days brought about a tense and awkward atmosphere for the outer senshi and Minako. Haruka hadn't been outright angry, but that was only because Michiru hadn't let her. So the blonde was forced to act indifferent while harbouring the shock that there was so much that Setsuna had hidden from her, which she had told instead to someone considered distant to their group.
After a few days, Haruka's attitude became hard to bare. She outright ignored Minako and only spoke tersely to Setsuna when it was absolutely necessary.
Setsuna became fed up. Haruka was being, in her opinion, childish. However she didn't have any will to confront the tomboy. She was beginning to feel on the edge of things again.
I deserve her anger, she thought, for going behind her and Michiru's back like that.
Thoughts which, of course, caused Minako to realize that she was being broody again. Thus the blonde took matters into her own hands.
Minako had taken to sitting downstairs in the kitchen or living room as much as possible, because her crutches made it more difficult to climb stairs. She was reading a book in the living room when Haruka walked in, saw her, and turned around and left, slamming the door behind her.
In that single moment, Minako snapped. She got up, grabbed her crutches, and hopped as fast as she could on her working leg to the door to find Haruka.
She found the wind senshi sitting at the kitchen table, her hands curled into fists.
'Haruka Tenou!'
The name came out louder and harsher than intended, but Minako didn't care. Haruka's head snapped up, surprised.
'I don't care what you think of my part in all this, but has it hit you how badly you're hurting Setsuna?' Minako yelled. Her hands gripped her crutches tightly and she realized she was trembling.
'She's our close friend. What are you doing interfering?' Haruka growled.
'Are you BLIND? We already explained our connection to you! We're not just vaguely acquainted anymore! And I get it. I'm an inner senshi and you lot think we're silly and weak and idealistic, and I know there's always been a bit of rivalry, but I thought that we were at least able to get along! Oh, and just for the record, because of your attitude, Setsuna is blaming herself for this! She thinks it's her fault you're so angry towards us, and even worse, she thinks she deserves it! Has it hit you that you're pushing her back into the depression she's been trying so hard to get out of?'
Haruka winced and fell silent.
After the confrontation there was a vast improvement in their interaction. For a day or so Haruka brooded quietly by herself, but after that she went to Setsuna and spoke to her properly about everything. When they came out of Setsuna's room looking relatively comfortable each other, Minako couldn't help but smile. Things could only get better from hereon.
Around the same time, Minako stopped by at home to pick up her belongings, with Setsuna in tow to help her carry them. They didn't stay long, only long enough to see the pain and sadness in her mum's eyes before she turned away and closed the door.
After that, there was still one more matter to be taken care of. Minako sent out a message to the senshi that she wanted to hold a meeting at the Hikawa jinja.
'I want to explain everything,' she said. 'I know that you've all been confused by my behaviour recently.'
After school that day she met with Setsuna and hobbled up the stairs to the jinja, still bound to her crutches. On their arrival, they found Makoto watching them curiously, while Rei had a suspicious look in her eyes. Soon everyone had arrived and Minako called everyone to attention.
'Hey guys,' she greeted, though not in her usual chirpy tone. 'So I wanted to explain...'
'I love her.'
Everyone looked up at Setsuna's interruption. The silence was conspicuous.
Setsuna's hands were clenched together tightly, like she was praying hard about something. She glanced between the table and Minako, before her eyes finally landed on Rei, who was frowning.
'It's what you stand for, isn't it?'
'It is, but -'
'Then shouldn't that be enough for you?'
Rei was stunned into silence. Ami's eyes were firmly on Setsuna, her expression egging her on. The rest of the inner senshi were astounded by Setsuna's frankness. There was no mystery this time, just a plain and obvious statement.
'How?' Rei asked. Fair enough.
This was the first time that Setsuna would tell the honest truth from start to finish, without shrouding it in cryptic statements and confusing riddles. And Kami-sama, she was terrified. But with Minako by her side, the girl who had protected her, and the girl she needed to protect, she was now absolutely certain that this needed to be done.
So the next hour was spent explaining how Minako's unique connection to Setsuna's emotions had saved the time senshi - no, Meiou Setsuna, the woman - from the demons which had haunted her ever since the end of Galaxia, and how the deep connection between them had developed into an insurmountable love for each other.
As Setsuna spoke, Minako watched the reactions of those who had only just found out about these events. Rei's jaw dropped in shock when Setsuna mentioned the bottle if pills which had almost cost her existence. Usagi's eyes were shining in both wonder and sadness.
Finally Setsuna finished speaking. For a while nobody knew what to say.
Then Rei spoke.
'I'm sorry,' she said breathlessly. 'I understand now. I shouldn't have been suspicious of you. Setsuna-san, you're right. We do stand for love and I should stick by that.'
'Thank you, Rei-san,' replied Setsuna. 'Your words mean a lot to me.'
'Setsuna-san,' said Usagi.
'Yes, Usagi- san?'
'Are you alright?'
Setsuna paused. It would be a long time before she was alright again. But glancing at Minako and the group of girls who surrounded her, she felt a warmth inside of her.
'It will be a long time before I can say that truthfully. But Minako will be there to make sure it never gets too bad again.'
As she concluded the statement, Minako grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
'Too right, I will be.'