Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, I'm only playing with Stephenie Meyer's characters. No copyright infringements were intended.

AN : Sorry for keeping you waiting...:( Here's the 3rd chapter. I have to admit that I can't update frequently,so I suggest you to put this story on alert. Hope you like it and please review.

Didn't Expect to See You


"You're so lucky to have a precious gift while you're human. You'd better use it for good and using it against me is not a good idea. I have a shield that can resist your ability, so you can't fight me off and I'm a vampire. Well, I think you already know that part." He glared at me and took a step towards me. It was the first time I felt afraid of him. There's no way to run away from him.

"With helping me, you can save your life. So what do you think?"

Chapter 3: Your friends


I had to say yes or die. I chose to say yes, I'd rather alive but help him than die in his hand. Not that I gave up, I was peeking the possibility to get away from Edward. His jaw was tense, his lips were from a tight line, his expression was cold, waiting for my answer.

"Hmmm... Ye..yes. I will help you,but you have to keep your promise." Yeah,I sounded like loser... but what else could I do? His eyes were shining and he was smiling in satisfaction. I could tell that he was very happy and satisfied.

"Don't worry,you can keep my word." He did that stupid smirk again.

"Edward, what do you want me to do? You said I have to help you."

"I want you to help me to attack a group of vampires." I frown. How could I fight them?

"How?" I tried to sound cool, but inside I was worried.

"I've arrange that with Jasper and Emmet." From the way he speaking, he was so certain and confidant with his plan.

Who were Jasper and Emmet? Ah,it's not that important. The most important thing was how I can get away from Edward. I couldn't just give in,I did not want to spend my life doing what this vampire tell me to. I had my own will. I really hated when someone tells me what to do.

I was wondering what it would be like...like living in hell for sure. I suddenly thought of my parents,Charlie and Renee. If I escaped and Edward found out about them, he would use them to get to me. Just thinking like that, it made me terrified. My parents and I were not close like most of parents and children, I was disappointed at both of them. My mom for divorcing my father. My father because he couldn't keep us together as a family. However, deep in my heart I cared for them, they were my parents after all. Then, I heard Edward groaned.

"Don't ever think to defy or ran away from me even for a second." Edward warned me. Can he read my mind? I hope not...

"I know! I've told me thousand times." I rolled my eyes. I wasn't a dumb who needed to be told many times.

"Hi,Edward!" greeted a woman. She had short black hair and she was very short. How the hell did she get in here? Who was she? Edward's friend? Hardly,as if there was someone who wanted to befriend with him.

"Alice,can't you knock the door or call me and then you come in?" Said Edward with a sigh.

"You never lock your door,why would I knock on your door? Oh,Bella Hi! Nice to meet you!" said Alice. Wow! Is she a psychic or something? She knows my name! Yeah,she must be a psychic.

"Hi...?" I said hesitantly and sounded more like question.

"Alice!" Edward said sternly

"Right,where are my manners? I'm Alice,Edward's half sister." She walked closer toward me and she extended her hand. We shook hands, I thought Alice was weird. Edward looked into my eyes and it looked could kill. What the hell is wrong with him? I didn't do anything wrong...

"Edward, the others will arrive shortly, they got what you want. Thanks to Jasper's brilliant plan and his ability it was done well. You owe us this time,you know." Edward just nodded and said "Alright,I do owe you. Thanks,sis. I guess Jasper dazzled you again and you never get tired praising and complimenting him."

"Whatever,Edward" Alice rolled her eyes.

Not long after Alice's arrival,there were 5 vampires got in to Edward's house. I guessed when you were a vampire, you don't have to bother with politeness,manners,norms,etc.

All of them were much more handsome and beautiful than the normal humans. One of the vampire guys was pretty tall, had red eyes, blond hair. Behind him, there was a very big and muscular vampire, he also had red eyes like everyone in this house (except me) and black curly hair. The other guy was lean and his hair was brown. They were dragging a female vampire. I couldn't find a proper word to describe her. They'd tormented her. However, it wasn't enough to kill her. She was a vampire,immortal... That's the worst part. If she died she wouldn't feel her pain. Even though I just looked at her, I could feel her pain. The blood was on all over her body and her wounds were the worst and most severe injuries that I'd ever seen. Underneath that skin, I knew there were many broke bones. I doubted anyone would recognize her. Edward really was savage. The blond woman behind him walking gracefully was incredibly beautiful. From her gesture an expression I could tell that she didn't me. She gave me the hateful look. Maybe it was because I knew their secret,that they were vampires. The girls made me feel ugly. I was nothing compared to them. They had everything that all women dream. One of the girls had strawberry blond was approaching Edward and his face lighted up. She was smiling at him.

I didn't think that girl and Edward were just "friends". Wow, I couldn't believe I was involved with a crazy vampire and his friends. I hoped Edward kept his promise to not hurt me. I was tensed, I couldn't eased myself. Edward sensed my uneasiness and gave me a questioning gaze.

The big asked to Edward "Eddie, is this the kitten that you're talking about?" I peered at Edward.

I narrowed my eyes at Edward. He shrugged and answered "Yes, she is."

"Edward, like what you've requested we brought Aro's mate, Athenodora.." The brown haired vampire said.

I glanced at Edward, he was grinning. "Thanks!" He exclaimed.

Then he walked like a predator approached its prey. I saw Athenodora's body was shivering. Edward observed her for awhile. He sighed and inquired "Is it true Aro killed Carlisle and Esme?"

She looked away from Edward and didn't say a word, It infuriated him.

"Answer!" Yelled Edward.

"Yes. They wouldn't tell him where you were, so he killed them as a warning and he wanted you to suffer because you left us." Answered Athenodora.

Edward growled and ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"Emmet, you know what to do with her." He said calmly.

"Yep. Of course I do, don't worry. Rose!" Said Emmet (known otherwise as the big guy...literally) excitedly and Edward smiled at him. I know perfectly what the two of them meant. Emmet and a woman called Rose drag her somewhere and I turned my gaze away. Edward finally turned to me again.

"Bella, they're my friends that I told you before. This is Jasper... " He pointed the blond man Oh, the blond man was Jasper. He looked uncomfortable, but I didn't see why...

"It's a pleasure to meet you." said Jasper.

"Thanks, nice to meet you too."

I noticed the vampire girl that reminded me of pixie or Alice, tightened her grip on Jasper.

"Hi, Bella!

Then moved on to Demetri, Roselie (the blond girl).

"And, I'd like to introduce Tanya..." His expression was unreadable.

"Hi, I'm Tanya...Edward's girlfriend." She extended her hand and we shook hands. So, she was his girlfriend? Well, they looked perfect together, but we never know how their relationship really is... Why am I thinking about it? It's obviously none of my business.

"Look, guys I have to drive Bella home. I will be back soon."

"Bye, everyone." It was really awkward. I felt relieved I could get out of this place right now.

We walked towards the shiny silver Volvo. Of course he could afford it, he had more than enough time to earn money . The entire ride was quiet and tense. I didn't dare to say anything to him right now, he was not in a good mood.

I was glad I got home after all I experienced today. "Bella..." Edward said. What could he possibly want now?


"Tomorrow I'm picking you up tomorrow at 9 am. I want you to be ready when I arrive. Don't tell anyone about our deal,otherwise you would be sorry. Oh,Bella,one more thing. Don't ever think of escaping from me." After he said that, he disappear and I heard his car leaving my driveway. I hoped I have the strength to do this so it would be over soon. I was exhausted now, I wish I was dreaming and when I woke up it would be over.

AN : I posted a new story called "New Year Eve", it's a one-shot. Here's the summary:

Edward cheated on Bella. She decided to end the marriage. After 1 year,she lived a miserable life. Will that change om the new year eve? One-shot Rated M for abuse

Yes,it's rated M,but there's no lemon. I rated it M for abuse. The abuse is not too violent or brutal. Just to be safe,I'm not sure if it would be suitable to be rated T. It's my apology to you for not updating quickly and keeping you waiting... XD
