Hola it's me again!

Now this

is callededed

"Shh I got a secret"

Haruhi: oh boy

Hikaru: hmm I can't wait to see how this goes.

Haruhi: yeah yeah yeah

Tamaki: Manda! Make Haruhi fall in love with me!

Me: Uh fuck no... go to your loser corner

Tamaki: -cries in loser corner-

Haruhi: -sigh- Manda does not own Ouran host club at all

Haruhi Fujioka walked along the gates to her new school, Ouran academy. She took out her IPod and put the volume up, very glad that she had brought herself the soundproof ear buds. She looked down at her uniform one more time, very glad they gave her a choice. It was either the girls' uniform, which was a long sleeved yellow dress with a hem that reached the floor, or the boys' uniform.

She chose the boys uniform, which was black dress pants, a white button up shirt, a blue blazer with the emblem on it, and a blackish blue tie. She also wore black dress shoes, and her blazer buttons opened, since she hated them closed. She pushed a few strands of her short brown hair behind her ear and fixed her glasses. She was glad her glasses hid her eyes, because if anyone saw how 'pretty' they were, they would tackle her.

She sighed and walked in the gate of the school, looking around seeing she was the only one who walked. "Stupid rich bastards," she muttered as she walked towards the main office. On the way she tripped and fell into a pair of twins both with red hair and golden eyes. When she tripped she brought those two down with her. They glared at her as she helped them up, bowed saying sorry and went to find the office.

One of them grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "Oi! New guy! What the fuck?" Haruhi froze, shivers sent down her spine. She couldn't hear them but she was scared, since they looked mad. She gulped and took out her ear buds. "I-I am so sorry." She looked down at her feet. The twin on the right spoke up, "Oh look Kaoru he decided to speak."

The one on the left smirked, "Well indeed he did, and such a nervous boy isn't he, Hikaru?"

"How about we play which one is Hikaru game?"

"Yes yes we shall." Haruhi looked up and looked around franticly. 'Crap!' she thought. "Oi new guy let's play a game, and if you win we will let you go to the office alrighty?" The one named Hikaru said. "Alright fine." She said, nervous about what would happen. Hikaru and Kaoru both put on matching plaid caps. "All you gotta do, is guess which one is Hikaru." Kaoru said. Haruhi nodded, knowing she could tell the difference between the two. Hikaru was on the right and Kauro was on the left and they moved around fast around her till she was dizzy. They stood in front of her, Hikaru on the right and Kaoru on the left. "Now which one is Hikaru?"

They asked at the same time. She looked down at her shoes and pointed to Hikaru on the right, "That on is Hikaru and the one on the left is Kaoru" She said it in a soft voice sure, but the boys were surprised. Nobody and I mean nobody could tell them apart, except Tamaki! Which is sad! She looked up smiled shyly then ran off to find the office. They looked at each other than shrugged. Oh well, it wasn't like they'd see that guy again. They walked into classroom 1-A and sat next to each other at their desks, all the girls fawning over them.

When the teacher came in and quieted them down he said, "I have an announcement to make! We have a new student, and a brilliant one at that. So please come in." Haruhi walked into the room, looking as jumpy as a rabbit in a thunder storm. "This class is Haruhi Fujioka. Please make him feel comfortable." "Uhh umm." Haruhi just messed with her hands looking down. She felt as nervous as hell here. "Alright Fujioka please sit in between Kaoru and Hikaru please." The both of them glared at her, they hated being apart. Haruhi nervously walked to her new seat, while Kaoru moved to the next seat to the left. She mouthed, "I'm sorry." to the both of them. She took out her notebook and started copying the notes her teacher had just put on the board, ignoring the glares going from the twins. When the bell rang for lunch, while everyone else left to go eat in the cafeteria, Haruhi took a bento outside and sat under a tree. While she was eating, her phone rang. "K-konichiwa."

"Oi! Do NOT use that god damn nervous girl act on me. Anyway after school, you have a photo shoot with the Hitachiin twins after school." "Sure alright. Shall I wear the black wig or the brown?" "Go with the brown today alright? And god damn it when I see you, you better not be wearing your stupid glasses" "Hai hai I'll see you later." She hung up her phone and started eating. "Mhmm I love leftover omelets so much!" She laughed a little and finished her lunch. When the bell rang, she went inside and put up her nervous front. She walked over to her desk, shaking a bit. She saw before she sat down, a trap. She smirked inwardly, 'Guess I gotta set it off... Not on me though haha.' She saw that everyone else was watching her. She sighed and sat down, waiting for the paint balloon to hit her face. But just before it hit her, she ducked and it hit Hikaru. "OI! WHAT THE FUCK YOU LITTLE TWERP?"

"I-I'm sorry! I dropped my lucky pencil!" She bowed her head, shaking. Hikaru smirked, thinking that Haruhi was scared of him. Truth was when Haruhi bowed her head and shook, she was laughing that Hikaru was covered in blue paint. She sat back at her desk making sure she looked nervous and scared. When some of the other boys and girls tried talking to her she stayed quiet. When school let out, she ran out of the school loosened her tie and smiled a little.

She walked out of the gates of Ouran and walked home. To her, home was a small apartment that she lived in by herself. When she was 5 her mother died... but sadly when she was about 13 her father died.

Haruhi walked into her apartment, put down her bag, and went into her room. She changed into white jeans, a black long sleeve t-shirt with a white heart near the bottom of it. She put on her long brown wig, and took off her glasses. When she took off her glasses, it revealed the most beautiful brown eyes that make you want to stare into them all day long. After she put her contacts in, she pulled on some silvery converse. Just then the doorbell rang, which meant she was here.

Haruhi opened the door and smiled, "Renge let's go alright?" "Thank you god! You aren't wearing your stupid glasses." "Yeah yeah." Renge was Haruhi's manager/agent/best friend. She had long blondish hair, brown eyes, and a very evil laugh. Today she decided on wearing black dress pants, a blue button down dress shirt, and a black dress jacket. She had her blue tooth in one ear, and her blackberry in her hand. "NOW LET'S GET A MOVE ON GOD DAMN IT!" Haruhi laughed and followed Renge to the car. As Renge drove, she filled Haruhi in on what was going to happen. "Alright remember, here you are known not as Haruhi Fujioka but instead Hannah Miyazaki. Now this shoot is for a new teen line, which includes a lot of boyish clothes in styles for girls, so you should be happy."

"Awwe you know me so well."

"Anyway you will be having the Hitachiin twins with you there, which will be more fun. Be warned though they are like little devils in a way. Do NOT talk to anyone here except me the camera man and the twins. Got it?" "Hai hai oba-san." Renge brought the car to a screeching halt. 'Awe shit wrong word wrong word!' Haruhi thought.


"Alright alright I'm sorry!"

Renge smirked, "Good now get out we are here!" Haruhi got out of the car and looked up at the huge building.

When Haruhi got inside, it was amazing. She was already used to the excitement of being inside a studio but it was always the rush of everyone that made her smile. Renge popped up behind her and smiled. She liked it when Haruhi was happy, since it was rare now a day. Renge pushed Haruhi into the makeup/dressing room. "Make her look marvelous!"

She screeched and left the room. Haruhi sweat dropped. Renge was way too obsessed with this. When the makeup artists were done, and Haruhi was done changing she stepped out of the dressing room. Her wig had been pulled into a high ponytail with black sprayed in streaks, black eyeliner, bluish eye shadow, light blush, lip gloss. She wore a black baseball cap with a heart with a knife through it, a blue tight t-shirt with a lot of boyish designs, dark looseish jeans, and white vans. She liked this outfit, and hopefully she could keep it after the shoot. She walked over to where Renge pointed her and stopped when she saw two familiar redheads...

(Haruhi's POV!)

I groaned inside, great those two were here. I walked over to them, a fake smile plastered on my face. They looked at me and smirked, while I inwardly rolled my eyes. Idiots..

"Hey I'm Hannah Miyazaki! I will be working with you today so let's have fun!"

I wanted to puke about how I sounded.. like a fucking preppy girl AGH! While they smirked about something I looked them over. They were wearing dark jeans like mine, and shirts like mine to. Except theirs was loose. They both wore baseball caps with skulls on it, and Kaoru was wearing a skull necklace. Hikaru held out his hand.

"I am Hikaru Hitachiin and this is my younger brother Kaoru Hitachiin."


I laughed, which shocked them both... Then they gave me that evil grin. "Let's play a game! Which one of us is Hikaru?" they said in unison. Kauro put his necklace in their shirt, and like this morning spun around me. "Which one of us is Hikaru?" they said again. I decided to just get it over with.

"Hmmm.. Hikaru is on the left and Kauro was on the right. Am I right?"

And as I was before I was right now. It was way too easy in my opinion! They gaped at me and smiled a little bit till they called us. We were put outside in a park, on a bench. I was laying/hanging off the bench while Kaoru was standing near my feet, his arms on the back of the bench, a bored expression on his face. Hikaru was put near were my head was, looking down at me.

While they took the pictures of us, our poses changed. There was some where I sat on the back of the bench with a twin on either side of me, us laughing. Or when I sat at one end of a bench and Hikaru's head was on my lap while Kaoru was sitting on the ground next to my legs and his head against my thigh.

But soon they wanted us to walk so they would get better pictures. So I and the twins walked around the park, shoving each other laughing. There was one shot where I was walking towards the twins sitting on the bench, a smile on my face. Just as I got to the bench, I tripped and fell. Hikaru sat up to catch me, but as he went to catch me, one of the crew members accidently pushed me more, which made my lips meet Hikaru's, at the same time. Great, just great... I JUST LOST MY FIRST KISS TO THE BOY WHO HATES ME! Son of a fucking bitch.

What did you think? Good right?

Me: yay a new story


Hikaru: it wasn't so bad

Haruhi: But you hate me -_-

Hikaru: true

Kaoru: uhh please rate and review!


Dear god. I wrote like this? This will be edited and added more chapters ASAP.