Author's note: OHMAGAWD. The last part of this story! There IS going to be a sequel, called, Dreams of drowning, and I have already written the prologue for it ^^! Thank you guys so much for reading this story and for reviewing!

Explanation for why Gin didn't go with Jack: Gin understood that both her and Jack lead completely different lives. She also recognizes him as a free man who is very independent. Gin feels as though she isn't quite ready for the freedom she craves, and believes her place is in Port Royal, even though her heart lies with Jack.

Thanks to:

darkangel1994: I'm glad I'm being different this way. I hope you'll stick around for the sequel!

To QueenOfWeird1995: Haha, if you read the explanation, you'll understand why Gin didn't go with Jack :)

To peaches: Not to worry, (SPOILER) in the sequel, they'll be tighter and there will be more interesting moments.

To MadAsAHatter0987: I also feel bad for Gin, but not to worry, in the next story Gin and Jack will be very interesting ;)

To .TwiBoyz: Thanks for the reminder of making the story 'complete'. I know it's a sad ending, but I promise it isn't the end.

To Finnleyfish.x: Lawl, there will be more! Stick around for it!

To nonameavailable: The story shall go on :). If you read the explanation, you'll understand why I made Gin stay.

I left Will and Elizabeth with each other, and raced to the docks. I stood once again on the dock. My blue dress was flying behind me with the wind. I watched the Pearl, drifting away from my sight, and taking with it, the man I loved.

I let loose my hair and my dark curls surrounded my face, like a woman reborn.

I peered over the edge, down at the water, and speculated its depth. My heart welcomed the familiar feeling of excitement.

I tried to let go.

I let go of sadness, and looked forward to the future.

I focused on the sensation; remembering the familiar sensation of Jack's lips upon mine.

I stepped off the wood, and plunged into the water.

The current of the sea pulled me down, and I made no move to resist. I let myself sink further deeper.

I shed myself free of the dress, and became nude. My pale skin glowed slightly in contrast to the dark water.

I opened my cobalt eyes and my cool lips parted to form a name:
