Ahsoka finally got to go back to Shili for the first time since Plo Koon came and took her to the Jedi temple. She would finally be able to see her parents again; they would be able to see how much she grown up. She had to go by herself because it was very busy at the temple; everyone was worried General Grievous might attack at any moment, or Count Dooku. The only reason she got to go was because Yoda told her she'd been working really hard and she deserved it. After she exited hyperspace she saw her beautiful home planet. When she landed all her old friends were there to greet her. After she talked to all of them she ran off to her old home, her family had no idea she was coming, she wanted it to be a huge surprise. When she got there she quickly opened the door and yelled surprise. No one was there, and suddenly some on jumped out and hit her on the head with something really hard, and she blacked out.