Author's Note: This story will be following through the movie script and it's plot line and scenes, and I will be altering the character's speech in order to fit in my own character. I do appreciate those who take their time to review my story, so I would like to thank those individuals in advance. If there is any phrase or sentence that was actually spoken differently, please let me know, and I will make those changes. Enjoy!
Disclaimer - I own nothing, except for the character Gin and my prologues/epilogue poems (they are original and written/produced/created by me and copyrighted).
I was on the dock once again. My black dress was flying behind me with the wind. I let loose my hair, and my dark curls surrounded my face like Medusa.
I peered below, down at the water, and speculated its depth. I felt my heart pounding in anticipation.
I tried to let go.
Let go of all feeling.
I focused on the sensation; the sensation of the wind on my skin, leaving cool kisses on my cheeks.
I stepped off the wood, and plunged into the water.
I felt myself being pulled by the current of the sea. I let myself sink further, and my black dress billowed out around me.
I reached the bottom, and there laid a mirror.
I took a look at my reflection.
Cobalt eyes stared back without any traces of regret.
I shed my black dress, where it sank into the sand, and I became nude. My pale, fair skin twisted and wrapped itself around a delicate figure.
I felt my breath escape me and I was slowly succumbing to the darkness.
Cyanotic lips parted ever so slightly to breathe out my name: