note: okay this is my first fanfic so sorry if its not good so the only way i will update is with some reveiws.
I do not own swac or any songs.
Tonight is the premiere of a movie Chad, Twani, and I are in. Twani played a tomboy, I played a princess, and Chad played the boy who fell for me when he didn't know I was a princess. After filming the movie Chad and I spent more and more until we started dating.
"Sonny, are you ready yet?" I heard Twani yell up the stairs.
"Yeah, almost." I yelled back. After a few seconds I heard footsteps, oh no Twani is coming up here to drag me downstairs I thought as I heard a knock.
"Sonny, c'mon we're going to be late" I heard Chad say as I applied the last of my makeup. I opened the door to see Chad's blue eyes scanning me from head to toe.
"Wow, Sonny you look... wow!" he said he has always loved this dress on me. It was a strapless black dress that went right below my knee.
"Thanks, your looking good yourself" I said taking his hand and heading downstairs. When we got there I saw Twani and Niko.
"Hey guys where is everyone else?" I asked as we walked out of the house.
"They are in the limo" Niko said getting in himself.
"Hey guys" I said as the driver pulled away. The ride to the premiere was filled with small talk, jokes, and laughs. We arrived at the permire about half an hour later. Chad and I were the first out to be meet with cameras and questions. There was a question that I heard that was in my mind throw the movie. Someone yelled over everyone else "Are you and Chad sleeping together?" but I walked on as if I never heard it.
After the Premiere Chad and I went back to my house and watched a few other movies.
"Chad its late why don't you just stay here and we can go to the studio together in the morning" I said getting up to clean up the snacks and drinks.
"Yeah, do you still have some of my cloths here?" he asked following me in to the kitchen. Chad has stayed over before and left some of his cloths every time he had his own drawer in my closet.
"Yes, because they never made it back to your place" I said turning to go upstairs.
"I'll stay do you want me to sleep in the other room or with you?" he said jokingly he always slept in my room with me even when I lived with my mom.
"Very funny Chad. I need to get in the shower." I said walking to my bedroom.
"Alone no fun can I join you" he asked walking closer to me.
"You know I wouldn't mind that but I'm waiting for the right moment." I said putting my hand on his chest to stop him from walking any closer.
"Fine I don't want to push you into something you don't wanna to do, as long as you know I love you." he said. I lent up and kissed him softly.
"Thank you for not pushing, and I love you too." I said turning to walk in my bathroom.
After a short five minute shower I was tired. I throw one of Chad's tees on before walking out of the bathroom to find Chad with my guitar playing 'our song' by Taylor swift. I started to sing along with him.
"Our song id the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late,tapping on your window
When we're on the phone, and you talk real slow
Cause its late and your momma don't know
Our song is the way you laugh,
the first date man, I didn't kiss her and I should have
And when I got home, before I said amen
Asking god if he could play it again" Chad and I finished.
" I remember the weekend you toke me and everyone else to Wisconsin that was our first weekend as a couple" Chad said putting my guitar on its stand.
" Yeah I do too we danced to that song" I said getting under the covers.
" Yeah what a weekend that was, well lets get some sleep I love you sonshine" Chad said getting under the covers with me, and wrapped his arms around me.
" I love you too heart throb" I said getting comfortable. I got a chuckle from Chad before I let sleep take me.
I awoke to a loud crashing noise. I rolled over to feel if Chad was still in bed and he wasn't. I looked at the clock it was 2:00am. I sat and saw Chad at the door with my baseball bat in hand.
"What was that, Chad?" I asked getting up.
"I don't know but grab your phone and stay beside me at all cost, okay?" he asked. I nodded and garbed my phone. We walked into the main room to see no one. The front door was wide open and some of my stuff was gone.
"Oh! My! God! Chad I'm calling the cops" I said dialing 911. After calling I went to see what was missing. Some of my pictures and my guitar that stayed downstairs were gone.
"Well that's weird they only toke some pictures of me and my old guitar" I said. Around five minutes later the cops got there. After all the questioning Chad and I left.
** In the car**
"Here call my mom and tell her that we're on our way over, she should be up by now" Chad said handing his phone over to me. I found his mother's name and pressed send. It only rang twice before she answered.
" Chad are you okay?" she asked in a rush.
"Hey, sorry its Sonny" I said she let out a sigh of relief.
"Oh, hi Sonny how are you?" she asked in her motherly tone.
"Not good, Chad and I are on our way over I'll tell you when we get there" I said. After saying this we said our good byes.
"She said that she'll make us breakfast" I said giving him his phone. "but first I need pants in stead of these shorts. Do you think you can stop some where and get me some sweats or something?" I asked looking down at the shorts I throw on before the cops got there.
"Um... yeah there is a walmart up the rode I can stop there. What time do you need to be on set?" he asked pulling into the walmart parking lot.
"Shit I forgot I have to be there at like noon , what about you?" I asked looking at him.
"1:00 so we've got time" he said before getting out. Lucky us it was still early and not many people were up yet.
**Chad's mom's house**
I told Kaylyn (Chad's mom) what happened at my house and she said that we could stay at her house if we would like, but I didn't want to stay there so we chose to stay at Chad's for a while.
note: hope you liked it