Before I knew it, I had woken up ready to get back into my Avatar.

"Morning sleepy head!" Norm called cheerfully. I swear this guy was on constant caffeine or something.

I yawned. "Mornin' Norm!"

"Ready to go? Village life starts early, and Jake's gonna expect you to be at breakfast." He asked me. I nodded and tried standing up.

"Shit!" I exclaimed as I steadied myself.

"Whoa! You okay?" Norm asked walking over to me quickly. I just held a hand out.

"I'm fine, this happens all the time." I told him before grabbing my backpack from under the bed and pulling out my brace. I pulled it on my ankle before standing back up straight. "See all better." I said softly, making sure he understood by walking over to the room with the chamber things. He shook his head muttering something about my uncle before I lay into the soft cushiony thing. I closed the stuff and before I knew it, I was back in my Avatar.

"Well finally!" I heard from above me. Opening my eyes I saw Ateyo standing over me.

"Holy Shit!" I cried again sitting up quickly.

"Whoa, now! Don't attack! It's just me!" He defended. I rolled my eyes relaxing.

"Sorry, you caught me off guard." I murmured before climbing out and standing up next to him. "Let's go." I said with certain assertiveness in my voice. He followed me as I followed my instincts to find my Uncle.

"Uncle Jake!" I called out. He turned to see Ateyo and me and smiled.

"Oel ngati kameie, Kairi." My Uncle Jake said softly.

"Oel ngati kameie, Uncle Jake." I replied with a smile.

"You really are just like him. Fast learner. It took me forever to learn that." He said with a smile. I knew what he was talking about, but I also knew Ateyo didn't. "Well, are you two ready?" he asked us. I nodded, and I'm sure Ateyo did too, because Uncle Jake said, "Good let's go."


Neytiri came with us. She taught me how to shoot a bow, and while doing so kept telling me about how I was easier to teach than my Uncle, and how he just would not grasp that you had to hold it this way and do this and that.

It was awesome!

My Uncle helped Ateyo. It surprised me that by the time I was done, and had shot my arrow perfectly, the Na'vi Prince was still trying to get it down.

"I think its just part of the male gene that it takes longer for them to grasp concepts." I told Neytiri, she laughed and we received twin death glares from the two in front of us. I just smiled at them innocently.

Once he finally got it down I had the best idea!

"Bet I can shoot further than you!" I said suggestively. My Uncle stared at me in shock at my tone of voice, but Ateyo seemed to like it.

"I bet you can't." He challenged. I rolled my eyes. And pulled the bow up.

"You're on!" I said with a small wink. Concentrating I released the arrow and felt smug as it hit a tree, I have no clue how far away it was, but it was pretty far. He stared in disbelief, as did My Uncle and Aunt. "What? Is that good?" I asked softly when I saw my Uncle and Aunt's expressions.

"Kairi, You're coming with me. Jake, keep Ateyo." Neytiri said in Na'vi.

~*~Two Weeks Later~*~

Neytiri and I have been training like crazy, I've been taught almost the entire language, not to mention that I can walk like a true born Na'vi now, and we're on how to kill an animal now.

Ateyo can't stay on a Pa'li, so he's still learning that. My Uncle Jake is teaching him still.

It makes me giggle.

"Kairi! Pay attention!" Neytiri instructs, taking my gaze off of Ateyo who just fell off of his Pa'li again.

"Sorry, Neytiri. What did you say?" I ask her, my full attention on her now.

"Recite." She told me in Na'vi. I sighed and began to recite the hunter's song.

~*~Ateyo's POV~*~

She was beautiful, in every sense of the word.

Okay so I admit. I have fallen for this dream walker, but her 'Uncle' as she calls him, tells me that once she becomes one of them, she's going to become full Na'vi, just like he did.

Somehow, every time I imagine her, as she is forever... I lose all concentration.

Maybe that's why she's so much further ahead in training than I.

I can't help but watch her as Neytiri teaches her to kill an animal. She's so graceful.

She glances over at me and all I can do is look forward and tell the Pa'li to go, of course thinking of her, which causes me to fall again. I can hear her giggle before Neytiri catches her attention again.

"Up you go." Toruk Makto says pulling me up. "It's hard to stay on when you're thinking about her. I know from personal experience." He told me. I turned to look at him with surprise as Kairi began to recite the hunter's song behind us. Such a beautiful voice.

"Don't think I don't notice you staring at my niece." He tells me with a look that makes me feel guilty.

"Sorry," is all I can say in reply.

"Don't be. Just get back up and try again. Think about getting it done, instead of impressing her." He told me. I did as he told me, surprisingly, and this time I stayed on the horse. It was amazing.

"See." He told me with a smirk on his face.

"Now what?" I asked him.

"Now we join them, you already know how to walk and talk Na'vi." He told me with a smile. I smiled back as He took me and I began to learn the hunter's song.

~*~Kairi's POV~*~

After dinner Ateyo and I went out just to go out.

We ended up back at the field where he had seen me dance.

"So you finally managed to stay up?" I asked him with a teasing smile on my face. He rolled his eyes.

"Yes. It wasn't as hard as it seemed." He mumbled. I smiled at him. "You seemed to get it down in almost no time at all though..."

"And yet I had trouble in math... Go Figure." I laughed. He looked at me confused and I realized he didn't know what math was. I just shook my head telling him not to worry about it.

Suddenly something began playing in the field.

'Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want

So tell me what you want, what you really, really want

I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want

So tell me what you want, what you really, really want

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really

Really, really wanna zigazig ha!'

'Wannabe' echoed through the field. I laughed. "Norm found my secret collection of oldies." I said with a smile.

"Oldies?" Ateyo asked me curiously.

"Old Music from Earth." I told him as the next part echoed in the background.

'If you want my future, forget my past

If you wanna get with me, better make it fast

Now don't go wasting my precious time

Get your act together, we could be just fine.'

"How old?" He asked me.

"158 years on earth. I only have them because they were passed through my family." I told him as the song switched.

'All Aboard!!!! Hahahaha!' Ozzy Obourne's voice echoed before the music began, 'Ay, Ay, Ay!' I giggled.

"This one is 173 years old." I told him with a smile. Then the song switched once again.

'Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy

(Hey, What up girl?)

Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city

(Let's go)

Before I leave brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack

'Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't comin' back.'

The song echoed around as I sang along. The music stopped there when I finally said, "That one's only 145 years." I told him. He nodded.

Suddenly a bunch of what I now knew to be Atokirina' seemed to float out. Ironically the song 'Fireflies' came on at that moment. I smiled as they landed on me. Ateyo stared at me with a certain curiousity, and with amusement, as they all landed on me. I couldn't help but laugh as they began to fly around, and I began to dance around, they all seemed to move around me.

~*~Ateyo's POV~*~

I couldn't take my eyes off of Kairi as the Atokirina landed on her. And when she began to spin around, dancing in her own little way. I couldn't help but watch her with a smile on my face.

She was happy, and that made me so as well.

'I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay

Awake when I'm asleep

'Cause everything is never as it seems

When I fall asleep.' The song said in english. I couldn't help but smile at that. She seemed to love dancing.

It was amazing as the Atokirina swirled around her. I couldn't help but be amazed by the beauty.

~*~Kairi's POV~*~

I turned to see Ateyo standing and watching me as the Atokirina floated away.

"Sorry." I said as the song ended.

"It's fine. Come, let's get back." He told me. I agreed and followed him.

We were almost back when I heard something near. I held a hand out and stopped Ateyo. He looked at me like I was crazy, but I held one finger against my lips.

When I turned around I smirked.

"Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty." I said sarcastically as the Viperwolves approached. They all attacked simultaneously.

I let out a battle cry as Ateyo and I fought back.

~*~Neytiri's POV~*~

Jake and I sat with my mother near the tree of souls. She was getting old and was already so frail from the battle with the Tawtute.

"Mother. You must rest." I tried to reason with her. She shook her head.

"It is almost my time, daughter. You will soon take my position along side your mate." She said softly.

It was then we heard it.


I looked at Jake and immediately we began to run. She couldn't be far.

We arrived in time to see them fighting off a pack of Viper wolves.

Then it went quiet, all that could be heard was a couple of the viperwolves' whimpering.

I watched as Kairi ran to one she had struck and taking her knife out of her sheath she whispered to it positioning it just right, before thrusting.

A Clean Kill.

We watched a bit longer as Ateyo copied her.

Standing up we made ourselves known. They looked at us with surprise visible on their faces.

"You are ready." I told them, pride flowing into my voice.

Okay yes it is a short chapter, and I am very sorry for that, but I'm trying to get away from this part of the story, because it basically follows the storyline of Avatar, and I don't want everyone thinking that's all this story is about.

Also I didn't have time to go back and re-read it yet, I'll try and do so here soon but I'm sure most of you will have read it by then. So I'm sorry for any mistakes.

So what did y'all think? Let me know.

Lots of Love!