Let's rock.

Operation Modern Steal

Two weeks later

In the middle of a blazing desert rest a pirate secret base. This base was in charge of the development of new devices seen fit by the pirate leader. Of course being pirates, they have neither the time nor the brains to be able to do any form of learning. So the composite that flaw by capturing both scientist and labor workers.

It was currently night time and the pirates were celebrating another breakthrough that they had found. The chatter was loud in the tent and the grog flowed like water. Most every pirate stationed at that base was at the party.

Most…except for two pirates

One of the pirates was of medium height while the other was quite tall. They were both armed with a bow and a long sword though the medium pirate's sword was covered in strange runes and markings. Their faces were extremely focused on something.

They passed a few pirates who were walking around the camp, all drunk on grog and completely unresponsive.

The two pirates made their way to a very large sand dune that had a metal door. Next to the door was a card scanner that was showing the pirates symbol on the screen.

Reaching into his pocket, the medium pirate pulled out a card and slid it into the scanner. The screen went green and the door opened on its own.

They went through the door into a barley lit cave. They walked through, instinct telling them to be quiet while their brains were reminding them that almost everyone was at the party.

The tunnel was straight as can be and they eventually reached the center and the greatest weapon designed by the pirates.

The new capital ship

The ship was nearly complete and was capable to fly. The side that they saw had thirty cannons on it with ten ballistae for anti air defense. The head of the ship was adorned with a rearing dragon and the back had two very large engines needed to propel it forward.

After a moment to admire the design, the two pirates made their way to the ship. The ramp and door that lead to the ship was still there, a testament to the pirate's overconfident with their security system.

The moment they were in, the medium pirate reached into his pocket and pulled out a small metal circle device. Without so much as a second thought, the pirate threw the device up to the ceiling. The device stuck itself on the wall and started flashing a red light and started to make a small beeping sound.

The medium pirate turned to look at the tall pirate. They both nodded their head and pulled out their bows and placed an arrow at the ready.

Oasis 20 miles away from the pirate base

A man was leaning over a computer, watching…waiting for any news. His face was hidden under his black cloak and his body was tense and rigged.

Surrounding him were two dragons. Their features were hard to see in the blackness of the night.

It was then that the computer started to beep and on the top left of the screen, one of three circles were now filled red.

"So…they are now in the ship" the first dragon said.

The hooded man just nodded his head and continued to look at the screen, relieved that stage one was complete and stage two was beginning.

Back at the ship

The passageways were quiet. The only light came from the torches that were placed at an even enough space.

Although the ship seemed as dead as a ghost town, the two pirates did not relax their guard or enter a false sense of comfort. They both knew that at some point, ne of the pirates would sober enough to realize what was going on.

They both hope they would be far away when that happened.

They passed through many room and hallways that were large enough to allow a full grown dragon to pass through them with ease. Due to the sheer size of the ship, they did not reach the bridge until an hour later.

They reached a door that lead to the bridge of the ship. The large pirate went and put his ear next to the wall. He then holds up his hand to show the number two.

The medium pirate nodded his head and opened the door just a crack. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a cylinder container. He then tosses the container into the bridge and closed the door.

Three seconds later, a bang was heard on the other side.

The medium pirate broke through the door and with quick reflexes, releases an arrow at a pirate guard. The arrow lands right in between the eyes and the guard falls into a cluster of gems. The medium pirate turns to look at the large pirate who had just headshot the other guard.

The bridge was a half circle design with the steering wheel on a raised platform while other controls and readings were in a depression in the floor. There were windows opposite the doorway to allow complete view of where you were going.

It was then that the medium pirate reached into his pocket again and pulled out another device. He threw it up into the air and like before, connected with the ceiling and started glowing red and beeping.

"Time for stage two of the plan." The medium pirate said and reached through his clothes. His hands grasped on something hard and he then pulled out a necklace that was set with a gem. He took off the necklace and watched as the large pirate did the same.

The two pirates then watched as their bodies started to glow and cracked. The cracks started small but quickly grew and spider-webbed all over the body. It was then that pieces of the body started to fall off and the true identities of the thieves were revealed.

It was Sora aka the medium pirate and Hunter aka the large pirate.

"Okay" Sora said as the effects of the disguise crystal were wearing off "We need to work fast before the rest of the base catches wind at what we are doing."

"At least this ship is capable of flying; otherwise we would be hard press to get it out of here unnoticed." Hunter remarked as he went over to one of the monitors while Sora went over to the steering wheel.

Sora gave a mock chuckle and replied "We are not going to escape unnoticed. I plan on putting as much distance as I can before that happens."

Hunter did not replied back as he got to work opening the hanger doors while Sora worked on getting this ship airborne.

"I don't believe this" Sora suddenly remarked.

"What is it Sora?"

"This ship…it has some sort of warp dive built into it."

"What is a warp drive?"

"I'll tell you later." Was Sora replied and got back to work getting the systems online.

A few minutes pass when Sora said "All systems are a-go. Are all the civilians still on the ship?"

"No one left the ship Sora." Hunter reply and that put Sora heart in a better mood. They were not only stealing the ship, but also rescuing all the scientist and slaves the pirates had at the base.

It was then that the engines started to activate and the device that the pirates developed to get their ships airborne activated as well.

Sora and Hunter double checked all the systems and notice that everything was in the green.

"Alright let's take her up." Sora nearly shouted and got in front of the steering wheel.

"Wait" Hunter remarked "Can you even fly a ship?"

Sora surged his arms and said "It can't be that much different then flying a Gummi ship"

Without another word being said, the hanger doors opened up to reveal the night sky as Sora pulled on the first lever to give the ship power to allow vertical lift.

Slowly the ship started to rise. The air started to become thick as Sora concentrated on steering the ship while Hunter was busy looking at the hallway that lead outside, hoping that no pirates show up.

The ship slowly rises up over the surface just as the morning sun crack over the horizon. Sora turned the ship so that it was going the opposite direction of the sun, trying to capitalize on what little nighttime remained.

"Let's just hope the pirates hangover prevent them from sounding the alarm." Hunter said as the ship slowly made its way over the base.

Sora could actually feel the minutes roll by as they got closer and closer to the wall of the base. Both he and Hunter said not a word, determined to get out of the base and away from their defenses.

Just when they thought that they were in the clear, the alarms suddenly went off.

"Looks like someone got sober enough to notice the ship is gone." Sora remarked

"We still have not cleared the pirate's defenses; the ship is going to get destroyed." Hunter remarked

"This baby still got a few surprises left in her." Sora replied

He then put the ship on auto-pilot and went to one of the consoles and activated the shields on the ship.

Without a moment too soon

The sounds of cannon fire could be heard from the base below. The two heroes could feel the pounding of the cannons against the shields. They were both lucky that the shields would be able to last out against the cannon fire.

They eventually made it out of the base and away from the defenses, proud that they had both done the near impossible.

Sora then pulled out his wireless radio and said "We got it safe and sound, meet you back at Warfang guys."

He then ended the transmission and focused on flying the ship.

I am having a hard time coming up with new plots for this story. So until future notice, I will be marking it as complete until I get some new ideas.

This means I can get started on the one story I have been dying to write. I will get the first chapter posted up ASAP.

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