Kendall's POV
Something I want so bad, know what's inside your head. Maybe I can see what you see.
That was Logan's cue. A few seconds passed where he didn't sing anything. Gustavo exploded.
"What is wrong with you?"
"I don't know...just, stress I guess," Logan said as he ran his hand through his hair.
Gustavo was furious.
"How the hell could you be stressed if YOU'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING!?"
Logan looked ashamed.
"I...don't...I don't know..."
This didn't come as a surprise to me. Logan seemed distant over those last few days. He was forgetting lyrics, barely talking to anyone, and he was even the cause of a dancing accident that left Carlos with a black eye. Something was obviously up.
"Dude, there's gotta be something wrong with you," Carlos said. "My face proves it!" He pointed to his injury.
James continued to seemingly read my mind. "This isn't like you at all. Carlos is right, man, something's up!"
I wanted to say something, but I noticed how torn Logan looked. His eyes told me he had something hidden, but he didn't want to talk about it. He hesitated, trying to think of the right thing to say.
"Just...just leave me alone."
With that, he unexpectedly fled the soundbooth, leaving a strange tension in the air. Gustavo broke the deafening silence.
"We have got to get him a therapist..." Gustavo joked, hoping it would lighten the mood.
It didn't. The silence returned. I had to break it.
"Can I talk to him?" I asked. Gustavo nodded.
I automatically knew where to go-the dance studio. It was wide open and empty, the perfect place to think. Sure enough, he was there.
"Hey," I said casually. Logan didn't respond. I couldn't think of anything else to say. I was about to leave when he cracked.
"I…I have to leave."
I didn't understand exactly what he meant.
"I mean, for good."
I sat down next to him, trying to hide my sudden shock.
"Why?" I asked. "Is something wrong? Is everything okay? Is it your family? Did someone…die?"
Logan wiped a tear away. "No. My family's fine. It's not them, it's this."
He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a piece of paper. He unfolded it and showed it to me.
As I read the letter, I realized that Logan was actually serious about leaving Big Time Rush.
"You can't actually take this offer!" I said frantically. My mind raced. I had to find a way to convince Logan to stay.
"I have to." He said. "It turns out my parents got a copy of this letter, too. They called me two nights ago insisting I go."
"You don't have to listen to them." I said, desperately trying to fight him.
"Yes I do." Logan shot back. He couldn't hold back. Hot, steamy tears streaked his face. "I have to listen to my parents. I hate to say it, but they're right."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Think about it this way. What'll happen if the band fails? We can't just move back to Minnesota and forget it ever happened. The band will look horrible on college applications."
I wanted to protest, but I knew he had a point. I let Logan continue ripping my heart out.
"Remember that crazy teacher we had in the School of Rocque? You know, the one we sent to Germany?"
I smiled a little, remembering the memory.
"No, Kendall, seriously. I don't want to end up like him."
He stopped and looked me in the eyes.
"Have you ever seen the housekeeping guy that cleans out apartment every morning?"
I nodded, fearing that Logan would have another point that wouldn't let me persuade him to stay.
"I talked to him while he cleaned one day. Turns out, he was a singer. He had everything; looks, talent, and experience. The problem: he got into a car accident. It gave him those really ugly scars he has on his face."
He paused.
"His record label canned him. He ended up as a maid."
Logan looked at me sincerely. As much as I didn't want to think about it, he was absolutely right. It was small things like what happened to the housekeeping guy that destroyed peoples careers.
"I can't live with this insecurity. We're in our late teens, Kendall. What's the best that could happen to us? We're mildly famous for a year or two, and then it's like we never existed?"
A steady flow of tears was now dripping from his face. He paused to collect himself.
"I need safety. I'm not the biggest fan of risks, you know that. Remember when we were in Junior High, and I wouldn't even walk two blocks to the library with you? I was afraid my mom would yell at me for going without parental supervision. Big Time Rush isn't exactly a walk to the library. I just can't do this. Do you know what I mean?"
By that time, I was crying too, and all I could do was nod. I understood. Logan was the type of guy who needed security. He needed to know exactly what the future held for him.
I knew that if Logan was going to be a doctor, he had the potential of being a great medical researcher. Heck, if he worked for it, he could probably find the cure for cancer.
But would he do that? No. Logan would expect the worst, and work for the best. He would go for years and years of medical school, and probably graduate school. Knowing Logan, he might repeat courses he aced to make sure he knew all of the information!
He'd do all that work to probably end up back in Minnesota, working for a small town clinic. He'd meet a nice girl, settle down, have kids, and live the most normal life imaginable. Nothing exciting, nothing risky, nothing to make it all worthwhile.
I wanted so badly to fight him. I wanted to find some way, any way to try to get Logan to stay. We sat in silence for a while. Logan even leaned his head on my shoulder. We both sat on the floor of the dance studio and just...cried.
A/N: The school isn't real…BTW, REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!