Ok the last chapter. That's really all I have to say.
I don't own TMNT.
~Chapter 7~
Foolish Creatures!
Raph and Leo met up in the same abandoned train station they had been under and waited until they heard the whistle they had been instructed to follow. The brothers each laid a hand on their belts and their images faded to reveal two foot soldiers.
"Foolish beings," they both said and ran down the tunnel.
They entered an abandoned subway car and one set the box down inside.
"Very good," said a voice from the darkness, "Any trouble from the two remaining turtles?"
The owner of the voice stepped out of the shadows and scooped up the box. Hun grinned at the sight as he lifted up the box. An orange and a purple mask laid in the box, half buried in ashes.
"Of course not," the two foot ninja said, "They bought it completely, then we took them out quickly and burned the bodies."
"The rat?"
"He will return tomorrow, we will eliminate him then and return to headquarters at eight-hundred hours."
"Good, now be gone, the master will be very pleased."
The foot soldiers bowed and jumped out of the railcar as it suddenly transformed into a drilling machine.
"Finally, and that was the end of the ninja turtles," Hun said as the vehicle pulled into Foot headquarters.
Back at the sub station the Foot ninja had sat down as they waited. One finally stood up.
"They're back at Foot Headquarters by now," one said.
They placed their hands at their belts again and tore off the cloaking devices.
"Man the Foot are idiots," said Raph as he threw his cloaking device to the floor.
"Tell me about it," said Leo as he threw his down as well.
"Can we blow them up now?" Raph asked.
Leo grinned and took out a small device from his belt.
"WAIT! I want to blow them up too!" Mikey shouted as he jumped down from the ceiling.
"Yeah, we want to end the Foot as well," Donny said as he pulled himself out of an old eroding crate.
"Ok, let's all end them together," Leo said holding out the device with a single red button in the center.
"1, 2, 3!" they all counted out and hit the button.
Miles away the Foot Headquarters spontaneously exploded! No one had any explanation. Eventually it was just blamed on flames and a leaking gas pipe in the basement. The Shredder was no more, or at least maybe that's what we'd all like to think. Who knows?
The End or one end of those Never-Ending Stories.
Yeah, I think the TMNT will always be never-ending or at least very long. I'm guessing each turtle's going to live about 200 years maybe. Well think about it. At max rats will live four to five years. Splinter's already lived 15+ years so he's pretty much over tripled his life span. The red eared slider turtles that the TMNT are said to be live over 70 years so triple that and you've got 210 years. I'm going to die before they do. That's unfair.
Oh well, hope this gave an excuse not to do homework or work or at least wasted some time you had nothing else to do with.