
The woods around the house lay quite. The pixies that had been surrounding Zara's home for the past three days seemed left, but he knew better then to think they would leave with out a fight. Right now they were probably planning there revenge on His queen, with there new king.

Although this meant that Zara's grandmother could safely go to work with a police escort, it also meant that the battle for this territory would most likely become a full scale war, and since the Valarie's were here it also meant that this war could very well be the last one.

He did not know how many pixies had joined the other king, but out of the pixies that were trapped in the house Astley meet 23 and recruited 10, the other thirteen he killed, swiftly and as painlessly as he could make it.

Killing was easy now. Everything was easier in fact. Fighting, flying, even illusions that used to take him hours to conjure he could do in less then a minute. But he gained another thing from taking Zara as his queen.


He needed her.

He never wanted anything more in his entire life and that scared the hell out of him.

Astley rested his head against the trunk of the tree he was in, watching the house below him. Zara was still there, still safe, talking to her grandmother as if she had never left. As if she had never been turned pixie at all. Family was still family no matter what the other person was. Good thing too considering in the next couple of days family is going to be playing a very key part in the war.

"Have you checked all the area's surrounding the town?" to the man that had just stepped out from snow covered wood.

"Yes, my king, all area are secure no signs of the other king or his minions." the man said after climbing up to him.

"And is the house ready?"

"Yes sir, but would have not made more since to have just taken up residents in the former kings home? You have in fact clamed his daughter so you have every right to his land."

"That house would have definitely been more accommodating to us yes. But It has already been seen by the other king. Every weak point has been examined every safe guard analyzed and broken. Beside would you honestly want to live in the place were so many were held captive and in some cases died.?"

"At the expense for having my own room I might let the safety and blood thing slide." the pixie man replied happily.

"I did mention that we had rented other housing around the town and outskirts in order to accommodate everyone?"

"Oh thank God, I was not looking forward to sleep on the floor."

"I'd imagine not. Tell the other to start gathering there things but don't check out at the same time. We have to be as inconspicuous as possible."

"Yes sir." with that the other pixie climbed down the tree and hurried through the forest.

The woods where still quiet, Zara was still safe. Astley jumped from his perch and landed perfectly on the ground. He walked to the house and slowly knocked on the door. The door was immediately opened by Betty "YOU ARE NOT INVITED." she boomed the minute the door was opened.

"Hello Mrs. White, I actually just needed to talk to Zara." Astley said while taking a few cautionary steps back from the Wer-tiger.

"Betty Its fine." Zara's voice came from behind Betty, who completely blocked her from view. The Older woman snarled but made no attempt to move. "Betty please he's fine, he saved my life remember."

"So he could turn you Zara, he's a very manipulative little monster now isn't he." The venom coming from her voice made Astley flinch and he had to stop himself form taking another step back.

"Grandma please."

Betty snarled again but turned her head toward Zara. "He is not coming inside." She moved back into the house. Leaving Zara and Astley alone in the door way.