I do not own Law and Order in any form, particularly not Law and Order UK. Kudos and ITV1 do I believe
Delayed Shock
Alesha was genuinely worried. After everything that had happened recently she had begun to question her self. She had deliberately put herself in danger the second time she had attended the gynaecologists' office. Too many that would have shown poor judgement. She drank her coffee and stared into space. She hadn't noticed James and George in the inner office talking quietly. She sighed heavily and logged on to her computer. She couldn't admit to anyone she was afraid. How could she stand up in Court in front of the Judge, Jury and everyone else that would be there when she was afraid to see herself in the mirror? James observed Alesha through the office doorway. She looked tired and he was beginning to worry about her. He shook his head as he saw her pick at the sandwich that she had been playing with for the last hour.
"We're wanted down the station in an hour." Alesha nodded
"Ronnie and Matt have a case for us." he tilted his head, hoping he'd see his colleague smile and actually look like her old self when he mentioned a trip to the station. He was disappointed when all she did was nod.
"We should probably get going" he retrieved his jacket. Alesha looked towards him, but was unable to meet his gaze.
"You go James. I have some stuff that I have to finish here." she returned to her typing. James wanted to shake her, she was his friend as well as his colleague but he didn't know what to do. The monster that hurt her was in prison and would be for a considerably long time bur it seemed that Alesha was serving the worst sentence. The life had drained out of her since she was attacked. The fiery Crown Prosecutor had regressed to a mouse. James didn't want to admit it but it broke his heart.
Ronnie was bouncing. It had been a good day. Matt laughed as he watched DS Brookes drink his can of pop.
"Too many E numbers mate" he laughed as James and Natalie entered the room.
Ronnie turned as the pair entered. Natalie stood by Matt's desk. She looked at her two junior officers as they smiled. Ronnie clapped his hands together.
"Ma'am have we got a good 'un ere" he smiled.
Natalie raised an eyebrow and turned to James. "This should be good"
"2001 the biggest drug raid this manor has ever seen takes place. 200kg of heroin is off the streets. Four men are currently residing at her Majesty's"
Natalie nodded. It had been the first major op she'd run as DI. James waited. "Come on then, out with it!" she folded her arms.
One of them would eventually get to the point.
"There should have been five men in prison" Matt leaned back in his chair. "We have arrested Jimmy Morris" His smile was as wide as Ronnie's as Natalie just looked at the pair.
"Traffic stopped him." Ronnie sat "Routine check. Routine check found enough Heroin and Ecstasy in the boot to get most of London high" Natalie smiled.
"Possession with Intent to Supply" Matt continued "Oh and add to that possession of firearms and his dealings in prostition rackets. I think our man is going to be joining the friends he landed in it all those years ago."James could see how happy both the detectives were. He couldn't help his enthusiasm. "Get me the details. I think we have a case." he said his goodbyes and made to leave.
"James" Matt followed him into the corridor outside CID. James turned. "Yes Matt?"
"Alesha. I mean I was wondering have you seen Alesha? Why didn't she come over too?" James smiled at the young policeman. Everyone could see how smitten he was with Alesha. It was a shame she didn't see it too. Right now she'd closed herself off from all the team. James was worried too.
"She's back at the office." James looked at his feet briefly. "It's not my place to say. Talk to her Matt. She's in trouble" He turned and left the police station as Matt was now more worried than ever.
Alesha had finally managed to finish the paperwork that had been plaguing her all week. She smiled to herself. At least with George and James out of the office she could get some work done. James bounded into the office, practically throwing the jacket he was wearing over the back of a chair.
"We have a case" she nodded "Drug Dealer. Natalie arrested him years ago, he escaped but traffic picked him up" Alesha nodded in all the right places. James knew she wasn't listening.
"Ronnie and Matt will be over later. They are going to bring the evidence over" he watched her face. Normally the moment Matt's name was mentioned she smiled. It was an involuntary response, a little like Pavlov's Dog. Alesha barely acknowledged him. James sighed. It was the first time he had properly examined her, her eyes had lost their spark and she had lost weight too.
"Alesha? Are you well?" she glared up at him under heavy lashes
"I'm fine thank you James. Ronnie and Matt will be here shortly" she stood and walked out the office, just about able to hold the tears at bay until she was out of sight.
Author's note. This is only my second fic for L&O Uk. I hope you like it. Please review. I'm hoping it will become a multi chapter - if people want me to continue with