*Modified A/N: Okay, so I literally posted this chapter like an hour ago and already the feedback I've gotten is totally negative. That's fine, I guess I do feel kind of shitty posting this, but I want to reiterate that this wasn't meant to be an ending, it was another chapter of this story that I already had written out, and I thought it was pretty well-written, and therefore worth sharing. Maybe I was wrong... As for abandoning it two years ago, and for probably abandoning it for the foreseeable future, well, I guess all I can say is after three-plus seasons, the characters have grown and developed so much, and so has the story line, to the point where I feel disconnected with this plot when I try to move forward. Honestly, I feel very little room to move forward with this story. I'm not just going to rip this chapter out. It's already up here. But I'll leave this story as incomplete, at least, and I'll do my best to see if I can't wrap it up in some better way... It's just hard to work with season 1 now that it's been so long. Sorry, guys, truly, that I disappointed you. I hope you at least can enjoy what I have.

OBVIOUSLY: Nothing has changed regarding my ownership of the Vampire Diaries or its characters. Unfortunately I just haven't accomplished total domination yet.

So I honestly didn't know whether I should post this, but frankly I still get emails now and then letting me know that you folks are at least moderately interested in this story. I really don't think I can write any more of it, but I found this chapter from a couple years ago that I never published, so it seems silly not to let you guys have a taste. I am thinking about writing another fic, branching off from the current Season 4 storyline, so keep your eyes peeled for that I suppose.

Anyways... Here you are, 2+ years later, the 11th and likely final chapter of A Matter of Trust.

"You know, you really don't have to come tonight," Elena insisted as she got ready in her bedroom.

Damon, as usual, was lounging on her bed. He was fiddling with a teddy bear with whom he'd become considerably acquainted during his relationship with Elena. "To the meat market?" he asked her, then turned to address the bear. "She thinks I shouldn't go to the auction, um…" He paused. "What's this little guy's name, anyway?"

Elena giggled. "Radar."

He turned back to the bear. "She doesn't want me at the auction, Radar."

"Hey—I never said I didn't want you there," Elena interjected. "I Just don't know why you'd want to go."

"How can I miss the Real Housewives of Mystic Falls?" She couldn't help but laugh at the comment.

"That's just it. You know they're all going to be salivating over you," she reminded him.

Damon grinned. "I think you've got it backwards, sweetie."

She tried to twist her inevitable smile into something more stern but it was useless. She plopped down on the bed beside him and kissed him on the forehead. "You're really becoming pals, aren't you?" she joked, motioning toward the bear.

"Yeah, well, we're sharing war stories. Did you know this guy was a company clerk?" he asked with surprisingly well-faked sincerity.

Elena laughed. "Hey, don't make fun."

He tossed the bear aside and pulled Elena on top of him. "Now this is more like it," he said as he twisted her hair between his fingers. "I want to go," he said, getting back to the point. "How can I be sure those dashing bachelors will keep their paws off you?"

She held up her right hand. "I think they'll get the idea."

He frowned slightly. "Why don't you wear it on your left hand?"

Elena glanced at the ring as it caught the light. "Because I'm seventeen. I'd rather wait until after graduation to explain this to everybody."

"I suppose," he agreed. "It's a good thing I'm accustomed to the waiting game."

"Mm-hmm," she nodded. "But Mrs. Lockwood? Not so much. We have to get going."

"Yes, dear," he teased as he followed her downstairs and out the door.

Damon had been right; it was a meat market. All the hungry single ladies of Mystic Falls were filing into the Grill and dressed to the nines. Elena and Caroline were beginning to sell tickets while Damon sat at the bar, having a drink.

Mrs. Lockwood picked up the microphone on stage. "Tickets for the raffle are now on sale! Of course, all proceeds benefit the annual Founder's Day celebration."

Matt was taking a short break from busing to chat with Caroline and Elena.

"He's already been hit on like thirty-five times," Caroline said. "He's total cougar bait."

Elena laughed. "Impressive."

Matt rolled his eyes. "More like embarrassing."

Caroline seemed to spot someone over Elena's shoulder. "Hi, Mrs. Donovan!" she greeted her cheerily.

But the attempt at kindness was lost on Kelly. Elena turned to face her and watched as she ignored Caroline completely, turning her attention instead toward Elena. "Elena, honey!"

The two ladies hugged and Elena put on a brave, kind face. "Hi, Kelly! How have you been?"

Kelly laughed. "Oh, same old. Matty tells me you broke his heart."

"Mom!" Matt interrupted. Elena's cheeks flushed a bit. Caroline just looked at the floor.

"Just kidding. Calm down," Kelly insisted. She turned back to Elena. "He found his rebound girl," she added not-so-quietly, nodding her head to Caroline, who then looked like she'd just been slapped.

All three of them sat there awkwardly for a moment, unable to believe that Kelly could be talking that way. She handed Caroline a wad of bills. "Here, honey. However many that'll buy."

Caroline nodded, still dumbstruck by the comment, and counted out tickets for her, and then Kelly was on her way.

"So," Elena said, trying to break through the tension now between the three of them. "Have you talked to Bonnie lately?" she asked Caroline.

Caroline nodded. "Last night. She seems to be doing pretty well," she added.

"Good," Elena said.

Then Matt spoke. "Have you talked to Stefan?" he asked Elena, his tone almost biting. Matt was a bit on edge around Elena lately. She figured he was upset that she ditched Stefan—who he was just beginning to get used to—for Damon, the guy who hurt Caroline. Elena only shook her head. "Do you know where he is?"

Elena glanced away nervously, but Caroline unwittingly saved her. "Bonnie talked to him. She said he's visiting his friend in Washington. Her father just died." Matt looked at Elena, as if asking her to verify.

Elena nodded. "Yeah. Damon said they were close," she lied.

Caroline went on, now having bounced back from Kelly's cutting remarks. "It's such a shame. Grams, now Stefan's friend. There's going to be another one, you know. They come in threes."

Not in Mystic Falls, they don't, Elena thought. But again, she just nodded. She glanced over at the bar to see Kelly seated beside Damon, trying to talk him up. "I'll catch up with you guys in a bit," she said before making her way to the bar.

Elena wasn't normally the jealous type, and while she did trust Damon, she'd also never known a good-looking guy that Kelly Donovan hadn't tried to sink her claws into. And while she'd always been a polite girl, she had no qualms whatsoever with blatantly interrupting whatever conversation the two of them were currently having. "God, Kelly," she gushed—and rather convincingly. "It's just so great to see you again! How are you settling back in?"

Kelly smiled at Elena like she was dealing with a clueless little puppy. "Oh, you too, honey. And I'm settling in just fine, thank you. I was just trying to get Mr. Salvatore here," she said, turning her coquettish smile back to Damon and placing a hand on his wrist, "to explain why he isn't participating in tonight's auction." Damon swirled the ice around in his tumbler and cracked a forced smile at Kelly. "Have you met Mr. Salvatore?"

Elena was simultaneously overcome with the urge to laugh in Kelly's face and the urge to claw Kelly's skanky little eyes out, but luckily she was enough of a lady to fight both. She'd always laughed and teased Matt when his mother flirted with practically every man she saw, but as they got older, the flirting moved from innocent to shameless, and now that she had her eyes on Damon, Elena wasn't in the mood to play along. Elena, for what felt like the millionth time that day, simply nodded and said, "Yes, Damon and I know each other," though in her mind it sounded more like, Yes, and as a matter of fact we're engaged and you're making a damned fool of yourself.

Of course, Damon was cocky, and proud, and if it were up to him, everybody in Mystic Falls would know she was his forever. Moreover, he was the jealous type, and the irresistible type, and he absolutely loved being reminded of it. He wrapped an arm around Elena's waist and pulled her down for a gentle and modest but still wonderfully romantic kiss. "We sure do," he added, for Kelly's benefit.

Elena was glad that Damon had done what she was just a bit too reserved to do, and inspired enough to throw her right arm around him and place her hand on his shoulder, letting the gorgeous ring do what it did best—catch the light and shine relentlessly. Kelly brought her own hands back to her drink and took a swig, trying to hide her surprise and disappointment with a smile. "What a beautiful ring," she commented. "Another Gilbert family heirloom? Your mother always had the most gorgeous antique jewelry."

Damon squeezed Elena's hip subtly. "Salvatore family, actually. Almost two-hundred years old."

Still, Kelly managed to keep a brave face. "Well you two lovebirds look so happy, I'm surprised it isn't on the other hand," she teased.

"Actually—" Elena began defensively, but Damon pulled her closer and interrupted, and gave her a look that sent one message very clearly: She isn't worth it.

"I can't quite convince her to agree to that until after she's graduated. But rest assured, I don't plan on letting her go," Damon explained coolly, with perfectly executed maturity and charm. It was without snark or double-entendre, and Elena knew that it was intended to put Kelly in her place once and for all.

Kelly frowned this time. She couldn't hide it; she was defeated. She turned to the bartender and ordered another drink. Elena rested her forehead against Damon's head and whispered into his ear. "Thank you." She glanced around to be sure that no one was watching, and then she ran her hand up his thigh and grazed his package. As soon as she felt the familiar shiver, she pulled her hand away and spoke again, trying to sound casual. "I was supposed to call Jeremy about dinner. My purse is in the car so—"

Kelly's ears perked up. "Elena, you can use my phone," she offered.

Elena shook her head. "It's fine—I should check my messages anyway." She began to move away when Damon stood up.

"I'll go with you. There are some dangerous characters about," he remarked.

The two of them walked toward the exit as Kelly took another swig and turned to the man on her other side. Damon followed as Elena headed down the block a bit and into a vacant alleyway. After they were a ways down, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into an eager kiss. She pushed her tongue into his mouth, and of course he let her in willingly. She frantically explored his mouth; it was like she couldn't get enough of him—which, of course, she couldn't.

She started to bite his lower lip, softly at first, only nibbling, but then it became more rough and hungry. Damon loved the feel of her teeth on him. He loved the sensation, the feeling that she was starved and he was the only thing that could satisfy her. Then again, the reality was the opposite, and it was an awful twist of fate that she was the one person Damon would never hurt. Nevertheless, he truly enjoyed the role reversal.

Her lips moved from his mouth to his ear, to his jaw… Finally, she dragged her teeth down his neck. "You seem to have an instinct for this," he mumbled as she nibbled lightly and began to suck. "I guess standing your ground against the cougar got you all hot and bothered," he whispered huskily.

"Mm-hmm," Elena hummed as she continued to plant desperate kisses all along his neck.

His eyes were rolling back into his head as he held her in his arms. "You probably started a bit of trouble in there. People are going to find out," he whispered. His hand found hers and he fingered the ring on her finger.

Elena giggled a little and simply hummed agreement again as she pulled away. "Yeah, I know. Small town, and all that," she said.

"You're okay with that?" he asked with a grin.

"Oh, let them find out. I've already shocked them all with the new and surprising guy on my arm. Might as well go for round two with the new and surprising ring on my finger. It's certainly not the worst news that's spread through this town lately," she explained, almost giddy.

Damon smiled. "Fair enough," he agreed as her right hand wandered between them and down between his legs.

But of course, they had the worst timing in the world. Damon heard footsteps moving toward them. "Wait," he said, trying to pry Elena off of him. She just smiled and nipped at his ear as she kept fondling him. "Wait, Elena," he whispered again, successfully stopping her.

"What's the matter?" she asked, but he hushed her. He took her hand and led her down the alleyway toward the street. The footsteps were still moving toward them and he wasn't particularly interested in being cornered. When they reached the street, Elena looked toward the Grill, but didn't see anyone coming their way. Suddenly, the footsteps stopped and she turned the other way. The man they'd seen by Trudie's house earlier was standing on the curb. "Oh my god," she gasped.

"Come on," Damon said and tried to lead her back to the Grill, but she stayed put.

"Who are you?" she asked. "Why are you following me?"

The man's stare was completely empty. "I have a message for you. Stop looking for her."

"For who?" Elena asked. "Isobel? Why?"

Damon held onto her waist firmly. "She's got him compelled, Elena."

The man spoke again. "She doesn't want to know you. She doesn't want to talk to you. Do you understand?" Elena was silent. He repeated himself. "Do you understand?"

Reluctantly, Elena nodded. "Yes. Yes, I understand."

The man showed a trace of an accomplished grin, so faint it was eerie. "Good," he said before glancing down the street. "Then I'm done here."

He took a small step backward and a pickup truck plowed into him, dragging him down the road toward the entrance of the Mystic Grill. Elena screamed and turned to Damon, who wrapped his arms around her.

Inside, tickets were finally being drawn. When Mrs. Lockwood came to Alaric, she read the winning ticket. "The lucky lady is… number 37458," she announced with a perfectly Stepford smile as she scanned the Grill. She saw a hand go up at the bar.

"That's me," Kelly said, getting up. She walked to Mrs. Lockwood who handed her the drawn ticket. "Thank you," she added, though it lacked any and all sincerity. She then made her way to Caroline and handed her both tickets.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Donovan," she said, sounding probably too desperate for approval.

"Listen," Kelly began, completely prepared to spell out her feelings for her son's girlfriend since she obviously didn't understand yet. But she was cut off by a gentle tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Alaric.

"Hi," he greeted her.

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Hi." At the beginning of the night, she had set her sights on Damon Salvatore, the dark and dangerous-looking man at the bar. Still, this history teacher was damned good looking. She could definitely work with this.

"You're Matt's mother, aren't you?" he asked, trying to make conversation. Kelly tried to hide her irritation. She hated being referred to as a mother in a setting like this. It made her sound so old. She nodded and smiled. "He's in my history class," he explained.

"Well, small world," she said. "Your students are very lucky," she started, placing a hand on his shoulder and leaning in as though she were telling him a secret. Caroline was discretely observing and was unsure as to whether Kelly was unaware of how obvious and shameless she was. "My teachers were never as easy on the eyes as you."

Alaric smiled awkwardly. "So, I saw you talking to Damon Salvatore earlier."

Kelly rolled her eyes. "Yes, but he ran off with the little fiancé," she said, very matter-of-factly, though she knew exactly what she was doing.

Alaric's eyes widened, and Caroline managed to restrain herself from screaming. "Fiancé?" Alaric asked. "You mean Elena?"

She nodded. "A Salvatore-Gilbert wedding is all this town needs," she noted sarcastically. "And have you seen that ancient rock on her finger? Leave it to the founding families to be all showy with their antique bling."

Alaric forced a small laugh. "Yeah," he agreed.

Suddenly, the sound of a blaring car-horn followed by a scream came from outside. "What the hell was that?" Kelly asked.

"I don't know," Alaric replied, moving to the exit with a few other curious fundraiser attendees. Outside, a truck was skidding to a stop in front of the entrance.

Once the truck had stopped, Elena calmed down enough to walk over to the man. "What are you doing?" Damon asked, following her.

"Seeing if he's okay," she answered.

"Elena," Damon began, "he knew what he was doing. He's not okay." She furrowed her brow in confusion and frustration, and then she saw the man's cell phone. Careful to make sure that no one was looking, she picked it up. "Come on," Damon said, taking her hand and pulling her back to the sidewalk in front of the Grill, just a few feet from Alaric. "Just go back home, okay?"

Elena nodded. "What about you?"

"I just want to stop back at the boarding house. Don't worry," he assured her. "I'll be there in a little bit," he added in a whisper.

"Okay," she agreed. "Don't be too long."

Damon nodded and pulled her close, placing one last kiss on her lips before letting her go and quickly walking away.

Alaric turned to Kelly. "Listen, it was nice meeting you," he began awkwardly. Kelly simply raised an accusing eyebrow at him. "I'm sorry," he said. "It's just… There's something I have to do. I can't really put it off," he tried to explain. Kelly just nodded, already bored with this guy. "Thanks," he said, walking off.

There you have it. Major cliffhanger from which you will never be retrieved. C'est la vie. Feel free to review, of course. For those of you still loyal enough to be hanging around, thanks for reading : )