Martha stood in the doorway, smiling at her nine year old daughter. She was packing some clothes in a purple suitcase, and Martha had to suppress a laugh when the little girl was looking at her stuffed animals with a look of indecision on her face.

"Lily? What is it Darling?" The little girl looked at her mother, "I can't decide whether to take Mrs. Pink the Rabbit or Mr. Brown the Puppy."

"I believe that Mr. Brown would like to go. He would love to see New York." Lily giggled and clapped her hands, "When is it coming?!"

"In a few minutes, Honey." Her father smirked at her in the doorway. "You stay where you're supposed to at ALL times."

Lily nodded vigorously, her black braid bobbing up and down. "I better pack my toothbrush." She ran out of the room in a blur.

Mickey and Martha smiled at each other, memories reflecting in their eyes. "I-This is so surreal-our daughter is travelling where we used to travel." Mickey sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Our little adventurer-she definitely takes after you." Martha smirked at him, "What, you didn't like travelling in the TARDIS?" Mickey shrugged innocently, "Guilty as charged." Both of them laughed gently, still stuck in the memories of the past.

At that moment, Lily ran back into the room, and grabbed her suitcase. "May I wait in the back?"

Martha nodded, "Sure, Love." Giving her mother and father a kiss, Lily hurried out of the room, suitcase in tow. Martha and Mickey moved to the window, and watched their daughter practically dancing with excitement.

The familiar whirring noise suddenly sounded through the air, and a big blue box began to materialize. Lily screamed in happiness, and ran into the man's arms. The Time Lord twirled her around in the air, and looked at her, his eyes reflecting the same excitement in hers.

"Ready to go, Lily-may?" Lily giggled at her pet name and nodded excitedly, "I am so very ready."

The Doctor laughed and gently put her down so she could get her suitcase. She ran back to him, and both of them looked at Lily's bedroom window and waved to Mickey and Martha.

"Bye Mom and Dad. I'll see you later!"

Her parents watched with pride as Lily took The Doctor's hand and began her first trip into the TARDIS.

She was their daughter. Their adventurer.

Their Legacy.