I want to say something this chapter…PLEASE, PLEASE, review for my other story, Happy Tree Eds. Okay, now that that's over, you can read now.

So, Lumpy told you I had myrmecophobia? Yeah, I was pretty shocked too when I found out. I mean, I'm an anteater! I'm supposed to eat ants, not run away from them. But as I walked down the sidewalk, I tightly held a rolled up parchment proving I was. I unrolled the paper and read it one more time.

We are afraid to say that Sniffles has Myrmecophobia, which is fear of ants. We advise the patient to do the following when confronted with his/ her problem:

I read each of the examples of what to do.

They are only ants. They cannot hurt you.

As long as you keep you distance and do not aggravate them, they will leave you alone.

When an ant is near or on you, let it crawl around until it leaves.

If you feel overwhelmed, count to ten and remind yourself that everything is all right.

Repeat to yourself every day: They are ants. Only ants. They cannot hurt me in any way, so I have nothing to fear.

We hope that this helps you with your problem, Sniffles.

I rolled my eyes. Whoever made this had never met the ants I had to go aginst. In fact, when I saw an anthill, I decided to prove them wrong!

Worst. Mistake. Ever.

As I neared the anthill, I prepared to knock on the door, but something held me back. Even though it was a summer night, I felt very cold all of a sudden. My hand was just a few inches from the door, but I just couldn't do it. I felt a drip of sweat run down my face. I pulled back my hand and quickly ran home very quickly. When I got home, I plopped myself down on the bed and began reading the fifth rule.

"They are ants." I heard myself say with tears running down my face. "Only ants. They c-cannot hurt me, s-so I have n-noth-thing to f-fe…fea…" I finally broke down and cried while in a fetal position.

What's wrong with me? I thought to myself. All my intelligence and I break down because of some fear?

I dried the tears from my eyes.

What should I do? Maybe I should go to Flaky tomorrow. She should know how to deal with this.

So I tried to go to sleep, but the fear of the nightmares were to great…

You want to talk to Flaky now? T-thank-you. I'll just…be in the waiting room again.