Hi there again.

Here is another story that I have decided to write. I've been thinking of this story for awhile. Yes, It's another highschool love story with Serena and Darien.

Next time I might try something else.

Please Read, Review and Enjoy :)


Pride and Hidden Feelings:

Another Town. Another School. Another Life. That's my life story, or rather I don't have one. A life story that is. You see, I've never stayed put long enough to create one. My dad left my mum and I, when I was two, leaving her to raise me. One relationship after another turned bad and she began to move towns every time her heart was broken. Which led me into a life of no friends and no place to call home. Of course it's not all bad, I get to see a lot of different places but the negatives normally out weigh the positives. It could be worse I guess. I could have a mum who hates me. My mum and I are really close, I guess we have to since were together all the time. So who was the latest jerk to break my mothers heart? No idea. I forgot names after the twelfth one. Any way, mum came home and started wrapping the glasses up in news paper. Me? No packing needed. My stuff was still packed up from last time we moved. There's no need to unpack if we were going to move again.

So here we are. In California. Mum keeps reminding me that it's the start of our new beginning. 'Pfft, Yeah right!' as if I haven't heard that before. I don't say anything to her though, because she's trying to convince herself just as much as she's trying to convince me.

Well you never know. I might just like California.

I look out the windows and watch the houses go by, one by one until mum finally pulls over. I hop out and look up at the house in front of me. The house could pass as a mansion. Huge, white and beautiful.

"Serena!" Mum calls.

I turn around and realise that the magnificent house in front of me is our neighbours house.

"Coming." I called back, taking one last look at the house before turning and helping the movers bring in the furniture.

By lunch time, the movers had finished unpacking and mum was rushing around looking for places to put each and every bit of furniture. I walk to the room where I'll be staying. It's large and has an awesome walking in robe. It's a 3 bedroom house, with a lounge room. I get two of the room's. One to sleep in and one for a work desk for school. Not that it matters. We'll be gone before I get any real homework in school. I threw my bags onto my bed and opened one of them, shifting through it from two things. A change of clothes and a framed photo of me and my mum.

After placing the photo on the bedside table, I threw on a pair of white shorts and a plain blue tank top.

"Serena!" I heard mum call

"Hang on," I yelled back, grabbing a pair of runners before quickly rushing through the house to see what she wanted.

"Mum, where are you?" I called, before finding her standing at the door with visitors.

"Serena meet our new neighbours. This is Daphne from next door and her son Darien. This is my daughter Serena."

Daphne was very beautiful. She could have been a model. Of course my mum was always considered extremely attractive too but with living with her for my whole life, I'm used to how she looks. I looked towards the boy standing opposite me. With his thick raven black hair and deep, dark sapphire blue eyes, well built and muscled body and his tall frame, he was very attractive.

Oh damn, Okay.... even I had to admit he was DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!

"Hello," I smiled politely.

"Nice to meet you, Serena," Daphne beamed, "Do you know what school you will be attending yet?"

I shook my head, "Not yet. We've only just arrived and I haven't had a chance to explore the neighbourhood yet."

"Oh, Well maybe you'll decide to enrol in Raldon High. That's where Darien attends. It's quite a good school, isn't it Darien?"

"Yeah, I guess" he murmured, looking at me thoughtfully.

"Maybe," I said, "I guess I better go and explore now. I hope you don't mind."

"No, of course not." Daphne smiled

"Be careful, won't you?" Mum asked

"Yes mum," I rolled my eyes at her over protectiveness.

"Well, Darien will go with you" Daphne announced, making Darien glare at her in annoyance.

"Oh, no really it's okay"

"Don't be silly. Darien would love to go and show you around" she beamed

I looked over at Darien and I could tell he had no intention on showing me around. Well if thats the way he wanted to be, fine! I didn't want him to come anyway.

"Oh, that's a great idea!" My mum grinned

Darien sighed in defeat, "Yeah, I guess"

"Wanna go now?" I asked, wanting to get away from the two mothers.


"Awesome, C'mon lets go." I announced, leading him through the door and down the front steps. I sat down and quickly slipped on my runners before getting up and walking up the driveway.

I followed Darien down the road. Followed because he was ahead of me and had no intention on slowing down.

"Hey, wait up!" I called.

Darien kept walking, ignoring me completely. I rushed to catch up with him.

"Hey, you know you could have at least waited for me."

"Well you should keep up," he replied bluntly.

I rolled my eyes, 'Who does he think he is?' I asked myself, walking faster to fall into equal step with him.

"So how old are you?" he asked

"17. What about you"


"That's cool."

I looked to the side to see him roll his eyes. "Whatever."

"Well, excuuuuusee me!" I muttered

"Look, I have better things to do with my time than to show the new Barbie in town around"

"BARBIE?? How dare you! You've barely known me for 5 minutes, who are you to judge who I am? I'm not some pretty blonde girl who takes shit from arseholes from you."

"You're right. You're not pretty at all." he smirked

"Why, you arrogant bastard! You know what, why don't you go get lost and do whatever it is that's better to do."

"Such language from a little girl" he sneered.


"Calm down, Sweetheart!"

"DON'T call me that!" I yelled, "Why don't you just go! Go and hook up with some whore or whatever it is that you'd rather be doing!"

"Chill! I told you I'd show you around, so lets go."

"I'm not going anywhere with you" I crossed my arms

"We'll see." he smiled

Author's Corner

Small Chapter...... Hope you enjoyed.

Please review. I don't mind flames because they're good for helping me write better (same with reviews) but please no nasty ones. :)
