Let's get started. This story is the final one in TLOSora series. However, it will act as a bridge chapter to lead into what I hope will be my best work. I don't know how long to make it so I plan to make it up as I go along.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own anything in KH or TLOS.


The grass was flowing due to the effects of the winds. The flowers were giving of their unique sent. The forest animals were off doing what their instincts told them to do. Yes the Dragon Realms have been in peace for a long time. However, darkness is present in almost many forms and is always looking for a way to make mischief.

But then, that's what most veterans say in this time.

They tell tales to the little ones of the great champions of the war. They sing songs and reenacted the famous battles of the war. They talked about the cocky dragonfly Sparx and of the great guardian Ignitus.

The story they tell most of all is the ones about Spyro, Cynder, Sora, and Aros.

Like Ignitus, no one has seen or heard of these warriors. The only thing they have to remember them by is the statue that was built in the center of the city. Residents and visitors alike would stare at their stone faces and ask the same question in their minds.

Where are they now?

That night, a meteor storm fell from the skies, almost everyone in Warfang look upon those majestic streaks and wish for the return of their heroes so they can finally meet them and praise them. What they do not know that their wish is coming true.

Amidst all the falling stars, one of them was going straight down. As it gets closer, you realize that it is not a piece of rock, but rather a boy. This boy is wearing a black shirt and has spiky hair.

His eyes suddenly open and starts to use his wind powers to soften his landing. He lands in an open field and starts to make a dash to a place that few ever go, one of the last remains of the days when war and destruction was the dominant force in the land. As the boy speeds off into the night, one thought is in his mind.

"I hope this vision I had is right. I hope my friends are still there."

This was my first time doing a prologue like that. I hope you all like it. I don't have much to say right now.

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