Godzilla and Gamera: The First Final War

Chapter 6: Telepath To Terrapin

Captain Gordon

It all happened so fast; Godzilla just totally dominated the poor turtle. Of all the monsters I'd ever seen, Gamera was the only one I'd ever felt true sympathy for, because Gamera was the only monster that actually seemed to fight for us.

Now, he lay sprawled out on the pavement; utterly helpless and hurt from Godzilla's ruthless assault; and now that evil monster was headed for the heart of Tokai.

"Alright, our ally Gamera has fallen, but we will still fight to stop Godzilla; everyone to the ship, and double time it!" I bark, ordering my crew members to get to the vessel pronto.

We quickly scrambled for the Gotengo post-haste, taking Mayumi and Yoshinari with us; this city was about to become a war zone, definitely no place for civilians. "Gotengo, prepare for battle!" I yell, making sure they all heard me.

Every crew member that had stayed behind immediately went into overdrive, and the crew that had gone with me got into their positions as fast as possible too. Within minutes, the Gotengo was airborne and headed straight for Godzilla.


Godzilla was overcome with rage at the sight of all these buildings the little creatures called humans had made. This area was supposed to be forested and green; but the impudent little creatures who had horribly disfigured him with their machines changed it into a twisted grey landscape of metal and concrete long ago.

To signify his wrath, Godzilla knocked down an entire 10 story condominium building with a single swipe of his massive tail. Roaring in anger, the nuclear leviathan continued to carve a swath of destruction across one of the beloved mechanical jungles of mankind's creation.

Then, just before he was about to attack another structure, Godzilla heard a sound he had come to recognize.

It was his number one adversary; the Gotengo and its crew!

Quickly turning to face his opponent, Godzilla roared his defiance and prepared to assault the giant craft.

In a split second, a large beam burst forth from the tip of the giant drill at the craft's front. Godzilla remembering that the blue one was dangerously frigid, instinctively dodged the burst of freezing energy-letting the attack turn the skyscraper behind into a tower of unconnected atoms from the sudden drop to Absolute Zero.

Again, the tip of the drill began to glow, but more orange this time. Godzilla knew that this beam was hot, almost as hot as his nuclear ray. Once again, he dodged nimbly and then countered with a quick strike of his own blast into the Gotengo's left hull side.

This did quite some damage, as a good portion of the ship's metal slumped down as it partially melted from the intense radiation and heat.

Captain Gordon

Godzilla was a natural born fighter, his battle prowess and cunning proved time after time whenever he fought. The only bad part about my opponent though, was that my ship was not as durable as he was.

"Sir, the left hull has been reduced to 25 percent structural integrity; it can't take another hit like that or we'll go down" the defense analyst replies, his tone urgent and fear filled.

"Then lets make sure we don't get hit on that side again; Osaki, slide and smack, just like we practiced" I command, smiling as I knew this maneuver would surely catch Godzilla off guard.

Ozaki obeyed, and immediately began to send the ship into a series of 360 degree spins, to disorient the nuclear leviathan. Miraculously, that part worked.

"Alright, hit him with the burn of the aft boosters, full power!" I shout. Ozaki instantly did so, turning the flames of the Gotengo right into Godzilla's face.

Godzilla immediately howled with rage and pain as the intense plasma bursts incinerated all soft tissues off his face.

"He's blind for now, gut him Ozaki!" I order, wanting to take advantage of his lack of sight before his eyes regenerated. Post-haste, Ozaki rammed the drill into Godzilla's stomach, and activated it.

Godzilla was practically wailing with anguish as the drill began to pierce his flesh. However, just before it broke through, the drill began to grind.

"Just our luck, the drill tip is too wide to fit through his ribs! Ozaki, fire maser!" I yell, desperate to weaken his bones so we can rip him apart from the inside out, just like he had done with my life 50 years ago.

With a single burst, Ozaki fired the maser from the still bored-in drill, incinerating Gojira's ribcage, and most of his organs.

With a piercing, howling, cry-Godzilla fell limp upon our drill, the battle finally over.

"Excellent work Ozaki, now finish him off" I command.

However, before he could grip the controls again, I heard a familiar screech.

"Sir, its Rodan!" one of my technicians shouts.

I then ordered the screen to be activated, and saw that the giant mutant pterosaur was indeed headed this way.

"Estimated time to impact!" I shout.

"Sir…its not headed for us" Kazama replies.

Surprised by the response I got, I quickly asked, "Then where is it headed!"

"Its headed…for Godzilla" Ozaki says in disbelief.


As the cloned Rodan prepared to dive-bomb Godzilla, it screeched loudly. Unfortunately, Godzilla had good reaction time, even when injured, so it easily whipped its tail at a precise angle, and knocked Rodan several miles to his side with a loud crash as several buildings collapsed on top of it.

Godzilla roared in confusion, as he remembered incinerating the creature before; how could it return from the dead? Feeling his organs had finished regrowing, he pulled himself off the drill and shoved the Gotengo away, allowing his skin to begin closing up. Now turning his full gaze upon the giant pterosaur, how Rodan had returned greatly puzzled him.

However, Godzilla did not have time to ponder this, as the ground beneath him began to rumble, and with a sudden explosion of pavement and dirt, another Zilla burst forth before him. The Zilla was clearly aggressive, like the first one Godzilla had fought, but this one seemed different, looking into its eyes, he saw that its attitude seemed less headstrong…more calculative.

However, he knew regardless of their intelligence or speed, he was far superior to this creature. As it attempted to rip out his throat with a lunging bite, Godzilla spiked an elbow into the base of its neck, where the dorsal plates were both dull and smaller. It instantly made the Zilla crumple to the pavement from crippling pain; it was lucky Godzilla's move hadn't snapped the spine.

Godzilla then became bored; these pathetic creatures just were not worth his time. Even Gigan, the first monster he'd faced after waking up from his icy prison, was a better opponent than these sad excuses for monsters. As his chest completely finished healing from grievous injuries just 5 minutes ago, he jumped with all his might, and in a few bounds, was back in the ocean, on his way to the bottom where he would rest and fully incorporate his newly acquired energy.

Now, while all this had been happening, Gamera had floated back to the surface and was slowly healing, but he had managed to recover enough to reawaken. As he clambered back on land, stumbling to his feet, he snapped back to awareness, and saw that there were now two monsters back at the land were the humans dwelt. Unlike Godzilla, they did not seem to have a hatred, just an insatiable appetite for destruction and death.

One was quick on its feet, and it looked rather similar to Godzilla, only it was more lizard like, and its tail was always held off the ground. The other was a mutant pterosaur similar to the bat-like Gyaos it had fought, only far larger than even the biggest Gyaos he had ever encountered.

Gamera knew he had to help defend the humans, if not for the fact that they were innocent, then for the fact that he had failed the Atlanteans before them, and owed the human race a chance to survive. Now that his wounds had healed enough, it was time to act.

Instantly, he activated his jets and took flight, ramming into the flying creature and knocking it out of the sky with one smooth hit. Then, spinning at high speeds, swung in a boomerang arc and slammed down onto the giant lizard, and surprisingly found that it went down much easier than the real Godzilla he'd fought earlier.

However, the flying creature started shrieking and began to take off in fear. Apparently Gamera had spooked Rodan more than it anticipated with his boomerang slam technique. Zilla also began to shriek, but more out of shock than fear, as it had never faced a triphibian before. So with lightning speed, Zilla dug his way out of the battle and into the bowels of the Earth.

Seeing that the monsters had fled, Gamera released a watery wail of victory and prepared to take off. But just before his jets activated, he emitted a groan and feel over on his back, the thin skin that had regrown over his plastron cuts having ruptured, reopening the wounds.

Shin'ichi Ozaki

Despite the beat down from earlier, this Gamera was indeed powerful and resilient, courageous too, having risked his life to try and stop Godzilla, and the newly arrived Rodan and Zilla. But just before he could fly off, the giant turtle suddenly groaned and fell over, his wounds bleeding profusely. "We can't just stand here, Captain we have to help him!" I shout, causing Gordon to look at me suspiciously.

"You want us to play doctor for a giant turtle, I know that he's a hero and all, but what can we do? This creature isn't just one of an entirely different species, its of another universe, its internal biology may be completely inconsistent to those of life from our realm!" Gordon hollers with his usual anger.

"I don't know if that's true, from what I've seen, physics seems to operate the same way in this universe as they do in ours, so most likely biological stuff isn't too radically different, and we have seen Gamera's internal structure, I just haven't figured out what all the organs do. I think all we really need to do is make sure his regeneration powers are working, then we'll try and figure out a way to help him if his body isn't already healing" Miyuki says expertly.

"Very well, but know that the only reason I'm agreeing to this is because Gamera is the very antithesis of what we fight, he's like us, fights for mankind. Gotengo! prepare to descend" he proclaims, earning several responses of "Aye captain".

Upon landing, the side door opened, its staircase unfolding quickly so we could depart as rapidly as possible. Not bothering to wait, I leapt down to the ground with a tumble and broke into a run straight for Gamera.

Yoshinari Yonemori

I'd seen a lot over the past 2 days, giant monsters, UFOs, and highly advanced humans from another universe, but I had never expected to see one of them do this. Ozaki just leapt onto the ground from over 100 feet up in the air, and shook it off like nothing and kept running. "…How did he do that?" Mayumi asks in amazement.

"He's a mutant" Miyuki replies matter of factly. Immediately we both turned to face her with confusion. "Mutant?" I ask stupidly, knowing I must have sounded dumb, but unable to think of a better way to put my question, said it anyway.

"In our universe, it was discovered many years prior to the present point of time, that some humans were mutant, they'd acquired a 5th base to their DNA called M base. This M base is not fully understood, but its known to enhance physical attributes to superhuman levels, and radically increase brain function, including telepathic and telekinetic power. Even more recently, within the weeks before we arrived here, an alien race called the Xiliens came and tried to trick us with their ruse. They had captured and genetically modified most of Earth's giant monsters prior, then sent them to attack us. Out of the blue, they made them vanish and said they'd saved us, and were here to protect us from an approaching planet called Gorath. We discovered this was a lie, and confronted the Xilien leaders live at a news broadcast by tossing a carcass of one of their grunts onto the set. The leader was about to come clean, when his second in command murdered him on national television with a ray gun" Miyuki begins, earning a gasp from Mayumi and a wince of disgust from me.

"That's where it all went down hill, immediately the new leader sent his army of alien craft and brought human civilization to its knees before sunset that very day. As fast as we could, we used mankind's last war machine that could fight the invasion forces, to go free the one weapon that was even mightier from its icy tomb in Antarctica, the dreaded King of Monsters, who the crew of the original Gotengo had buried in the frost back in 1954" she continues, Gordon stepping forth as we began to descend the stairs.

"You're looking at the guy who originally helped imprison that beast, I was just a gunman back in those days, I manned the Gotengo's missiles. We were actually losing to that monster, the first Gotengo wasn't as impressive as this one. But then an icequake hit the area, and sucked Godzilla inside. We took this opportunity to fire the missiles at an icy mountain right beside the crevasse. We buried Godzilla alive, and he remained frozen for 50 years. Then the damn Xiliens invaded and were beating us, and we couldn't fight off the monsters and still fight the Xilien mothership, so we had to free the one creature who could defeat all the monsters those bastards had in their control; Godzilla" he explains as we near the bottom of the stairs.

"So what happened after you freed Godzilla?" I continue, anxious to know what had led to their arrival in our reality.

"Godzilla defeated and/or killed every monster he fought. On our way back to Japan, we saw Godzilla fight another mutated reptile in Sydney called Zilla, it's a slightly smaller and vastly agile monster species created from a mutated marine iguana, but it was no match for the real Godzilla. A flick of his tail, and a single burst of his atomic ray, he vaporized it, the battle didn't even last 20 seconds" he continues, laughing at the memory.

"Seems that your Godzilla really does deserve that title, King of the Monsters" I remark, picturing an imaginary crown placed upon the giant creature's head.

"Yeah, every fight with those monsters was a curbstomp battle, most didn't even last but a few minutes. We figured Godzilla would be busy fighting the monsters so we could go try and defeat the Xilien mothership, unfortunately, things went very wrong" he says with a sigh, as we near Gamera's body.

"That blasted overgrown dinosaur beat his opponents too fast! Just before we reached the mothership, he appeared right in our path, and fired his atomic ray near point-blank" Kazama adds fervently.

"It was at that point that we immediately retaliated and fired the strongest maser blast we could muster. When the two beams collided, it apparently caused a rip in time and space, and that sent both of us hurtling into this universe" Miyuki injects.

"Fascinating, so I'm guessing giant monsters are a very common occurrence in your world?" I remark, hinting that I was referring to the living force of nature, Godzilla.

"Godzilla isn't just a monster, he is a super monster, Omega class, he first appeared 50 years prior to the present day, having been mutated from a dinosaur on Lagos Island that had survived into modern age. When they dropped the H-Bomb, instead of dying, the radiation mutated the creature beyond recognition to all but the most astute observants. He quickly began a reign of terror throughout Japan, and then he was led to Antarctica, and you know the rest of his story up till now" Gordon adds emphatically.

"After Godzilla, even more monsters began to appear, and so the JSDF was reorganized into a global organization, the EDF, Earth Defense Force, specifically designed to combat threats like giant monsters and other problems too big for ordinary weaponry or technology to handle. Monsters were classified by power and threat level. Alpha is the weakest, monsters easily dispatched with little effort, up to Omega class, the strongest ones whose power is unable to be accurately measured" Miyuki starts, her explanations making me begin to sweat.

"What about the threat levels?" Mayumi asks with curiosity.

"Threat levels go from minimal risk, monsters classified as such are usually rounded up for study, to maximum threat; GEUP, Global Environmental Upheaval Potential, Godzilla easily classifies as a monster with that potential" she continues, making Mayumi begin to feel worried too.

"Where does Godzilla stand?" I ask shakily, not sure I'd like the answer.

"He tips the scales at maximum on both levels; worst of all, if he were to ever lose control of his biological reactor heart, he could potentially explode and destroy the atmosphere, killing all but the hardiest microorganisms. But the worst case scenario…is a meltdown" Miyuki says hauntingly.

"I thought meltdowns were just radioactive, how is that the greatest danger possible?" Mayumi says as she scratches her head in confusion.

"You don't understand, the more powerful the reactor, the worse a meltdown will be, and Godzilla already has more energy than every nuclear weapon in the world combined several times over. If he were to go into meltdown…he'd liquify the earth" Miyuki says shallowly, her breath stopping as she utters the words.

"And you brought that thing here! My company transports nuclear materials, that's a disaster waiting to happen with your irradiated abomination loose!" I scream, nearing full blown panic and hyperventilating.

"Wait, relax! Our studies have shown that the odds of him ever reaching that state are less than half a percent. He'd have to absorb a tremendous level of radiation within a span of several seconds for it to overload his heart and send it into a run-away chain reaction he couldn't bring under control; Godzilla is very efficient at manipulating his internal energies, I mean, he can shoot down objects from orbit, we studied the range and power of a beam recording and saw he had that kind of potential, so I doubt he'd ever lose control of his power unless he allowed it" the biologist refutes, helping me calm down.

"But that issue aside, Godzilla is still the most powerful monster from our earth, and now he seems to have made clear that Gamera here is but a chew toy compared to his might" Gordon grunts as we come within 100 feet of the fallen terrapin.

"Gamera is gonna need some powerful help to beat Godzilla" I say to myself as I ponder what might become of our world if the monster isn't defeated or brought under control.

Shin'ichi Ozaki

Leaping up onto Gamera's plastron in a few bounds, I then began to walk toward his face, avoiding the huge gash wounds Godzilla's spines had left. Quickly reaching his half closed eyes, I felt despair. "What cruel irony, we finally get a real power house for an ally, but even he isnt strong enough to fight Godzilla" I mutter as I sit upon the creatures neck with a wistful sigh.

"Ooouuu zaaaa keeeyyy" a voice stutters, as if grasping how to pronounce my name. I immediate leapt to my feet, trying to locate the source of the noise.

"Who's there!" I yell worriedly, my shock and surprise evident as I see none of the other crew members have joined me up here.

"Ooozaaki" the voice repeats, this time more clearly, and to my amazement, within my mind!

"Who are you, reveal yourself!" I demand, hoping my bluff would trick this unknown being into revealing itself.

"You're standing on him" the voice replies with a low chuckle. Turning my head, I notice Gamera wink an eye at me.

"Wait…its you? But…you're a-"

"Giant monster, walking disaster? Well yes, technically I could be called those, but you saw me, I tried to minimize the damages caused by my battle by attempting to carry Godzilla away from the city, away from innocent lives" Gamera's says with his telepathic voice.

Suddenly realization dawned upon me, and I knew this was not some cruel joke played by one of my teammates; Gamera was actually having a conversation with me! "Gamera…you-you're sentient?" I stammer, amazed at what I'd learned.

"I've every bit the capacity for intelligence as a human, after all, super advanced ones did create me" the giant turtle laughs.

"You were made by humans?" I question, incredulous at the possibility.

"Does the term "Atlantis" strike any chords?" Gamera asks sarcastically, as I felt what I could swear was a smile forming on his mouth.

"I thought that they were legends, and that even if they did exist, any and all marvels they made sank to the sea, lost to time" I rebut, earning another telepathic chuckle from the monstrous reptile.

"This is true, but you know advanced ancient civilizations exist, the inhabitants of Mu in your world are a prime example, the Pacific counterparts of the Atlanteans, they lived up till modern times in your world did they not?" Gamera retorts.

"Y-You can read my mind?" I choke, feeling worried now.

"Yes, I also sense you have this ability too, you just need training to unlock it, and I sense still deeper power, that even I do not fully understand" the turtle says solemnly, causing my jaw to drop. "I know you are confused, and have many questions, but I must ask you to do me a favor Shin'ichi Ozaki" Gamera states authoritatively.

"What do you wish of me!" I blurt, covering my mouth as I realize my rudeness, earning yet another chuckle from the towering tortoise.

"I need you to be my liaison, so I can establish a good relationship with mankind like I had with my creators before the Gyaos destroyed them all" Gamera says firmly, his tone indicating he was very serious.

"Liaison, You mean like your representative?" I reply, almost in disbelief.

"Well most humans can't connect with me telepathically without one of my amulets the Atlanteans created. But you, you are special, your mind is developed enough that it can use telepathic powers on its own, with no need for a symbiotic connection to me to make it work. Originally I had planned to just be a monster the humans could look at and see hope, knowing I'd fight things that threaten this world. But with your help, I can do more than just that, Ozaki, with you as my relay to the ordinary humans, I can truly gain their trust, become a friend instead of just an ally, let them know I don't fight to protect the planet necessarily, but for them, for humanity and their well being. Then maybe, once I have earned their trust, and them mine, I can share many of my Atlantean secrets to help further their development. But I need your assistance to do that, will you please help me?" Gamera asks, almost pleadingly.

Hearing Gamera ask this of me, I was flattered to say the least; the Shobijin's speech to me all those weeks ago had been an eye-opener that's for sure, but being requested as the liaison of a giant sentient monster…that just made me feel incredibly prominent, he treated me like I was an emperor or something, that it was all up to me, and frankly, that was the truth, he needed me to make that dream come true. But I also had important duties, the most important being to find a way to get back home and rebuild the earth we'd left behind. Wait…Gamera was willing to share ancient Atlantean secrets with the humans of this earth eventually, maybe he knew of a way to…I had to ask, I had nothing to lose.

"Gamera, I will agree to be your liaison, on three conditions" I announce, causing the turtle to, what I swear I could feel was, raise his eyebrow in suspicion, then smiled as best a giant turtle could.

"What do you desire? I can make sure you are handsomely rewarded for helping me establish good relations with mankind" the turtle says cheerfully.

"What I want doesn't matter, its what I need, and the fist thing I need, is that if you know anything to help return me and my friends back to our universe, you will aid us in whatever way you can" I begin, the giant turtle nodding his head.

"Yes, a few years before the Gyaos wiped out Atlantis, our scientists were nearing a breakthrough with wormhole technology, and they were just barely at the threshold when the monsters began to lay waste to my creator's world. So before I was bequeathed unto the cradle of time, I was given all the knowledge of my kingdom, I think I'll be able to help provided humans are willing to listen to me. Now, what is your second need Ozaki?" Gamera responds, his tone quiet and wise sounding in my mind.

"I need you to help us defeat Godzilla, we have to kill him to make sure that-"

"Now calm down, I do not think that is necessary Ozaki, at least not yet" Gamera interrupts, his voice remaining calm and halting my the manic rant I had begun.

"Not necessary? He almost killed you Gamera! And you're a good guy, it just proves how dangerous and evil he is" I bellow, upset that the turtle was defending the very creature who had almost murdered him.

"Remember, I' am a much more advanced telepath than you are Ozaki, I can sense emotions as well as read minds. When I encountered Godzilla earlier, I sensed many things; pain, confusion, sorrow, loss, despair, annoyance, anger, indignation, rage, and many others. But I did not sense malice or wickedness, Godzilla does not do anything out of evil, somehow he feels his actions are justified, and I wish to find out his motives and then try a peaceful resolution" Gamera explains, catching me off guard.

"Wait…Godzilla is sentient too!" I yell with shock.

"I dare say, at least or near human capacity, how else could he become the "King of Monsters" ? Its not just raw power, its brains as well; you saw his ingenuity in the fight with me just barely half an hour ago, he almost began to fly, and nearly disemboweled me with his spines, that requires imagination and a very acute awareness of your capabilities" Gamera replies with a smile.

"Ok very well, I'll let you try just once Gamera, but if he fails to cooperate-"

"Yes…I know, but you do realize that I cannot defeat him on my own, I will require help, and maybe some ancient Atlantean relics will be able to aid us if it comes down to a battle to the death" Gamera says as he cuts me off again.

"Hopefully, but anyways, that is my second need, to help get a handle on Godzilla and get him back to our universe too. My third need though, is a dual request" I continue, causing Gamera to "raise his eyebrow" again.

"And what might those be?" he asks warily.

"That you help repair the Gotengo, and maybe upgrade it so we can successfully fight off Godzilla, and…to help me learn more about these powers you say I possess" I finish, bowing my head. "Are these needs reasonable for you to agree to help fulfill?" I ask respectfully.

Several seconds of silence passed, then Gamera smiled again and said, "Yes, I agree to these conditions you have given Ozaki"

"Thank you Gamera, I promise to do my best with negotiations and diplomacy with the humans of this world.

"Then it is settled, we will assist each other until it is time for you to go home. For now, can you please take me to a very hot place with much fire, I can use it to accelerate my healing" Gamera says with a groan, his wound spurting a bit of green blood.

"I'll talk to Captain Gordon right away Ga-"

"Ozaki! What the hell is going on up there?" Gordon bellows, his voice so loud that it sounded like he was right next to me even at this distance.

"Oh, hang on a second, I'll be right down!" I shout, as I begin to enter a series of nimble leaps that landed me right in front of the captain. "Yes Captain?" I ask with a salute.

"Cut the military formal crap for now kid, and tell me why the hell you were talking to yourself up on top of the turtle" he snaps, looking at me like I'd gone mad.

"Well I was talking to Gamera" I reply with straight tone.

After nearly half a minute of silence, and very awkward silence at that, Gordon busted with laughter.

"HAAAA! That's a good one Ozaki! Talking to the turtle, HA HA HA! I never knew you have such a sense of humor" he bellows as he slaps me on the back.

"I'm not joking, Gamera is sentient and telepathic, why would I lie or joke about something so serious?" I reply as I fight down the urge to punch him for not taking me seriously, acting like my sanity and integrity were in need of questioning just because my statement sounded strange.

"(Wipes a tear from his eye with a sigh) Oh…wait, you really are serious?" he inquires, his eyes widening a little.

"Yes, Gamera is as sentient and capable as a human in terms of brain power" I continue, causing Gordon's jaw to drop, with everyone else joining him as the word of my conversation spread through the group.