She was still in her camisole when Blaise suddenly lunged forward and pressed his mouth hungrily to hers. It seemed urgent, persistent and it scared her slightly as her mouth moved wordlessly against his.

Suddenly, she felt the soft fabric of the bed touch her back and she reclined slowly onto the pillows. Blaise arched over her, breaking the kiss for a moment, with one hand either side of her shoulders and she breathed out in shock when she felt his hand on her leg.

Thinking rapidly, albeit with the numbing potion now thankfully taking effect, she decided to let herself relax and continue. After all, she knew what had to be done…


Several days had now passed since Ginny's marriage and - as was so crudely announced to the Dark Lord the following morning - its consummation. Since marrying into the Elitist Quarters, Ginny was now under obligation to attend several meetings during the week to discuss matters within the Compounds and the Ministry. In term of status within the Wizarding Community, all Elitists were expected to assume positions of power within the Ministry as their jobs. Within the Compounds, every able bodied person was assigned a job that was suitably matched to their talents and interests. Pay didn't much matter as most things were supplied to them – however, a minimum wage was set in place of two sickles an hour which increased as ones job position got higher. Today, a small meeting of Elitist members (excluding Ginny) were sat in the main courtroom within the Ministry to discuss jobs placements…

"Resistance is to be expected Severus, I have expressed this time and time again. …Now, I'm brought onto the discussion of a job placement for our newest member Ginevra Zabini. She has been kind enough to fill out a short survey on her interests and we have come to a decision on two placements but I have personally decided on one,"

Lucius paused for a moment, gazing around the courtroom and capturing the gaze of every attendant before continuing. "She is to be made Editor in Chief of The Oracle."

The statement caused a few to mutter their opinions, but they were quickly quelled when Lucius spoke again. "It had been expressly wished by the Dark Lord that Ginevra, although she is now an Elitist, be kept an eye on. After all, she is a Class Two liability. Therefore she is to be kept under the watchful eyes of you Severus, one of our Lord's most trusted members."

Snape, whose gaze hardened somewhat as the focus was turned onto him, nodded sharply. "I shall carry out my duty accordingly."

Lucius smiled tightly, "Very good."

There was another pause, which was then cut short by Lucius, "Well if everything is settled, I now conclude this meeting over. Another owl shall be sent to you all when the next one is due to start."

The sudden sound of footsteps and creaking wood sounded, as the assembly rose up from their seats and began to file out of the courtroom. A few nodded to Lucius as they passed, but the rest remained stony faced and silent. After all, few in the assembly were here through choice – mostly it was due to their blood status. However when most of the others had left, Lucius held Blaise and Severus behind with a raise of his hand. Blaise looked sharply over toward him.

"Yes Lucius?" he asked scathingly, as though this stoppage had only added to his apparent pent-up annoyance during the whole meeting.

Lucius however, just smirked at this reaction and continued to speak. "I merely wish to speak to you about the welfare of your wife, Mr Zabini. After all, she is now of your concern."

Instantly this remark riled Blaise to snap back in response, "She is not my responsibility Lucius and nor will she ever be. …As for her well-being, I do not know. I hardly ever see her in the day…"

He left the comment hanging in the air, in which Lucius turned to smirk upon it suggestively. Severus merely scowled in Blaise's direction.

"I suggest that you make it your top priority to know about her well-being Blaise," cut in Severus smoothly before Lucius could make any more remarks, "After all, it is the Dark Lords wish to…"

He was quickly cut off by an agitated Blaise, "I know Severus, I know."

Severus nodded once again, his black robes pooling around him as he began to walk behind Blaise and toward the door. "Good. Make sure that you keep that to the forefront of your mind," he finished, before striding out of the door leaving Blaise and Lucius alone.

Silence ensued for a while, in which Blaise stared stonily ahead of him, ignoring Lucius' questioning gaze.

"What if it doesn't work?" started Blaise suddenly, causing a smug look from Lucius.

"Worried are you Blaise? Or…do you doubt our Lord's plan?"

Shaking his head, he tried to back track. "No, Lucius I-…What if she becomes too emotionally attached? Would the plan fail? Nothing short of Imperio would make her sleep with me again, and she only did so the first time because we had to."

"The Dark Lord's plan has yet to, and I can mostly definitely assure you that it won't. All you need is a pregnancy – use the Imperio if you have to Blaise. It's not the worst unforgivable curse you've cast now, is it? Nothing more nothing less: and I'm sure that even she is capable of conceiving a child – she was checked medically beforehand."

Blaise bit his lip and turned away from Lucius slightly, "I know."

"Besides," Lucius continued, "if her whore of a mother was anything to go by then you should have no problem. Wish your wife a good morning from me, won't you?" He finished smirking and eyeing him contemptuously. Then, with a swish of black fabric, he turned sharply and walked off to leave the Blaise standing alone in an empty courtroom, mulling over his advice.


Whilst the meeting was going on, Ginny was visiting Minerva in the Medical Centre. As vocations were chosen for people and with no transfiguration position readily available she had been made Chief Medi-Witch for the Elitist. Despite living in the Circe quarters, Voldemort had trusted McGonagall in caring for the Elitist Witches and Wizards, even though she was not one herself. At the moment, the two witches were sat in Minerva's office discussing yesterday's events.

"I-I don't know Minerva. What happens now? We've consummated the marriage, but I don't want to go through it again."

Laying a reassuring hand on her knee, McGonagall gave the young witch a reassuring smile. "It will get easier Ginevra. Trust me…"

There was a brief period of silence, in which Ginny took this information in before speaking again. "But what about him? He'll have …urges. He'll want to –"

"Not if you don't. He can't force himself onto you; there are charms to prevent him."

Ginny shook her head sadly. "What charms? My mother never took the time to teach me any. We- I mean I had such a loving mother and father and six brothers. Nothing short of Imperio would stop him, it's-"

Again, Minerva silenced her with a slight raise of her hand. "Use your imagination Ginevra. Think to when you were little – what happened when you were angry? Sad? Scared?"

"I made chickens turn odd colours…" she proffered, a weak smile twitching at the corner of her lips.

Shaking her head, Minerva smiled in response to Ginny's comment. "No Ginevra. I'm talking about…barriers here. When you were little, did things break? Or in your case, turn odd colours? …That was an outburst of your magic and a barrier is just an extent of this magic, in the most basic form. Unless they're disabled in some way, be it by an enchantment or potion, a woman – when threatened – creates a …barrier. A stoppage line to prevent any unwanted, err, entrance. …Do you understand?"

Ginny nodded slowly. "I-I think so Professor,"

Minerva nodded sharply in response. "Good. Just bear that in mind – there is only so much he can do to harm you. …In that respect, anyway,"

"Of course. I understand completely."


It was late afternoon when Blaise and Ginny met again. Annoyingly Ginny had seen nor heard anything of Charlie and, with her new job position only being announced a few hours ago, she was to say the least, a little agitated. Their meeting was purely co-incidental. She had just returned from the registrations office on the third floor in discussing her recent job placement, and he had, apparently, been on his way to an important discussion up on seventh floor – the previous Department of Mysteries.

"Miss Wea- Ginevra," he stated coolly only briefly faltering with her name, after catching her glance in the hallway. He nodded sharply and stopped, gesturing for her to walk beside him – a gesture which she found odd, by any stretch of the imagination.

But not wanting to cause a scene, she complied easily enough. "B-Blaise," she responded, offering a small smile, even though that slight action sickened her. She didn't need to put on a show, but ever since becoming a part of the Elitist Quarters, she knew that she had to.

There was an awkward period of silence, as the two walked down the marble corridor, their footsteps echoing on the walls around them.

"I trust you are well?" he stated suddenly, sounding as though his asking after her welfare had been forced from his lips. She raised one eyebrow sceptically, before replying.

"I am very well, thanks. Um, and yourself?" She cringed at the formality of her voice, but this didn't seem to have any effect on him. In fact, he seemed quite used to this tone and continued to respond in a similar way.

"Content, thank you. I would ask after your family, but…well. Have you had any contact with your brother recently?" he asked, a smirk playing across his lips even though his tone suggested that he was genuinely interested.

Ginny instantly bristled with this hidden attempt to rile her, but she quickly brushed it off, "If you mean Charlie, no. I haven't seen him since the wedding."

Blaise nodded. "What about Percy? Are you fully…reconciled with him yet?"

Biting her lip, she tried not to convey any emotion, although right at this moment she just about wanted to hex him for asking such an impertinent question. He obviously knew which buttons to press, as the wounds of the War still hadn't quite healed over.

"I'd rather not discuss that thank you," she bit back, shooting him a poisonous look. He merely chuckled in response.

"As you so wish. Lucius asked me to wish you well. Good afternoon, Ginevra."

Then, without so much of another word he strode off at a quicker pace, leaving Ginny standing behind him, trying not to scream.


The hood slipped back to reveal the face beneath...

"Malfoy!" she screeched as the long, blonde haired figure descended on her brother, his eyes alight beneath his mask and wand drawn.

"Ginny, just go! I'll deal with him. The guy could never take a joke anyway!" called George over the racket of burning wood and curses in the night sky, trying to look brave as the two of them duelled, a streak of green light missing him by inches.

She shook her head fiercely and sent several curses flying Lucius' way. She would not give up, not as long as there was hope. …There was still hope. They were all easily deflected as though she had never fired them. Instead however, part of the Burrow had collapsed, missing her by inches and rendering the gap in which her brother could have escaped through, useless.

"George!" she screamed, wiping the blood from her face and trying to break through the wood. "Bombarda Maxima!" Suddenly, there was a horrendous explosion and there were pieces of flaming rubble everywhere. The explosion should have killed her alone, but something was stopping it and her heart felt lightened. It was George, he was okay!

But as the dust cleared and the sight in front of her became visible, she struggled not to throw up. George was no longer there, which meant that he must have to be protecting her. He must-he must.

"Run while you can. Nothing can be done for your brother now," whispered a scratchy, battle tired voice in her ear as she felt a strong arm wrap itself around her middle and pull her into a standing position.

She tried to turn around as quickly as her nauseous state would let her once the arm had dropped, only to see a swish of black robes and a flash of dark skin beneath them run off into the flame scorched night.


"M-Mrs Zabini, you must wake up please,"

Groaning, Ginny sat up from her slouched position in the armchair and rubbed her eyes sleepily. "I've told you Missy, call me Ginny. There's no need to call me by my married name," She pushed herself up out of the chair and ran a hand through her hair, "How long have I been out for?"

The small, wrinkled house elf bowed its head in silent thought, before responding, "About two hours, Mrs Ginny. Lucius Malfoy gave me an urgent message that you are to go to his office" She held up a bruised armed to enforce the urgency of 'said' message. Ginny inhaled sharply at the extent of her house-elf's injury.

"Merlin, Missy! Your arm is broken!"

Again, Missy winced resignedly. "I does not hurt that much, Mrs Ginny."

Oh, if only Hermione was here… Ginny thought silently to herself, as she bent down to Missy's height, cautious about knocking into her and causing the elf further pain and spoke a hushed instruction to her even though there was no one else in the apartment.

"Go to the Medical Wing and find Minerva McGonagall. Tell her I sent you. She'll know what to do to fix your arm properly,"

Missy's eyes suddenly welled-up with tears, as they trailed silently down her face and splashed onto her dishtowel. "T-Thank you Mrs Ginny. I shall go right away!"

There was a sharp crack as the house elf dissaparated, and for a few moments Ginny stood looking at the spot where the house elf had just vanished, before pulling herself together. Her presence was required in Lucius' office – and she knew that he was not one to dally. Picking up her wand, she touched her mother's watch to check it was on and walked briskly out of the door. It would not do well to be late, although Ginny suspected that she already was.


It took her barely five minutes to walk up to Lucius' office, but already she could hear two other voices on the other side. It sounded as though they were having a heated argument…

"You were meant to keep track of him, Severus."

"How can you blame me Lucius, when it was you that were under direct orders from our Lord to claim responsibility for them both?"

"I was under no such obligations. The Dark Lord-"

"The Dark Lord knows perfectly well what you are meant to be doi-"

"Weasley," Lucius' voice barked interrupting Snape and making Ginny jump on the other side of the door, "find your sister. She's late and maybe she'd be able to figure out this mess we're in."

"Of course," replied the stiff, emotionless voice of her brother. Hastily Ginny stepped back from the door, throwing herself behind an adjacent pillar all the while trying to calm her rapid breathing. What in Merlin's name was going on? Suddenly the sharp rap of footsteps echoed in the hall, before…

"Ginny, you're here! Quickly now, Lucius wants to speak to you,"

Spinning around she turned to face the stoic looking face of her brother, and let out a breath that she hadn't known she'd been holding.

"Percy, what's going on?"

The two walked up to the door, and before Percy had a chance to respond the doors opened with a click of the lock to reveal a vast study. The walls were lined with bookshelves containing rows of dusty hardbacks, and a large oaken desk sat in the middle complete with a large leather chair. In it, sat Lucius Malfoy and to his right, an ever constant presence in black not much changed from her school days at Hogwarts, stood Snape. Ginny gulped as Lucius snappishly addressed her.

"Finally you have the decency to show up, Ginevra."

"I would have been quicker if you hadn't broken my house-elf's arm, Malfoy," she quickly replied with equal force, before realising her blunder. She cursed herself silently, as Snape smoothly cut in turning to face the young red-head.

"Mrs Zabini, are you currently in contact with your oldest brother Charlie Weasley and his wife Fleur?"

Ginny nodded, before hastily adding, "Only up until after the wedding. I haven't heard anything from my brother since,"

Snape nodded, although she could tell by the expression on his face that he clearly didn't believe her. He continued.

"Did you know that Mrs Weasley was pregnant?"

Again she nodded, secretly wondering where this conversation was heading. She caught Lucius hardened gaze watching her, and shivered inwardly as he dug into his desk and retrieved a newspaper. He placed the offending item on his desk, the 'slap' echoing around the large office before addressing Ginny again.

"Do you know what this is, Ginevra?"

When she looked relatively blank about just what Lucius could mean, he sighed rolling his eyes, and continued.

"It is tomorrows newspaper, and there is a very interesting section in it that I think you should read…" he sat back theatrically in his chair, a smirk playing across his lips like an ugly scar as he proceeded to read.

"Missing presumed dead, Charlie Weasley and his wife Fleur sadly disappeared in the early hours of yesterday morning. Ministry officials searched hours into night and day to try to find them, but the newly married couple – who were expecting their first child – have seemingly disappeared without a trace…" he cut off and inspected Ginny.

She couldn't quite believe what she was hearing. Was that what Charlie had meant? Was this some sort of plan of his, that he'd finally carried out? Or…her heart sank to her stomach as she thought of the last and probably most likely possibility…they'd been murdered. But if they had, why had they and for what cause had it served? Surely Charlie wasn't a threat to the Ministry?

She shook her head, trying to clear the thoughts that plagued her mind. No. If he'd been a threat and they had been murdered, why had they been arguing about 'keeping an eye on them?' Her heart leapt with a hidden, buried hope – they'd escaped! But surely-

"Mrs Zabini, could we possibly have the pleasure of gaining your full and un-divided attention please?" Lucius' voice cut through her mental brainstorm, rendering her momentarily speechless. She snapped her eyes up to meet his and simply nodded once more.

His lips curled into another ugly smirk. "Good,"

But again, Ginevra refused to listen as Lucius returned to his monologue – no doubt trying to intimidate her into letting them know of Charlie's whereabouts, as if she knew. She hadn't been in contact with her brother for nearly a week now and after hearing this, it gave her all the more cause to worry about him. What had happened to him?

"...missing, presumed dead," he picked up and threw the newspaper down onto the table, making her flinch as it landed onto the wooden surface. Leaning forward, Lucius' cold eyes scanned her own, giving away no hint of emotion. "Are you convinced now Ginevra? You will tell us of your brother's whereabouts, or when we find him – and let me assure you that we will find him – this assumption will be made true. Have I made myself clear? You are bound to us now and to the Dark Lord and therefore you must co-operate."

She shook her head defiantly. "I will not be part of your own failings Malfoy. I do not know where my brother or Fleur may be. I am as in the dark as you are," Glancing over toward Percy, she tried to catch his gaze, wondering if he knew anything more but he conveniently had his eyes fixed submissively on the floor in front of him.

"Don't make me have to use an unforgivable on you Ginevra. I would not like to spill pureblood, even from an ex-traitor such as yourself, on my carpet."

Riled now, Ginny took all her strength not to speak out once more. Instead she bit forcefully into her tongue until a sharp metallic tang entered her mouth, telling her she'd drawn blood.

"Stop this Malfoy. The silly little girl obviously won't tell us anything more," Severus locked eyes with Ginny as he said this, and for a moment she saw something other than malice glittering behind the oppressive black eyes of his.

A sigh of exasperation escaped Lucius' lips, as he threw one hand up despairingly into the air.

"Fine, Severus. Ginevra you may go, but expect to be hearing from either myself or Severus shortly. The Dark Lord will want to hear about this,"

Nodding sharply, Ginny spun around as quickly as she could and headed out of the office, making sure to slam the door loudly behind her. Footsteps however, followed her own and she stopped sharply, making the person behind her plough into the back of her.

"For fuck's sake, watch where you're- Oh," she began, but stopped when she looked down upon the old, wrinkled face of a house elf in front of her. In its hand it held a note, which it quickly thrust into her open palm as soon as she had made eye contact with it, before quickly dissaparating with a loud crack.

Confused now, Ginny looked around the deserted corridor before opening the crumpled piece of parchment. It look as though it had been folded over many times and crossed all sort of weather to get to her, but nevertheless as she opened it, she received the shock of her life as she saw what was written on it in blotchy, black ink.

"Don't worry am safe. Talk to Snape – Love you, C."

Incendioing the parchment, she felt even more confused as the contents of the message relayed over and over in her mind. Talk to Snape? What on earth would have made Charlie say that? Snape was loyal to the Dark Lord, wasn't he?

Shaking her head, she slowly walked back to her apartments as if in a daze. What could Charlie possibly mean?


A/N: I know – confusing right? Don't worry, quite a fair bit will be revealed in the next chapter! Sorry for the slow updates. It's summer and I'm going away on various holidays at the moment. Hope you like this latest instalment and your thoughts and reviews shall be much appreciated.