Thank you to all my reviewers (even the flames) and people who are subscribed to my story and added it to favourite story this chapter goes out to you!

(Forgot to put this) disclaimer: I do not own anything from the outsiders (I really wish I did)


Everything was quiet. All you could hear was the beeping of machines and doctors walking around checking on people. There were no windows in the I.C.U. the walls were painted gray and the curtains that separated the patients were a dull tan color. It was very depressing. I looked over at the clock it was 11 am. Two-bit was probably on his way over to watch Mickey Mouse with pony, but no one would be home.

"Darry should we call the guys" I asked, they would be wondering where we were right now.

"ya I guess we should. I'll go call them right now." Darry answered and then went to find a phone. I looked over at Pony. The once white bandages were now a dusty red from blood, just then a nurse walked in

"Hi I'm Nurse Jane" she said with a smile on her face. How could anyone be happy in this place? "You must be one of Ponyboy's brothers I just need to change his bandages" she said

"Ok" I said quietly and backed away from Pony so she could do her job. She began to slowly peel off one of the bandages. It looked awful, I felt sick to my stomach and looked away till she was done and walked out off the room. I was crying again. Poor Pony. I hope he's not in any pain right now. I just held his hand for awhile then Darry walked in.

"What did they say Darry?" I asked

"Well two-bit didn't say anything but he said he would tell Johnny and Steve said for you to call you later. I have no idea where Dally is. The only thing is, only close family can visit in the I.C.U. so they can't see him" he frowned "oh and I bought this book for pony, I thought we could read it to him. It's called gone with the wind. He might be too young to understand but that was all they had" he finished

"Ok" I said "why don't you read now"

"Ok" he opened the book "chapter one..." he began to read out loud to me and Pony. It was really boring because I didn't understand a world he was saying something about war or something. After awhile he closed the book and we just sat there. Then Johnny walked in.

"How did you get in here" I asked

"I told then I was you distant cousin, they really believe anything" he looked over at Pony "O God two- bit didn't tell me he was this bad" he said quietly then kneeled beside his bed and held Pony's other hand. Pony and Johnny were really good friends even though Johnny was 15 and Pony was 9 Johnny was basically part of the family.

"I'm sorry about your parents" he said so quietly you could barely hear "why is it the good ones that always get hurt?" he asked louder and then he let go of Pony's hand and walked out. I went to follow him but Darry held me back

"Give him time" he said and then began to read more. This left me to my thoughts. What if Pony doesn't make it? Or he's never the same? How would I live without him and mom and dad? Why did this happen to us? Darry closed the book and Nurse Jane walked in again so I moved again. The she walked out and Dr. Stan walked in

"Hello again" he said "we have seen no progress since Ponyboy got here" he finished then opened Pony's eyes and flashed a light in them then walked out, he was a strange man. A very strange man. I moved my chair back beside Pony and grabbed his hand then fell asleep. Someone tapped my shoulder.

"Soda I'm going to grab some food from the cafeteria you want something?" Darry asked

"Sure" I said "a sandwich would be nice"

"Ok I'll be right back" Darry said then he walked out. I looked at Pony. His face was pale, his lips were blue. He looked horrible.

"Pony your worrying me and Darry" I paused "could you show us a sign that your there?" I waited and nothing happened. I sighed, but then felt the lightest squeeze on my hand I looked back at Pony and squeezed his hand and he squeezed back again.


So the part where he squeezed sodas hand was for an episode from untold stories of the E.R. Any ideas for next chapter?