A/N: Hmm, I really wanted to write a P/17 for the longest time now, so here it goes! My stupid keyboard is all handicapped on me! I can't use the backspace key, I have to use the left shift, over, and delete buttons! My right shift key doesn't work and neither does the 9 and 0 keys above the letters!! I'm sure there's more keys that don't work, I'll probably find them when I really need to use them though! Sighs, I just found out that my 8 doesn't work, so I have to journey all the over to the far right side to use ***** those thingies! This is going to be a long day…

A/N: In all my bitching I forgot to mention that this plot is probably overdone…. SPACE JOURNEY!!!!


Chapter One

Bulma yawned as she hit the print icon, Pan watched deliriously as each page slowly shot out of the printer. The pair hasn't sleep in about three days, only stopping their work to escape to the kitchen for sandwiches and coffee. Trunks walked into the lab, he obviously just got off work, because he was still dressed in his suit and tie. "You guys still awake?" he asked into the room.

Bulma and Pan grinned at him, "I'm not too sure anymore." Bulma yawned.

"Well, everyone's waiting in the briefing room for you two." Trunks informed." So, you guys gonna tell us why you've been working compulsively for the last three months or what?" he asked as he followed the two women down the hall.

Pan was know 25, graduated college and was constantly pestered by her grandmother to take a husband. She yawned and smiled, "I guess you'll have to wait and find out."

Trunks opened the door and gestured for them to go in first, "Ladies first." He grinned. Pan and Bulma rolled their eyes accordingly. Trunks was only this way when he wanted something, maybe a day off of work or something like that, but Bulma wasn't about to put CC in jeopardy, he was after all a  damn good president.

Inside the room, everybody who was ever considered a somebody was there. Krillin and his entire family, Yamcha, Oolong, Puar, Tien, Chaozu, 17, Piccolo, Gohan, Goten, of course Vegeta, even Bura and Uubu were sitting at the large conference table.

"So what's this all about Bulma?" Krillin asked, being the first to speak. Pan yawned as she and her older friend sat at the end of the table. There hasn't been a real threat to the Earth for several years now, and most of the warriors have been slacking off; even Gohan and Goten weren't training as much as usual.

Pan tapped Bulma's shoulder, she had fallen to sleep , slouching over the table like a stoned teenager in history class. "You must excuse us, we've been awake for the past 72 hours finishing up our research." Pan yawned as Bulma's eyes darted open.

"Trunks, coffee, now." She ordered, unable to form a whole sentence.

Pan snickered at this, she loved the way Bulma had so much control over her grown son. "Yeah servant boy, get your mother coffee." She said under her breath so only Bulma could hear.

"Now Pan, that wasn't too nice, even if he is servant, he isn't a boy anymore." Bulma grinned.

"Anyway!" Pan said obtusely before Trunks could comprehend what his mother had meant by that. "You are all called here because about three months ago, we received a number of files containing sensitive information about the Ultimate Dragon Balls." She informed tiredly. After she was certain she had everyone's attention and Bulma nodded her on, she continued. "While the source of the information is still a little hazy, Bulma and I are certain that it is valid."

"How did you come to receive this?" Krillin asked as he folded his hands on his lap.

Pan looked at Bulma who had fallen asleep again and sighed. "We received a transmission from one of CC…eerr…satellites." She stated nervously as she scratched the back of her neck and added a fake cough to the end of her sentence for good measure. "While only the one, PD2456, was accessed, I'm confident that only we received the files."

"Capsule Corp has satellites?" Gohan asked humorously.

Pan rolled her eyes before tapping Bulma's shoulder again. "Trunks! Where's my coffee?" She asked. A few moments later, Trunks appeared in the room holding two large cups of coffee, one for his mother and one for Pan.

"Thanks slave boy." Pan grinned.

"Yup, thanks." Bulma mumbled. Trunks took offense to Pan's comment but didn't say anything as he sat down. "So to conclude…"

Pan interrupted her, "Bulma we just started." She whispered. Bulma's face faulted as she sat back down.

"Pan, why don't you take it." Bulma suggested.

"Alright," Pan yawned as she downed her hot coffee in one gulp. Her eye twitched quickly before she stretched out her arms and back, a couple of bones popped in the process. She ran her fingers through her long, jet-black hair before continuing. "We believe that these dragon balls are powerful enough to wish back somebody who died more than a hundred years ago. You get five wishes instead of three or one and the balls energy isn't negative so we won't have to worry about another black star dragon ball incident. Although that was kind of fun, I did learn something new about Trunks and dresses…"

"Pan!" Trunks yelled from across the room.

"Sorry! My bad, I haven't slept in three days, you'd start spilling shit too." Pan yawned sheepishly.

Everyone looked at Trunks oddly before shaking if off, "So about these dragon balls, what would you be wishing for?" Trunks asked nervously trying to get off the subject of him and dresses.

Pan grinned once more, "I'll get to that, but before I do, I feel that I have to inform you about an up coming factor into this equation."

"Pan, you're starting to sound like Bulma, you need to get some sleep." Videl said lovingly to her only daughter.

"Neh," Pan waved it off. "Dende contacted Bulma and I last night, he wanted us to tell you all that there is a threat to the Earth. He said that he'd come and tell you all himself, but…I can't say, I promised I wouldn't." she said as she slammed her open palm in front of her mouth.

"Huh? What's going on with Dende?" Gohan asked a little bewildered.

"He's busy taking care of…"

"Godly issues!" Bulma interrupted. "Truly Pan, the poor dear trusts you." She added quietly. "Anyway, long story short! A pair of missionaries was sent to find the dragon balls, once they obtain them they'll wish for things that aren't too good for Earth's or any other planet's safety and well being. Good night! I am going to bed, Pan can fill you in on all the gory details!" she said before leaving the room in a hurry.

"Thanks Bulma." Pan said hoarsely. "This is where I come in." She said sweetly. She looked down at her clothes and noticed all grease stains and came to the conclusion that her hair and face can't look too good either. "I guess by my appearance, you can probably guess what I've been doing," she sighed as she pulled on a hooded sweatshirt.

"Pan, you can't! I won't allow it!" Videl sounded, sounding exactly like Chichi.

"Sorry, I didn't spend the past three months repairing and learning every wire of my precious ship just to watch someone else go into space." Pan grinned. "I know that ship inside and out, who else besides Bulma can say that?"

"I still don't like the idea." Videl said.

Pan sank into the back of the leather chair and set her hands in her lap, "I'm really too tired to start an argument on why I should and shouldn't go, so I'll just state the facts." She yawned. "One: Dragon balls contains a power unknown even to Kami and Sheelong. Two: I'm the only one who knows how to operate the blasted ship, due to some rather tasteful modifications I added. Three: The Missionaries have a whole week start on us. Four: I'm tired. Five: I leave tomorrow at sunrise. Six: Only two people can survive in the ship."

"Only two, eh?" Gohan asked, "It's either Bura, Marron or Goten." He stated.

"Umm, I kind of can't." Goten started, "See, I've been seeing this chick for the past three years and I was kind of pondering with the idea of possibly proposing, and uh I still haven't told her about you know our whole history and stuff like that." He sputtered.

"Yeh, um, I don't think Marron or I will be all that useful on a space journey to save the universe, we're not mechanically gifted or skilled in fighting." Bura stated matter-of-fact-like.

"So, who's it gonna be?" Pan questioned, accepting the three's excuses. After almost everyone spilling excuses why they can't go, Pan sighed, 'am I really that annoying?' she asked her self mentally.

After everyone quieted down, 17 cleared his throat loudly. "How long is this gonna take?" he asked.

"I already have the planet's coordinates programmed into the ship's computer, and if everything goes well, a few months, maybe a year." She said as a yawn threatens to mess up her sentence.

"I'll go. I have nothing better to do with my time, might as well do something constructive." 17 offered.

Gohan looked at 17, then to his daughter then back to 17 and decided he was no threat to his little Panny. "Great, then it's settled." Pan yawned. "Meet me in the backyard at five thirty in the morning. Dende suggests the rest of you train." She turned to leave when they called her back.

"What's Dende up to?" Gohan asked.

"He's just busy with his kid, that's all." Pan yawned. "Damn it, I wasn't supposed to tell you that. I better go to bed before I spill all the details about Trunks dressing in drag while the grand tour."

"Pan!" Trunks yelled.

"Sorry. I'm shutting up now." She said as she left the room in a hurry.