A/N: I love imprint stories! SO I decided to write another one. This doesn't mean I won't continue my other story - and if you haven't I would advise you to, it would give a nice intro to this one and things would make more sense. This story does give another point of view on some events in Fresh Start and additional scenes that are only mentioned in FS. There won't be much Seth stuff in the very beginning but their relationship will progress quickly once they meet. I'd also like to thank my Beta, MaxAndTwiFan, for being a totally awesome Beta!
PLEASE NOTE_-_LOOKIE HERE-: These first few chapters will seem really random, and confuzing, i know _(insert user name here)_! Something that would help with your confusion would be to read FS. . . Oh, you don't really want to read an EmbryXOC Fic? Well if you're able to make it to chapter four (3 minimum) I promise there will be minimal to nil amounts of confusion and the relationship between my OC and Seth will have begun.
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight and its characters. The only thing I own is the characters I made up.
Chapter 1: Super Fast Girls
Cady POV
"Life is awesome!" I yelled to nobody. I was being completely random like my usual self, jumping up and down on my little twin bed. I definitely had enough room to fit a queen bed but mom just loves to say no to me. I was jumping up and down on my bed because I had just finished all my homework and all of my chores were done. I leaped off of my bed and landed with a thud on my shag area rug that covered the cool wooden floor next to my bed.
Not surprisingly I heard a bang on one of my walls that separated my room from my younger sister, Briget.
"Stop doing whatever you're doing Cady!" She yelled from the other side of the wall. Her high pitched voice was always capable of giving me a headache and one started up at her whiny tone.
"Like I care about what you want!" I shouted with my face up against the wall. "Especially that stupid boy you have a crush on. I feel bad for Seth, having you stalking him this past year!"
"I do not stalk him!" Briget barked.
"Will you two stop shouting!" Drake, my younger brother, yelled from his room next to me. Oh why did Mom have to put me between my two younger siblings? I thought, irritated.
"I don't care!" I shouted back to both of them. I walked out of my room, leaving my siblings' yelling behind me. Geez... I rolled my eyes, I get stuck with a bratty fourteen year-old of a sister and a football crazed ten year-old. Fantastic. I slid down the railing of the stairs and ran into the kitchen to see Mom starting to make dinner.
"When will dinner be ready?" I asked sitting at one of the stools next to the island.
"When you three stop yelling," Mom stated pulling five plates from a cupboard.
"We did," I said getting up from the stool. I grabbed one of the plates and held it out in front of me with a smile.
"Go get your father then," She said before grabbing my plate from my hands.
I sighed internally and went down the stairs into the basement and to Dad's workshop. When I walked down the stairs I found him bent over his current project, a small sized coffee table, with a sander in his hands. I flickered the lights to get his attention. After a moment he pulled off his ear muffs and grinned through the small cloud of wood dust.
"Dinner's ready," I called, smiling through the wood dust back at him.
"Okay kiddo, I'll be up in a minute," He said, dusting off his pants and the front of his shirt.
I climbed back up the stairs and entered the dining room. To help get ready, I set the dining room table as mom filled up the plates with food. Briget and Drake came into the dining room just as I sat down in my seat. My sister sat across from me and Drake sat on her right. Mom sat down next to me after filling the last plate. A minute later after we all started eating, Dad sat down in the seat opposite Mom.
"So anything interesting happen in school today?" Dad asked before shoveling a piece of lasagna into his mouth. In the corner of my eye I saw Briget inhale a breath and I cut her off before she could even say a word.
"We don't wanna hear about Seth Bridge."
She glared at me. "I wasn't gonna say anything about him," She lipped. I expertly lifted one eyebrow and she glared even more.
"Oh really?" I said.
"Girls," Mom warned.
"Anything happen at the high school Cady?" Dad asked.
I spoke when I was done chewing,"Skyler came back to school today, and was totally different. Just like Jared and Paul, although he wasn't out as long as them. He was even hanging out with them, instant friends... weirdos."
"Seth would never be a part of a gang," Briget commented. I glared at her before taking a drink from my cup of milk. Why did she always feel the need to bring up her crush in every single conversation?
"I'm sure he wouldn't honey," Mom said, preventing another yelling fight between the two of us. I didn't want to join in on the conversation for the rest of dinner. When dinner was done, when everyone went to do what they needed to do, I silently did the dishes as Drake dried them. After our silent cleaning, I decided to go upstairs to my room. Grabbing a magazine off the desk, I dropped into my beanbag chair when my cellphone rang. When I picked up the phone I noticed the caller ID, Alivia.
I dropped the magazine onto the floor and greeted Alivia. "Hey Liv, wassup?"
"Apparently Skyler felt like being a jerk and broke up with Nikki," Alivia stated plainly.
I jumped up in shock, "What! He just came back to school, how could he do that to her?"
"I know, that's why I'm calling you. It's too late for one of us to go over to her house but I want to make sure to be there for Nikki tomorrow morning. Can you call Holly while I call Kim and see if they can meet us up in the girls bathroom in building one? If she decides to go to school tomorrow."
"Sure," I say,"I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Yeah. Bye Cady."
"Bye Liv," I said and hung up. How soulless did boys have to be? I fiddled with my phone before I decided to call Holly. I pressed number six on my cell, and it went straight to Holly's cell phone. It rang a few times before she answered.
"Hello?" Holly asked from the other end.
"Okay, did you know that Sky just broke up with Nikki?" I asked quickly.
"Why did he do that?" She said, sounding pissed.
"I actually don't know, but Liv called and said to meet up with her, Nikki and possibly Kim tomorrow morning in the building one bathroom. None of can really go over this late, so were gonna get together and help her out if she goes to school tomorrow."
"Do you want me to kill Sky right now? I most definitely could."
I smiled, replying back, "No, not yet. Maybe later once we've talked tomorrow."
"Cool, I'll be there." She said, sounding serious.
"Good, see ya then."
"Bye," she said and I hung up. Us girls can work fast. I bet Holly and I could come up with some pretty good plans at getting back at Skyler... I thought devilishly in my head, I could come up with the diabolical plans and she could implement them, since she lives with him. We'd be the attack team while Kim and Liv comforted Nikki. I grinned and settled into the bean bag chair. My body settled back into my beanbag chair while I tried to think of ideas that could possibly work, even if we didn't decide to go that route.